
Heathrow Airport, Terminal 5

Running across the concourse, Nicholas checked the flights to Milan. The plane was due for boarding in thirty minutes, the passengers milling around the departure hall or in the the large VIP lounge. He glanced inside, spotted Philip Preston’s white head of hair in the distance and approached the door. He was stopped immediately.

‘Your boarding pass, sir.’

‘I’m not flying, I’m meeting a friend here,’ Nicholas said, knowing that he wasn’t going to get into the lounge and unwilling to attract any more attention. Instead he backed off and headed for the Customer Service desk.

‘I have a message for one of your passengers, a Mr Philip Preston. He’s flying to Milan on the ten p.m. departure.’ Nicholas was talking quickly, nervously. Knowing he was giving himself away, he took in a breath and slowed himself down. ‘I have to talk to him. His wife – my sister – has gone into labour early. I can’t get into the VIP lounge because I don’t have a valid ticket.’

Behind the desk, the woman listened, her eyes widening. ‘Don’t worry,’ she said, smiling. ‘You wait here and I’ll get a message to him. Mr Philip Preston, you said?’

‘Yes, that’s right. Don’t tell him what’s happened – he might panic. He’s a lot older than his wife. If you could just get him out of the lounge, I can explain.’

Nicholas waited by the desk. He could see the member of ground staff talk to someone and then heard a tannoy announcement for a Mr Philip Preston. A minute passed, then a couple more. Jesus, he thought. Had Preston panicked? Thought the police were on to him? Or had he simply left the airport? But only seconds later a harried Preston walked out of the lounge. He was talking so earnestly to the member of airport staff that he didn’t look up until Nicholas touched him on the arm.

‘It’s about your wife,’ Nicholas said, gripping him tightly and smiling at the staff member. ‘Thank you.’

‘What the hell—’ Philip began, Nicholas clinging on to his arm as he steered him away. ‘What the hell are you up to, Laverne?’ he snapped. ‘I’ve got no business with you.’

‘The police are after me. They think I killed four people. But we both know I didn’t. You arranged their deaths.’ Nicholas tightened his grip. ‘You aren’t denying it.’

‘You’re crazy. Everyone knows that.’

‘So why aren’t you calling for help? An innocent man in the grip of a lunatic would be screaming blue murder.’ Nicholas guided Preston towards a corridor that led to the men’s toilets, set back from the departure hall. ‘You want to get on that plane, don’t you?’

‘I am getting on that plane.’

‘You hired Sidney Elliott. I thought it was Conrad Voygel, but I was wrong. It was you that planned all of it. When did you think it up, eh? When I came to you that day with the chain?’

Preston shook off Nicholas’s grip and smoothed his hair, apparently unconcerned. ‘I’d heard a rumour about the Bosch conspiracy and then you came along and dropped it in my lap. When you got spooked by Carel Honthorst, I thought you weren’t coming back, so I took matters into my own hands.’

‘You killed Sabine.’

‘No, I didn’t kill her. Sidney Elliott did.’ He looked around him, checking that no one was listening. ‘He was working for Voygel at the time and that was useful: it meant I could feed him gossip about the chain. I knew Voygel would want it, and I wanted the big sale. I needed that sale badly.’

‘And you were prepared to do anything to get it?’

‘I don’t suffer from feelings of guilt, Nicholas. That’s your speciality,’ Preston replied. ‘Sidney Elliott was a strange man, twitchy, always on a knife edge. In the past people put it down to his brilliance, but as his career faded he became unstable. When I heard about the death of Thomas Littlejohn I knew he’d done it – the rest was easy.’


‘I blackmailed him. Guessed that he had killed Sabine Monette to get the chain and the papers and told him I’d expose him. Have him put away. He did everything I wanted after that. Mind you, he was a treacherous bastard – tried to do a deal with Voygel even after he’d fired him. He was demented, had some idea that Voygel’s money could buy back his life, but he was too far gone. Sidney Elliott killed once and then he couldn’t stop.’

‘You were never working with the Catholic Church?’

‘To stop you going public?’ Philip shook his head. ‘No. Killing Father Luke was all my idea. I didn’t want any suspicion to fall on Sidney Elliott and, by extension, me – so I shifted the focus on to you. You were the most likely suspect. You’d exposed Father Luke ten years ago, so why not come back and finish the job? After all, what would a Catholic priest have to do with the art world?’ He paused, listening to a tannoy announcement before continuing, ‘You were the perfect scapegoat.’

‘You weren’t working with Conrad Voygel?’

‘Never,’ Preston said, smiling. ‘I relieved him of a large amount of money, nothing more. He paid a fortune for the Bosch chain.’

Nicholas struggled to understand. ‘And by blackmailing Elliott you got him to kill four people?’

‘He didn’t want to go to jail.’ He shrugged. ‘Besides, he liked killing. He liked all of it. Following you, threatening people – it gave him power. Something he’d lost a long time ago.’

‘You know he’s dead?’

‘I wondered why I hadn’t heard from him,’ Preston said coldly. ‘I’m glad. He was a very chilling man.’

‘The police suspect me—’

‘Not for long. Elliott’s DNA will be everywhere. In London, Paris – everywhere he went he will have left traces. That’ll clear you.’

That’s it?’ Nicholas asked, his voice hoarse. ‘You tell me all this and expect to just leave? Fly off?’

‘You can’t stop me. You can’t prove anything. By all means, Mr Laverne, call security now. But then again, they’d only arrest you. You are the suspect, after all.’

An announcement came over the tannoy again and Philip listened. ‘Time for me to board my flight—’

‘What about the other chain?’

‘There was no other chain,’ he said, laughing. ‘I set up the two-chains scenario to throw suspicion off myself. Someone as wily as Gerrit der Keyser had to think I was a fool, running scared. I had the original copied in every detail. To someone like der Keyser, who has little knowledge of gold work, it looked convincing. And of course he brought it to me to validate. He even thought both of them might be fakes. He’d be so disappointed to know he’d been tricked.’ Preston smiled with genuine amusement and turned to go.

Nicholas grabbed hold of his arm again. ‘You’re responsible for four deaths and you’re just going to walk away? Leave me to take the blame—’

‘It will only be temporary. Like I say, investigations will prove you innocent.’

‘While you escape punishment?’

‘There you go, talking like a priest again. There is no punishment, no Heaven, no Hell. There is no moral code. The strong chew up the weak, they prey on the consciences of others. You fly your banners and follow your principles. Fight for the likes of Patrick Gerin and some old painter – and where’s it got you? You’re washed up, Nicholas – a deluded ex-priest with nowhere left to go.’

‘You’ll get what you deserve.’

‘Is that a threat or a prophecy? You have two choices, Nicholas.’ He stared at him coldly. ‘Either you defend yourself or you go on the run. I know which one I’d choose.’