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(A-M novels refers to Aubrey-Maturin novels.)

Across the River and into the Trees (Hemingway), 154

Against Saint-Beuve (Proust), xviii

Aldington, Lord, Brigadier Toby Low, 296, 328

Alexander and Campaspe (Lyly), 75

Alison, Barley, 98

Allenby, Viscount, 123

Almack, William, 319

Alouge, Rene, 143

Amethyst (ship), 266, 299

Amherst, Lord, 297

Amory, Mark, 355

Anatomy of Melancholy (Burton), 329

Anne of Cleves, 36

Anson, Admiral George, 25, 36, 159-60, 178-79, 324

Anson-Cartwright, Emma Frances, 25

Ashmore, Mrs., 27

Atlantic Monthly, 353

Atxer, Fifine, 139

Atxer, Mimi, 139

Atxer, Monsieur, 179

Aubrey, “Lucky” Jack (character)

career mapped out, 240

creation of, 197-99

and dog-watch pun, 212

framing of, 263-65

loss of mother, 24

naval career drives novels, 198

relationship with father, 171

relationship with Sophie, 250-51

self-destructive side, xiv

Aubrey, Sophie (character), xiii

Aubrey-Maturin novels

animals in, 55

arcane inventions in, 58

catch on in U.S. 303-12, 369

cease to be published in U.S., 218-19, 248, 248

covers redone by Hunt, 284-85, 289-90

created, xii

culinary companion book, 349, 359-60

discretion, as virtue in, 95-96, 198

dog-watch pun, 212

Dripping Pan in, 37-38, 347

drug dependence theme, 198, 211, 232

duck-billed platypus, sting of, 298

historical research for, 198, 218, 236-37, 241

lucidity and stylistic range of, xv

male friendship theme, 192

mapped out after fourth book, 238-41

as one extended novel, 282

plotting of, 236, 238-41, 245

positive aspects of life in, 217-18

praised by Snow in pivotal review, 309

reissued by Collins, 261

presaged in Richard Temple, 185-87

Pyrenees in, 149

reissued by Norton, xiv

reputation rises among critics, xiv-xv

solitude and privacy in, 17

and Temple, 221

themes of love and friendship in, xv

Aubrey-Maturin novels (cont’d)

