Alex Box, by Rankin
Art of Makeup, The, by Kevyn Aucoin
Atlas of Clinical Dermatology, by Anthony du Vivier
Atlas of Clinical Gross Anatomy, by Kenneth P. Moses, John C. Banks, Pedro B. Nava, and Darrell Peterson
Atlas of Pathophysiology, published by Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
Beauty of Color, The, by Iman
Bloom Book, by Li Edelkoort and LisaWhite
Body Painting: Masterpieces, by Joanne Gair and Heidi Klum
Brown Skin, by Susan C. Taylor
Clinical Dermatology, by Thomas P. Habif
Color Atlas of Forensic Pathology, by Jay Dix
Costuming for Film: The Art and the Craft, by Holly Cole and Kristin Burke
Crew Freelancing 101: A Guide to Building a Career in Film and TV Production, by Gena Seif
Cyclopedia Anatomicae, by György Fehrér and András Szunyoghy
Digital Cinematography, by Paul Wheeler
Don't Go to the Cosmetics Counter without Me, 6th ed., by Paula Begoun
Face Forward, by Kevyn Aucoin
Fashions in Makeup: From Ancient to Modern Times, by Richard Corson
Fine Beauty, by Sam Fine
Forensic Pathology, by David J. Williams, Anthony J. Ansford, David S. Priday, and Alex S. Forrest
Milady's Skin Care and Cosmetics Ingredients Dictionary, by Natalia Michalun and M. Varinia Michalun
Milady's Standard: Fundamentals for Estheticians, by Joel Gerson, Shelley Lotz, and Janet D'Angelo
Serge Lutens, by Serge Lutens
Skin Care Beyond the Basics, by Mark Lees
Stage Makeup, 10th Edition, by Richard Corson
Vintage Face, by Angela Bjork and Daniela Turudich