abduction issue
Abe Shinzo
affection, display of
“Air War and Literature” (Sebald)
Allison, John
Amino Yoshihiko
Amnesty International
Apocalypse Now (film)
apologies; Bush’s visit to Japan and; centrist position; Chrysanthemum Taboo; comfort women and; co-optation of; demands for from U.S.; denial of atrocities; “direct apology” rhetoric; double; Germany; Hirohito’s view; history of; Japanese vocabulary of; Kobayashi’s view; public education and; victims’ response to
Argibay, Carmen Maria
Asahi newspaper
“Asian Women’s Fund”
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit (2006)
Asia-Pacific war
“axis of evil” rhetoric
Barker, Holly
Benjamin, Walter
Blakeney, Ben Bruce
Bonin islands
borders, waters as
Brandt, Willy
Bravo test
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists
Bundy, Harvey
Bundy, McGeorge
Bungei Shunjū (journal)
Burchett, Wilfred
Bush, George W.
Cairo Conference (1943)
Caldera, Louis
California state law
Chalabi, Ahmed
Chiang Kai-shek
Chinese Nationalists
Choe Jae-ik
Choe Sang-hun
Choi In-hoon
Cho Song-tae
Chosun Ilbo (newspaper)
Chrysanthemum Taboo
Chun Doo-hwan
civilian casualties; bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; Marshall Islands
Clinton, William Jefferson (Bill)
Cohen, William
comfort women; apologies and; congressional hearings; lawsuits; as transnational issue
Conant, James B.
Congress, U.S., hearings
cultural sharing
Cumings, Bruce
Daegu bank
“Day of Gratitude”
“Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb, The” (Stimson)
demonstrations: 1965; 2006; 2002–2003 winter protest movement
Diayou/Senkaku Islands
“Dokdo: Korean Territory since the Sixth Century”
“Dokdo Is Our Land” (song)
Dokdo Museum (Ulleungdo island)
Dokdo/Takeshima islands 1–6; access to; bombing incidents; illegality of Japanese colonization and; 1905 incorporation of; Internet dispute; Japanese Coast Guard incident (2006); Marine Day and; tourism
Dulles, John Foster
East Sea/Sea of Japan
English, Japan’s use of
entertainment stars
exclusive economic zones (EEZs)
Farrell, Thomas
Field, Norma
firebombing incident (2003)
fishing boundaries
“Fucking USA” (song)
Fukuda Yasuo
Funabashi Yoichi
Geomundo island
Germany: apologies; destruction of cities
Goodman, Amy
gratitude, demands for
Groves, Leslie
Gunness, Chris
Gyeongbok Palace
Hague, The
Harootunian, Harry
Harper’s magazine
Hating the Korean Wave
Hersey, John
Hirohito, Emperor; apologies and
Hiroshima, bombing of
“Hiroshima” (Hersey)
history: of apologies; avoidance of; homogenous empty time; past used for present purposes; ruse of
“History of Three Kingdoms”
“history problems”,
homogenous empty time
Honda, Mike
House Resolution
Ho Wi
Hubbard, Thomas
Hwang Geum Joo
Ienaga Saburo
illegality of Japanese colonization; comfort women, transnational interest in; era of Japanese rule; island dispute and; legality of imperialism and; South Korean legality and. See also Japan
imperialism, legality of
Independence Memorial Hall (Chungcheong, South Korea)
International Court of Justice
international law
International Military Tribunal for the Far East
Ishihara Shintaro
island dispute. See Dokdo/Takeshima islands
Jang Bon-jun
Japan: colonization of Korea; human rights inquiries; Koreans in; Meiji government; national security; normalization with Korea; North Korea, view of; oceans as source of national meaning; public education; right-wing extremist groups; Shimane prefecture; U.S. occupation of; waters as borders. See also apologies; illegality of Japanese colonization
Japanese Army
Japanese Coast Guard
Japanese women’s groups
Japan Maritime Public Relations Center
“Japan Needs New Maritime Strategy” (Funabashi)
Jeju island
Jenkins, Charles Robert
joint military exercises
Joseon, as name for North Korea
Joseon East Sea
Kato Kyoko
Kim Dae-jung
Kim Hak-soon
Kim Hyeon-seok
Kim Il Sung
Kim Jong-il
Kim Young-sam
Kishi Nobusuke
Kissinger, Henry
Kobayashi Yoshinori
Koizumi Junichiro
Kono Yohei
Korea: ancient dynastic maps; anti-Japanese riots (1919); demilitarized zone (DMZ); governments-in-exile; Japanese colonization of; Japanese past as “colonial”; MacArthur Line; North-South relations; position papers; Righteous Army (Uibyong) insurgency; self-government attempts. See also North Korea; South Korea
Korean Council
“Korean Government’s Refutation of the Japanese Government’s Views Concerning Dokdo”
Koreans in Japan
Korean War (1950–53),
Korean Wave
Korean Women’s Council for Women Drafted into Sexual Slavery
Kuboyama Aikichi
Kurile/Chishima islands
Kyushu island
Laurence, William “Atomic Bill”
Lawrence, William H.