virtues extolled in, 70

vision in, 224

see also O’Brian, Patrick; and specific titles

Aubrey-Maturin relationship, xii-xiv

compared to great literary tandems, 197

development of, xiii-xv, 313

essence of, xii-xiii

first meeting conceived, 198-99

and male friendship, xvii

models for, 160, 181, 197

O’Brian’s life as prism for, xvii

in Post Captain, 208-9

preceded by early stories, 69-70

Austen, Jane, xv, 209, 211, 237, 270, 293, 313, 344

early editions, 260, 277-79

“Author I’d Walk the Plank For, An” (Snow), 307

Bailey, Captain Richard, 350

Bair, Deirdre, 299-300

Balcome, Stephen Brown, 14

Banco (Charrière), 212

Banks, Dorothea Hugessen, 273, 276

Banks, Sir Joseph, 236, 325

biography written, 270-76, 321

Banks, Sophia, 273

Banks Letters, The, 273

Barbosa, Arthur, 262, 284

Bardot, Brigitte, 212

Barnes Foundation, 226

Barr, Donald, 175

Barrow, Tobias (character), 179, 180, 197

Barthelme, Donald, 191

Battle at Algeciras, 198

Battle at Strait of Gibraltar, 198

Battle of Cape St. Vincent, 196

Battle of the Nile, 196

Battle of Trafalgar, 196, 202, 237

Battle of Trafalgar. A Heroic Poem, The (Drummond), 283-84

Bayley, John, 237-38, 247, 259-61, 263, 282, 307, 321, 332


documentary of 1998, xv-xvi, 39, 49, 368

war propaganda, 86, 87, 88, 96

Beasts Royal (Russ), 171

critical reception, 56

published, 55-56

Beatson, Robert, 94, 196, 236

Beauvoir, Simone de, xii, 135, 192-93, 201, 212, 256, 258, 259, 299

Beck, Dr. Leslie, 86, 96, 97, 211

Becker, Stephen, 238, 304, 306, 342

Belles Images, Les (Beauvoir), 192

Bennett, Kate, 277-78, 279

Bennett, Stuart, 219, 276-80, 283-84, 289, 332, 335

Bernadi, Francois, 137, 142

Binyon, T. J., 236, 237, 249, 253, 256, 260, 309, 333-34

Birt, Jose, 66

Bishop, 307

Blaine, Sir Joseph (character), 211

Blake, William, 38

Blencowe, Nellie, 19, 20, 21

Bligh, Captain William, 240, 275

Blitz, 80-84, 89

Blue at the Mizzen (20th A-M novel), 208, 368

Bodard, Lucien, 193

Bombard, Renaud, 361

Bonden, Barrett (character), 199, 253

Book of Voyages, A (O’Brian), 317

anthology collected, 107-8

published in 1947, 116-17

sold, 100

Borchardt, Anne, 306

Borchardt, Georges, Agency, 238, 248

Borges, Jorge Luis, 191

Boston Globe, 315

Boswell, 329

Boutet, Alice, 139, 140

Boutet, Odette, 136-39, 140-41, 142, 149, 215, 227

Boyce, Sir Michael, 363

Bramah, Ernest, 36, 49

Brandi, Linda, 153

Braque, Georges, 147

Brenton, Edward, 95

British Foreign Office, 98

British Medical Association, 18

British Public Record Office, 198, 245

Brooking, Charles, 180

Brown, Albert Curtis, 99

Brown, Beatrice Curtis, 117

Brown, Spencer Curtis, 99-100, 117, 130, 131, 140, 146-48, 150, 190

Buffet, Bernard, 164

Bugliosi, Vincent, 304

Burgess, Guy, 291

Burke, Helen Lucy, 223-24, 256

Burns, Robert, 257

Burton, 329

Bush House, 86

Butler, Sir Robin, 363

Byatt, A. S., 310-11

Byrne, Jane Dunn, 99

Byron, Jade (character), 179, 197

Byron, John “Foul-Weather Jack,” 179

Byron, Lord, 179

Cabanne, Pierre, 229-30

Cacafuego (frigate), 199

Caesar (Russ), xvi

critical reception of, 48

foreword to 1999 reprint of, 72

published, 41, 46-48

success of, 50

techniques displayed in, 47-48, 51

written as youth, 39, 41

Callaway, Alice (great-aunt), 26

Callendar, Newgate, 307-8

Campbell, John, Lord, 319

Campbell, Peter, 282, 289, 295

Carson, Rachel, 324

Cary, Joyce, 205

Castlereagh, Viscount, 265

Catalans, The (O’Brian)

Collioure in, 143-44, 168

critical response to, 162-64

father-son relationship in, 171

published in England as The Frozen Flame, 177

written and published, 156-59

Catlin, George, 121

Catullus, 293

Cavalcade (Coward), 53

CBS News Sunday Morning, 334

Center, William, 29

Center, Zoe, 29. See also Russ, Zoe Center

Cérémonie des adieux (Adieu: A Farewell Sartre) (Beauvoir), 256

Chamberlain, Neville, 75, 76, 77

Chapman, Ian, 247-48, 260, 294

Chapman, Marjorie, 260

Charles de Gaulle (Lacouture), 288

Charmed Circle (Mellow), 230

Charrière, Henri, 205-6, 212-13

Chattanooga Times, 204

Chaucer, Geoffrey, 237, 293

“Cheetah” (Russ), 63-64

Chesapeake (ship), 239, 240, 246, 250

Chesterfield, Lord, 353

“Chian Wine, The” (O’Brian), 222-23

Chian Wine and Other Stories, The (O’Brian), 222, 223-24

Chichester, Sir Francis, 203

Christian Science Monitor, 358

Christie, Agatha, 49

Chums Weekly, 50, 79

Churchill, Winston, 29, 98, 207, 351

Clancy, Tom, 315

Clarissa Oakes (15th A-M novel)

published, 320-21

written, 312-15

see also Truelove, The

Clark, Sir Kenneth, 231

“Clockmender, The” (O’Brian), 174

Clouzot, Georges, 221

Coca Leaf Papers (Freud), 332

Cochrane, Thomas, 194, 196-200, 240, 263, 265, 310, 358

vs. Aubrey, 196-97

Cole, Olive Elizabeth Russ (sister), 38, 45, 91, 169

See also Russ, Olive Isobel

Cole, Paddy, 61

Cole, Reginald, 38

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 38, 216, 324

Coleridge: Early Visions (Holmes), 324

Colette, 130, 191

Collected Short Stories (O’Brian), 340

Colley, Linda, 276

Collingwood, Vice Admiral Cuthbert, 236

Collins, William “Billy,” 202, 223, 228

Collins, William, publishers, 201-3, 218, 221, 247, 253, 255, 260-61, 284, 290, 293

