
5.4 × 10–44 s

Planck time (shortest possible time)

0.3 ys

Lifetime of W and Z bosons

6 ys

Light travels diameter of atomic proton (1 chronon)

1 as (1 million ys)

Light travels length of 3 hydrogen atoms

12 as

Shortest laboratory laser pulse on record

320 as

Electron transfers from one atom to another in an electrical reaction

1.3 fs

One cycle of electromagnetic light between visible and ultraviolet light

200 fs

Fast chemical reactions (such as eye reacting to light)

1 ps (1 million as)

Half-life of a bottom quark

3.3 ps

Light travels 1 millimeter

1 ns

One machine cycle on 1 Ghz computer chip

2.5 ns

One million wavelengths of red light

5.4 µs

Light travels 1 mile in vacuum

22.7 µs

Length of a sound sample on an audio CD

5 ms

Bee wing beats once

8 ms

Camera shutter speed at 1/125 s

33.3 ms

One frame in digital movie

41.7 ms

One frame in a film movie

200 ms

Average human reflexes

30 cs

Blink of an eye

43 cs

Fastball travels from pitcher’s hand to home plate

1 second

Human heartbeat; light travels 300,000 km

9.58 s

World record 100 m dash

10.5 minutes

About the half-life of a neutron outside an atom

1,039 seconds (17 minutes, 19 seconds)

Record time holding breath underwater

28.8 ks (8 hours)

Average human daily sleep requirement

86.4 ks

One day

29.5306 days (2.55 Ms)

Lunar month

40 days

About the longest a person can survive without food

125 days

Life of red blood corpuscle

23 Ms (38 weeks)

Length of human pregnancy

356.2422 days

Average solar (“tropical”) year

27.7 years

Half-life of strontium 90

75 years (2.3 Gs)

Typical life span for a human being

90 years

Life span of anemone (longest-living invertebrate)

3.16 Gs

One century

122 years, 164 days

Oldest human: French woman Jeanne Calment (1875–1997); that’s 3.86 billion seconds!

150 years

Life span of tortoise

164.8 years

Neptune’s solar orbit

248.09 years

Orbit of Pluto around sun

550 years

Time since humans learned to roast coffee

31.55 Gs

One millennium

2,540 years

Time since Buddhism founded

6,000 years

Time since humans learned to brew beer

11,800 years

Time since last ice age (Holocene epoch)

25,784 years

Earth’s axis returns to same location (precession of the equinoxes)

1 Ts (1012 s)

31,689 years

100,000 years

Time since Homo sapiens appeared

65 million years

Cenozoic period (time since the dinosaurs died off)

225 million years

One rotation of the Milky Way

710 million years

Half-life of uranium 235 (relatively rare)

1.26 billion years

Half-life of potassium 40 (we have billions of these in our bodies)

2.4 billion years

Time since the Great Oxygen Catastrophe

4.5 billion years

Age of Earth

4.51 billion years

Half-life of uranium 238

4.63 billion years

Age of sun

13.75 billion years (about 434 Ps)

Age of universe

10 trillion years (312 × 1018 seconds)

Estimated life span of a red dwarf star

100 trillion years

Stelliferous era (time until all stars burn out or collapse into black holes)

311.04 trillion years (about 9.8 Zs)

Lifetime of Brahma in Hindu mythology

1034 years

Estimated half-life of proton

2 × 1067 years

Life span of a small black hole (mass of the sun)

10100 years

Time until stars, galaxies, black holes, and virtually all matter in the universe cease to exist