lawsuits, comfort women and
Lee Hoi-chang
Lucky Dragon incident
MacArthur, Douglas
MacArthur Line
MacDonald, Gabriella Kirk
Manchurian Army (Japan)
Manhattan Project
Marine Day
“Maritime Watch” group (Umimori)
Marshall Islands
McCullough, David
“Military First!” policy (North Korea)
military occupation, as term
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (South Korea)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Japan)
“Minor Islands Adjacent to Japan Proper: Minor Islands in the Sea of Japan” (Japan)
Min Yonghwan
Miyazawa Kiichi
Morris-Suzuki, Tessa
multinational companies
Murayama Tomoichi
Museum of Natural History (New York City)
Nagasaki, bombing of
Nakayama Nariaki
Nanjing Massacre
National Security Law (1948, Korea)
New York Times
Nippon Foundation
no-go zones
No Gun Ri incident
North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea): abduction issue; as “axis of evil”; brought into being; as Joseon; lack of acknowledgment; naming of sea and; nuclear weapons program; People’s Army
nuclear weapons; bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; Bravo test; Japanese opposition to; in Marshall Islands; North Korean program; “saved lives” rhetoric; U.S. determination to keep
Obuchi Keizo
official documents
Okazaki Tomoko
Olick, Jeffrey
“Operation Crossroads”
Oppenheimer, J. Robert
O’Reilly, Bill
“Overrun Nations” postage stamp series
Ozawa Ichiro
Pak Poe
Park Chung-hee
Park Geun-hye
Peace Line. See Rhee Line
People’s Army (North Korea)
popular culture
Portsmouth Peace Treaty Conference
postage stamps: South Korean; U.S. “Overrun Nations” stamp series
present, past used to manipulate
Provisional Government of the Korean Republic
public education
Rabinowitch, Eugene
Radio Bikini (film)
Reischauer, Edwin O.
resource issue
Rhee, Syngman
Rhee Line
Rice, Condoleezza
Righteous Army (Uibyong) insurgency
right-wing extremist groups (Japan)
Roh Moo-hyun
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Theodore
ruse of history
Rusk, Dean
Russo-Japan War
Sakhalin Island
Samsung corporation
San Francisco Treaty (1951); no mention of islands
Sasakawa Ryoichi (“Shadowman”)
Sato Eisaku
SCAPIN 677 (United States)
SCAPIN 1033 (United States)
Sebald, W.G.
Sebald, William J.
Selden, Mark
SensŌron (On War) (Kobayashi)
SensŌron 2 (On War 2) (Kobayashi)
September 11,2001 attacks
Shadow of Hiroshima (Burchett)
Shigemetsu Mamoru
Shiina Etsusaburo
Shimane prefecture (Japan)
Showa Day
Socialists (Japan)
Soedaemun jail (Seoul)
Song Gang-ho
South Korean Truth Commission
South Korea (Republic of Korea): communist insurgencies; as democracy; elections; human rights inquiries; legality of; living conditions; military regimes; National Security Law; normalization with Japan; popular Japanese culture; U.S.-backed dictatorship; U.S. occupation of; violent incidents, U.S. military and
“Statement of Mutual Understanding between the United States and the Republic of Korea on the No Gun Ri Investigations”
Stimson, Henry
Stone, Robert
Suginami Appeal
suicide, portrayal of
Szilard, Leo
Tajima Michiji
Takano Toshiyuki
Takeshima Day
third country
Thomson, James C.
thought police (kempeitai)
Tojo Hideki
Treaty on Basic Relations (1965); terms of agreement
Truman, Harry
Truman (McCullough)
trusteeship scheme
Tsushima island
Ulleungdo island
United States: civilian casualties and; congressional hearings on comfort women; demands for apologies from; denial of empire; empire in Korea; island controversy and; Japan, occupation of; June 2002 tragedy (girls’ deaths); Korea, occupation of; Korea, violent incidents in; North Korea-South Korea relations and; War on Terror
U.S. Air Force, bombing incidents
USS Missouri
V-Day movement
Vietnam War
Violence Against Women in War-Network Japan
“Voice of the Governor-General, The” (Choi In-hoon)
Warfield, A.G.
War on Terror (United States)
waters as borders; MacArthur Line
Weizsäcker, Richard von
“Wings” (Yi)
Winter Sonata (TV show)
Women’s International War Crimes Tribunal on Japan’s Military Sexual Slavery
World Conference against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs
World Cup (2002)
Yasukuni Shrine (Tokyo)
Year of Friendship
Yi Sang
YMCA Baseball Team, The (film)
“Yon-sama” craze
Yoshida Shigeru
Yu Kwan-soon
zainichi (resident foreigner)