Collioure, France, 88, 254, 368

decision to move to, 126

degradation of lifestyle in, 269, 356, 369

filming of Le Petit Baigneur, 194-95

move to in 1949, 135-41

in O’Brian’s fiction, 222

Picasso visits, 161-62

planning commission and building permit, 195

Colman, George, the Younger, 244

Colman, Padeen (character), xvii

Colvin, Sidney, 38

Comes the Reckoning (Lockhart), 85, 92, 97

Commodore, The (17th A-M novel)

critical reception of, in U.S., 347-53

published, 343-45

written, 338-39

Commodore, The (Forester), 125

Commonweal, 174

Conan, Neil, 350-51

Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (De Quincey), 211

Conquest of Venereal Diseases, The (Charles Russ), 27

Conrad, Joseph, 218, 281

Constitution (ship), 239, 246, 248

Cook, Captain James, 236, 273, 274

Cooper, Eliza (great aunt), 26

Coriano (matador), 167

Cornwell, Bernard, 281, 307

Country Contentments (O’Brian), 130.

See also Last Pool and Other Stories, The

Coward, Noel, 53

Cowley, Malcolm, 164

Cowper, William, 324

Cox, Francis, 66, 90, 114

Craven, Lady, 107-8

Cromwell, Thomas, 36

Cronkite, Walter, 368

Crowe, Admiral William J., Jr., 363

Culme-Seymour, Sir Michael, 266-67, 299

Cunningham, A. E., 332

Curtis Brown Agency, 99

Cwm Croesor, Wales, 104-17

decision to leave, 125-26

move to Moelwyn Bank house, 118-19

in Richard Temple, 184-85

in Testimonies, 111, 112, 126

Daily Life in the Time of Jesus (Daniel-Rops), 183

Daily Life of the Aztecs on the Eve of the Spanish Conquest, The (Soustelle), 183

Dana, Richard Henry, Jr., 236

Daniel-Rops, Henry (Jules Charles Henri Petiot), 183

Darwin, Charles, 236, 237, 274

“Dawn Flighting, The” (O’Brian), 177

Day, Patricia, 238, 246

Defoe, Daniel, 121

de Gaulle, General, 121

De Gaulle: The Rebel (Lacouture), 292

De Quincey, Thomas, 205, 211

Derain, Andre, 136

Desolation Island (5th A-M novel), 225, 253

plot mapped, 239, 240-41

publication and reception, 244-45, 248

written, 241-42

Devonshire, duke of, 355, 356

Dhéry, Robert, 194

Dil (character), 216-17

Dillon, James (character), 199

Ditler, Chelsea, 352

Ditler, Eva, 352

Ditler, Jack Aubrey, 352

Ditler, Joe, 339, 352

Don Juan (Byron), 180

Douceur de vieillir, La (The Delights of Growing Old) (Goudeket), 191-92

Douglas-Home, Margaret, 117

Doyle, Arthur Conan, 49

“Drawing of the Curranwood Badgers, The” (O’Brian), 127, 131, 222

Drink Versus Prohibition (Charles Russ), 34

Drummond, William Hammond, 283

Druon, Maurice, 221

Dryden, John, 266, 278

Dufy, Raoul, 145

Dunlea, William, 174-75

Dunsany, Lord, 144

Durrell, Lawrence, 62

Duthuit, Marguerite, 227

Eastes, Dr. G. L., 18

East of Eden (Steinbeck), 153-54

Eco, Umberto, xiv

Edwardian Brooks’s (Ziegler and Seward), 318

Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, The (Wolfe), 207

El Gamo (frigate), 197, 200

Eliot, T.S., 181

Emery, Vice Admiral G. W., 348

Emma (Austen), 278-79, 280, 329

Empress of Canada (ship), 25, 28

Empress of India (ship), 28

Empress of Russia (ship), 25

Encyclopaedia Britannica (1810 edition), 289, 317, 329

Endeavour (ship), 272, 374

English Education, An (Ollard), 270

Essex (ship), 259

Eton, 270-71

Faerie Queen (Spenser), 38

Farrell, J.G., 247

Farrer, David, 147

Far Side of the World, The (10th A-M novel), 283

publication and reception of, 260-62, 268

wrinkle in time for, 262

written, 258-59, 261-62

Faulkner, William, xiv

Fay, Bernard, 193

Femme rompue, Une (The Woman Destroyed) (Beauvoir), 192

Fielding, Henry, 36, 237

Financial Times, 59

Finegold, Hannah, 156, 164

Fisher, Margery, 172, 178

Flanagan, Thomas, 296

Forester, C. S., xi, 125, 159, 195, 196, 200, 204, 207, 214, 219-20, 237, 253, 263, 305, 307, 349, 361

