After a night of fitful rest, Roy parked his truck outside the yellow crime scene tape surrounding the CP. The crime scene had been reduced once photos were taken, evidence collected, and Amber’s car impounded and held for prints.

“I’m surprised they still have the CP in place,” Amber said as she hopped out of the passenger side of his truck.

“I’m not. Our son is the lead news story in California. In fact, I’m sure it won’t be long until the national news stations reach out to us.”

Amber grimaced. “Swell. Just what we need.”

As they ID’d themselves to the officer posted at the perimeter, Roy was struck by the anemic energy.

He yanked open the CP door and saw a lieutenant and several sergeants talking quietly around the table. “What the hell is going on? Why aren’t you guys out there looking for our little boy?”

The lieutenant rose. “You must be Detective Buckner.”

“Yeah, I am. What have you learned since last night?”

“Dan Gordon, Devonshire watch-3 watch commander.” He looked at Amber. “You must be Gage’s mother. I understand you’re on the job, too.”

“Yes. Do you have any new information?”

“We had our watch-3 officers out doing foot patrols at the homeless encampments, as well as reaching out to some of their unofficial informants in their areas.”

Roy sighed heavily. “And?”

The lieutenant’s gaze shifted to him. “Unfortunately, no one has seen a little boy matching your son’s description.”

Roy opened his mouth, but the lieutenant held up his hand.

“I spoke with Detective Duke, and she’s arranged for an extension of the house-by-house search. The day watch will be handling that.”

“Has any other video turned up with my boy and the man who took him?”

The lieutenant shook his head. “No. That’s why we’re doing the house-to-house search. Of course, you know people don’t have to let us into their homes.”

Roy and Amber nodded.

“What time will that start?” she asked, glancing at her watch.

“It already has. Detective Duke is out overseeing the deployment of officers.” He nodded toward a full pot of coffee in the coffeemaker. “Why don’t you grab a cup? She should be back any minute.”

“Thanks.” Roy filled two Styrofoam cups and handed one to Amber. “Let’s wait outside.”

Amber led the way, spotting several of her Foothill Division co-workers coming off the graveyard shift and checking out of the CP.

A couple of them came over to her and offered any support she might need.

“Thanks, guys.” She pasted on the expected smile. “Go home and get some rest. You’ve earned it.” Once they were alone, she turned to Roy. “So, basically, nothing has been done since last night.” Her eyes filled with tears. “No one has seen Gage, and last night, we got absolutely nothing from talking to the working girls.”

“It was a long shot at best,” he said. Sighing, Roy scrubbed a hand over his tired face. “Let’s hope Antonio did better than we did.”

“Have you called him?”

“No, but now is as good a time as any.” He pulled out his phone. After a few rings, he heard a mumbled answer.

“Mmm hm?”

“Antonio, it’s Roy. Did you find the girl?”

“Give me a minute, bro. I need some water.”

Through the phone, he heard shuffling and the sounds of swallowing.

“Okay, I’m back.”

“Sorry to wake you. Did you see the girl?”

“No. I cruised both San Fernando Road and Sepulveda. I asked several of the working girls I’ve contacted in the past, and none of them knew Candi. And, of course, none of them knew anyone dealing in small children. Damn it, Roy, I’m worried about that girl. It was her first night in the game, and now she’s disappeared. Something’s happened to her. You need to investigate.”

“I don’t want to sound disinterested, but I’m more worried about finding my son.”

“Oh man. I’m sorry. Of course, you are. What’s happening in the search for Gage?”

Roy went through the lack of clues and the extended house-to-house search. “We want to talk to the lead detective. Then, I’ll probably call a meeting with all the sex crime detectives…maybe Vice officers, too. Something better break soon. Every passing hour reduces the chances of finding my son alive.”