Forster, E.M., 53, 181

Fortune of War, The (6th AM novel), 239

American publisher not found, 248

cover, 290

critical reception, 249, 262

published, 247–18, 248-49

written and researched, 245-246

Fox, Joe, 260

Fox, Justina, 360

Fraser, George MacDonald, 247, 262, 315

Freud, Sigmund, 332

Frozen Flame, The (O’Brian)

published in England, 177

written, 157-58

see also Catalans, The (U.S. title)

Gallardo, Manolo, 194

García Márquez, Gabriel, 207

Gardiner, Rob, 241

Garnett, Richard, 201

Garrett, George, 350

Garrick, David, 319

Gentleman’s Magazine, 34, 350

George V, king of England, 31

George VI, king of England, 79

Gerson, Vic, 87

Gibbon, Edward, 36, 244, 272, 293, 329

Gibbs, Wolcott, Jr. “Tony,” 200-1, 203, 207, 218, 261, 334

Gibson, Wilfrid, 75

Gide, André, 130

Gill, Brendan, 164

Gilot, Francois, 161, 229

Glorious First of June, 94, 196

Goddard, Cecil (uncle), 20, 80

Goddard, Emma Anson-Cartwright (aunt), 25

Goddard, Ernest (grandfather), 20

Goddard, Grace (aunt), 25

Goddard, Mabel (aunt), 20

Goddard, Mary (grandmother), 20

Goddard, Molly (cousin), 25

Goddard, Morse (uncle), 20, 24-25, 28

Godine, David R., 321

Goëau-Brissonnière, Armand (“Gerard” or “Renelière”), 87-88, 96-97, 127-28

Goëau-Brissonnière, Jean Yves, 87, 88-89

Goëau-Brissonnière, Yvette, 88

Goebbels, Joseph, 85-86

Golden Ocean, The (O’Brian), xi, 201, 260, 320

characters provide model for Aubrey and Maturin, 197

and proposal for Master and Commander 196

publication and reception of, 177-79, 180

Spartan boy story in, 120

written, 159-60

Goldwyn, Samuel, Jr., 351

Gonorrhoea Treated by Electrolysis (Charles Russ), 27, 35

Goon Show, The (radio show), 122

Göring, Hermann, 57, 77

Goudeket, Maurice, 191-92, 346

G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 192, 220

publishes Caesar, 46

publishes “Twelve Animal Stories,” 55

Grady, James, 304

Grant, Sir Alistair, 363

Great-Heart (magazine), 52

Green, Vivien, 208, 259-60, 293, 304, 306, 354

“Green Creature, The” (O’Brian)

reprinted in Harper’s Bazaar, 153

written in Wales, 128

Greenway, Susan, 94

Greenway, Walter, 65, 93-94, 124-25

Griffith, Reverend, 37

Grossman, Anne Chotzinoff, 349-50, 360

Guardian (newspaper), 343

Guardian (ship), 241

Guerre d’Indochine, La (Bodard), 193

Gun, The (Forester), 200

Hakluyt, Richard, 36

Half-Mad Lord, The (Nikolai Tolstoy), 225

Hall, Eric, 61

Hamilton, Captain Edward, 215

Hamilton-Paterson, James, 336, 344

“Happy Despatch, The” (O’Brian), 127

Harcourt, Brace, 152, 159, 163, 172

Hardy, Robert, 365

Harlech, Lord, 121

HarperCollins, 293, 312, 333, 340

Harper’s Bazaar, 153, 159, 164, 165, 174, 177, 191

biographies of O’Brian, 165, 176

Harrison, John, 360

Hart-Davis, Rupert, 99, 159, 169, 177-78, 180, 181, 183

Harvill, Clarissa (character), 313-14

Hass, Robert, 351

Hastings, Max, 318, 338, 344, 362, 363

Hayers, Georgette, 262

Helter Skelter (Bugliosi), 304

Hemingway, Ernest, xii, 154, 163, 307

Hemlock and After (Wilson), 154

Hermione (frigate), 216, 224

Hermitage Museum, 226-27

Heston, Charlton, 266, 300, 332, 339, 350-51, 352

Heston, Fraser, 300

Hickey, William, 283

Hidden Power (Charles Russ), 51

Hill, Ethie, 28, 91

Hill, Kittie, 28, 91

Hill, Robert White, 196, 200

Hill, Trixie, 28, 91

Himmler, Heinrich, 86

Histoire générale des voyages (Prevost), 23, 317

Histoire parallèle des États-Unis et de l’U.R.S.S. 1917–1960 (Maurois), 190

Hitler, Adolf, 57, 75, 76, 83, 86

H.M.S. Surprise (3rd A-M novel), 216, 217

Hunt cover, 290

last book published by Lippincott, 218-19

publication and reception of, 219-20

written, 215-19

Hobbes, Thomas, 79

Hobbs, Major H, 71

Hodgson, Godfrey, 340

Holmes, Richard, 324

Home and Van Thal, 100, 116-17, 130

Homer, xv, 294, 330, 331

Horace, 293

Horatius, 121

Hornblower novels, 196, 200, 203

appeal of, 207, 247

Aubrey-Maturin compared to, 207, 307

O’Brian introduces Greenway to, 125

Horowitz, Mark, xv, 303-4, 308, 328-31, 334-35

Housewife magazine, 178

Howe, Lord, 94

Howe, Richard, 196

Hubbard, Joanna, 369

Hume, David, 319

Hundred Days, The (19th A-M novel), xvii 216, 367

Hunt, Geoff, 284-87, 289-90, 306, 321, 333

Hussein: An Entertainment (Russ), xvi, 104

critical reception of, 71, 72-75

out of print, 79

reprint of, 72

written and published, 70-72

Hutchison, Percy, 73

Idwal (kennel master), 123

Independent, 217, 299, 309, 320, 321, 340


fascination with, 46, 49, 63-64

first stories published on, 53-55, 56

in Hussein, 71

International Hygiene Exhibition, 18, 359

Internet groups and page, 337, 346-47, 361

Ionesco, Eugene, 191

Ionian Mission, The (8th A-M novel)

publication and reception of, 255-56

written, 255

Irish Press, 207, 223, 256

Irish Times, 144, 214, 262, 344

Irish Uprising of 1798, 199

“Is This the Best Writer You Never Heard Of?” (Ringle), 321-22

“It Must Have Been a Branch, They Said” (O’Brian), 119, 131

Jackson, Shirley, 223

James, William, 94, 196, 236, 290

Japan, 248

Java (ship), 239, 246, 250

J. B. Lippincott, xi, 195-96, 200, 204, 215, 219-20, 238, 304, 306

J. Day and Company, 177-78

Jenkins, Roy, 318, 355

Jerome, Jerome K., 35

Jervis, Admiral Sir John, 196, 309

John Keats (Colvin), 38

Johnson, Samuel, 34, 36, 237, 244, 268, 292, 293, 353

Jones, Captain John “Jack,” 122-23

Jones, Elizabeth (first wife). See Russ, Elizabeth Jones; le Mee-Power, Elizabeth Russ

Jones, Welton, 352

Jonquères D’Oriola, Christophe, 242

Jonquères D’Oriola, Claude, 242-43

Jonquères D’Oriola, Philippe, 241–42, 329

Joseph Banks (O’Brian), 171

published and reviewed, 282

published in U.S., 321

written, 270-76

“Journey to Cannes, A” (O’Brian), 175

Joyce, James, 222

Judd, Alan, 324-25, 330, 351, 356

“Just a Phase I Am Going Through?” (O’Brian), 159n, 179, 341-42

Kaberry, Charles John, 54, 69

Kahn, Mark, 219

Katahn, Dr. Martin, 304

Kazin, Pearl, 152, 153

Keith, Admiral Lord, 268

Keith, George, 196

Keith, Queenie, 268

Kent, Alexander, 247, 258, 281, 361

Killick, Preserved (character), 199, 253

Kim (Kipling), 35-36, 71, 73

King Must Die, The (Renault), 203

Kipling, Rudyard, 35-36, 49, 53, 71, 73

Kirkus Reviews, 204, 214, 248

Knopfler, Mark, 363

Lackstead, Geoffrey, 46

Lacouture, Jean, 288

Lady Day Prodigal (Barney Russ), 30, 38

La Farge, Oliver, 152

Lancet, 22, 51

Laniel, Joseph, 160

“Last Pool, The” (O’Brian), 127, 177, 223

Last Pool and Other Stories, The (O’Brian)

critical reception, 144-45

and Goëau-Brissonnière, 88

published, 130-31, 140, 144

published in U.S., 172

stories reprinted, 153

written in Wales, 126-29

Lavery, Brian, 332

Lawrence, Starling, 238, 304-8, 330, 334, 336, 346-47, 348, 349, 352, 363

Lazerme, Paule de, 161, 167

Léger, Fernand, 147

Lehman, John, 336

le Mee-Power, Elizabeth Russ, 141, 189

le Mee-Power, John Cowper, 129, 141

Leopard (ship), 240, 241, 244

Letter of Marque, The (12th A-M novel), 312

cover, 285

death of Aubrey’s father in, 171

name of Senhouse used, 151

plot mapped, 238-39

publication and reception of, 289-90

publication and reception of, in U.S., 293, 306-7, 309

written, 382-84

Levin, Martin, 204

Lewis, Michael, 304

Liar’s Poker (Lewis), 304

Library Journal, 204, 207

Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, The (Sterne), 94

“Life in the Day of Patrick O’Brian, A” (O’Brian), 159n, 295, 322

Life of Johnson (Boswell), 329, 353

Lilly Library at Indiana University, 238

L’lndependant, 167

Linnaeus, 274, 275

“Little Death, The” (O’Brian), 88, 127-28, 131

Liverpool Daily Post, 186

Living in Croesor (O’Connor), 103

Lloyd, Christopher, 265

Lockhart, Robert Bruce, 85, 92, 97

London Daily Telegraph, xvi, 338, 344, 362, 368

London Evening Standard, 310, 333

banquet honoring O’Brian, 361-66

London Magazine, 211, 282

London Review of Books, 282, 288, 289, 295, 307, 320, 323, 338

London Sunday Mirror, 207

London Sunday Telegraph, 333, 340

London Sunday Times, 162, 219

London Times, 151, 153, 162, 258, 281

“Long After Eden” (Schwarz), 153-54

“Long Day Running, The” (O’Brian), 124-25, 128, 223

Longitude (Sobel), 360

Lord Cochrane (Lloyd), 265

Lord Hornblower (Forester), 125

“Lottery, The” (Jackson) 223

Louis xvi (Fay), 193

Low, Brigadier Toby, 296

Low, Valentine, 362

Lying in the Sun and Other Stories (O’Brian)

biography on jacket, 176

published and reviewed, 174-77

see also Walker and Other Stories, The (British title)

“Lying in the Sun” (O’Brian), 176

Lyly, John, 75

Lyon, David, 241

Lyons, Israel, 272

Lysaght, Averil, 272

Macaulay, Rose, 79, 82

Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 121, 268

Maclean, Donald, 291.

MacLehose, Christopher, 237-38, 247-48, 260-61, 267, 323, 342

MacLeish, Archibald, 95

Macmillan, 196, 201

McWilliam, Katherine, 242

Mailer, Norman, 228

Manchester Guardian, 75

Mandel, Georges, 87

Mann, Jessica, 333

Mann, Thomas, 130

Mansfield Park (Austen), 278

Mariner’s Chronicle, 224

Marryat, Captain Frederick, 196, 237

Martin, Admiral Byam, 236

Mary, Princess of England, 58

Mary, Queen of England, 58

Mason, Mrs. “Hanty,” 21, 23

Master and Commander (1st A-M novel), 236, 310

Aubrey-Maturin relationship in, xiii, 198-99

British publisher found for, 200-3

commissioned, xi-xii, 196-97, 198

characters created, 197-98

critical reception of, 203-31, 205, 207-8

discovered by cogniscenti, 238

film rights sold, 351

French translation published, 361

manuscript traded, 278-79

new cover helps sales, 262-63

plot and subplot created, 199

published in Japan, 248

published in Spain, 339

reissued by Norton in U.S., 293, 305, 306

reissued in 1984, 261-63

rejected by Macmillan, xii

Renault reads, 203

researched, 198

sales, 207, 208

secrecy and discretion themes in, 95-96

sequels dropped by Lippincott, xii

setting, 198-99

written, 197-98

Matisse, Henri, 136, 147, 226-27

Maturin, Charles Robert, 197

Maturin, Diana (character), xiii, 367

Maturin, Stephen (character), 211, 216-17, 266

animal keeping, 55

and Aubrey’s reversal, 264-65

and Clarissa Oakes, 313-14

creation of, 197-99

and discretion, 95

fantasy walk in Pulo Prabang, 291-92

model for, 89, 197

mother, 24

Patrick’s resemblance to, xvii, 39, 89

previewed in Catalans, 157-58

saves daughter Brigid, xvii

secretive nature, xv

self-destructive side, xiv

and Villiers, plot mapped, 240-41, 250, 251

Maugham, Somerset, 50, 181, 197

Mauritius, 235

Mauritius Command, The (4th A-M novel), 235-36, 242

published in U.S., 238, 248

written, 235-36

Maurois, André, 191

Maxwell, Captain, 297

Mediterranean Fleet. 198

Melbury Lodge, 33-35, 115

name used in Post Captain, 34, 209

Mellow, James R., 230-31

Men at Arms (Waugh), 154

Men-of-War (O’Brian), 218, 224

Merlin (schooner), 239

Milligan, Spike, 122

Mitford, Nancy, 138, 316

M’Leod, John, 297

Moore, Henry, 181

Morris, Alice, 153, 191

Mort très douce, Une (A Very Easy Death) (Beauvoir), 192

Mowett, James (character), 199, 253, 254, 266, 283

Mozart, 289

Mucha, Willy, 136, 142, 147, 148, 150, 151, 161, 165

Mucha, Yolande, 142

Müller, Carl, 9, 12

Müller, Emily Russ (aunt), 12, 21

Müller, Fritz, 12

Müller, Otto (uncle), 12, 21

Munday, John, 285

Munich or the Phoney Peace (Noguères), 190

Murdoch, Iris, 237-38, 247, 259-61, 263, 310, 321, 323

Murdoch, Rupert, 293

Myers, Kevin, 214, 262, 344

Mystery of Picasso, The (Clouzot), 221

Nagle Journal, The, 338

Name of the Rose, The (Eco), xiv-xv

“Naming Calls” (O’Brian), 126-27

Napoleon, xiv, 225, 299

Napoleonic wars, 196, 200, 214, 261-62

Nikolai Tolstoy writes about, 224-25

Narrative of a Voyage in his Majesty’s Late Ship Alceste (M’Leod), 297

Nation, 162

National Maritime Museum (Greenwich), 198, 241, 245

Natural History (Pliny), 75

Natural History (Wood), 31

Naval Chronicle, The, 224-25, 237

Naval History of Great Britain from 1783 to 1822 (Brenton), 95

Naval History of Great Britain from the Declaration of War by France in 1793 to the Accession of George IV (James), 95, 290

Naval Records Society, 236-37

“Navigating Through Stormy Genres” (Spufford), 321

Nelson, Horatio, xiii, xiv, 196, 200, 207, 224, 309, 350

New Republic 336, 344

New Statesman, 48, 162

Newton, Mrs., 27

New Treatment of Gonorrhoea, A (Charles Russ), 22

New Yorker, The, 164, 175, 191, 288, 344

New York Herald Tribune, 48, 73, 74

Book Review, 152, 175, 204, 290

New York Times, The, 164, 175, 230, 307, 337

Book Review, xiv, 73, 152, 163, 215, 219, 276, 296, 309

Magazine, xv, 328, 334

Nigger of the Narcissus (Conrad), 218

Noguères, Henri, 190

“No Pirates Nowadays” (Russ), 79

Norfolk (ship), 259

North American Indians (Catlin), 121

Northanger Abbey and Persuasion (Austen), 260, 276

Northern Echo, 253

“Noughts and Crosses” (Russ)

watershed story about male friendship, 64-65

Nutmeg of Consolation, The (14th A-M novel), 216

critical reception of, 309-11

critical reception of, in U.S., 315-16, 337

published, 306

revenge of platypus in, 52

written, 294-95, 297-99

Oakes, Clarissa (character), 313-14, 313

O’Brian, Mary Wicksteed Tolstoy (second wife), xiii, 215, 354, 357

accidents, 242-43, 244-45, 261

at banquet honoring Patrick, 364

and children, 216-17

in Collioure, 137-39, 141, 142-43, 146-47, 187-89

correspondence, 359-60

in Cwm Croesor, 104-6, 108, 112-15, 125

death of, xvii, 367

and death of father, 218

and death of mother, 292-93

entertains at Collioure, 278, 279, 330-31

health of, in later years, 276, 291, 314-15, 322, 327, 367

and hunting at Ynysfor, 123

land in Catalan, 172

marries Patrick and changes name, 6, 99-100

at Moelwyn Bank, 118, 119

and move to southern France, 129-30

and Picasso, 161

and Patrick’s fame, 341

and Patrick’s son Richard, 120-21, 122, 174, 188-90

Russian Orthodox wedding, 182

and son’s illness, 181, 182

and Testimonies, 148

translating, 182-83

and Treason’s Harbor, 257

travels around Iberian Peninsula, 156

travels for Picasso research, 226, 227

travels to Cornwall with Richard and Patrick, 168-69

travels to Pyrenees, 148-49

travels to U.S. to publicize books, 336, 347, 348, 351-56

types manuscripts, 211, 217, 241

visits mother, 258-59

see also Tolstoy, Countess Mary

O’Brian, Patrick

abandons children, xvii

accident in Leicestershire, 242-413

agent and editors change in 1990, 293

A-M series reissued in U.S., 300

American publisher, difficulty finding, 248, 258, 293

animals, fascination with, 31, 40, 54, 35

appendicitis, 119

arcane language, 63, 201, 236, 315

autobiographical misinformation, xvi, xviii, 144, 153, 159, 175-76, 322, 331, 361

autobiographical novel, Richard Temple as 183-85

autobiography reflected in Aubrey-Maturin relationship, xvii

awarded CBE for literature, 355, 357

awarded Heywood Hill Literary Prize, 355

Barney’s autobiography offends, 294

birth of, xvi, 16-17

book collecting, 276-80, 289, 329

book reviewing, 282, 288, 299, 315, 323-24

breaks with Russ family, xvi-xvii, 189-90, 285-89

breaks with Senhouse, 150-51

breaks with son Richard, xvi, 174, 189-90, 289

British cogniscenti become aware of, 237-38

British Library biography on, 332, 340-41

and Brooks club, 316-20

and Catalan culture, 138-39

changes name, 3-6

childhood, xvi (see also Russ, Richard Patrick)

children in writing of, 216-17, 223, 229-30, 276

and clocks, 106, 138

Collioure, moves to, from Wales, 129-30, 135-55

Collioure home and entertaining, 187-88, 195, 266, 325-26

Collioure house built by, 172-74, 193

companion book to A-M novel prepared, 346

in Cwm Croesor, 103-17

death of, xviii, 368

death of father, 169-71

death of Mary, 367

death of mother, xvii (see also Russ, Richard Patrick)

depression brought on by Reverse, 265-66, 268-69

and drug-use theme, 211

as elite author in old age, 360-61

and fame in old age, 341-42

family background of, xvii, 9-14

father-son relationships in fiction of, 171

and father and venereal disease, xvii, 19, 27

financial problems of, 322-23

first book published as O’Brian, 144

and fishing and hunting in Pyrenees, 140, 141

and friendship theme, 313

and gardening, 121-22

granddaughters never met by, xvi

hated travel, 317-18

health problems of, 17, 103

and historical detail, xii, 215, 236-37, 241, 245-46, 253

as historical vs. literary novelist, xii, 207, 247, 308, 309

Holmes stories, 49, 197

honored by banquet on publication of Yellow Admiral, 361-66

honored by Royal Society of Literature, 317

humor of, 128, 160, 212, 237

Hunt covers, 290

hunting, 122-25, 165

identity discovered in 1990s, xv-xvi, 368

interviewed by Horowitz, 328-31, 334-35

interviewed by Spufford, 320, 321

interviewed on Talk of the Nation, 350-51

interviewers, difficulty with, 320-22, 324-25, 334-35, 353-63

learns how much first editions are worth, 317

Lippincott contracts, to write sea novel (Master and Commander), 195-96

literary reputation builds, xiv-xv

love themes of, xv, 198, 250-51, 313-14

loyalty theme of, 198, 199

maps ideas for series after delivering Mauritius Command, 238-39

Mary Renault, 203

and models for Aubrey and Maturin, xvii, 197-98

at Moelwyn Bank, 118-31

moral themes of, explored in Maturin, 198

mothers in fiction of, 40, 53

motives for transforming life to fiction, xvi

and music, xiv, 49, 58, 122, 198, 346

name change and marriage after war, xvi, 99-100 (see also Russ, Richard Patrick)

nature theme, 54

and Nikolai’s libel suit, 296-97

and Nikolai’s work on Pitt, 224-25

novels commissioned then dropped, xi-xii

personality of, 17, 157-58, 259-60, 368

and photographs, 165

and Picasso, 161-62

Picasso biography commissioned, 220-22, 225-31

plans end of A-M novels, 310-12, 344-45

plans Gothic novel, 294, 298, 332-33

popularity reaches new heights, 346-47

poverty of, in childhood, xvii

poverty of, in France, 137, 139-41

priests, in stories of, 54, 70, 128

and publicity tours, 347-54, 367-68

publisher Warburg sends encouraging letter, 151

publishes Book of Voyages, 116-17

publishes Collected Stories, 340-41

publishes Last Pool, 130-31

publishes Richard Temple, 183-87

publishes Road to Samarcand, 169

reaction of, to reviews of Last Pool, 144-45

and reading, 237, 293-94

refuses to acknowledge Russ books, xvi

rejects friends for small slights, 335

relationships in fiction of, 65, 67-68, 69

relationship with brother Barney, 314

relationship with father reflected in Catalans, 157

relationship with Ollard, 213-14

relationship with son Richard, 157, 171, 174

Russian Orthodox wedding to Mary, 182

sailing adventures as adolescent, 45-46

sails Mediterranean on Andromeda la Dea 354-55

sales, 255, 328-29

secretive nature of, xv-xvi, 368

social connections in old age, 299, 356

stories inspired by hunts at Ynysfor 124-25

stories published, 153, 222-24

translates Beauvoir, 212, 256

translates Charrière, 205-6, 212-1

translating, xii, 150, 182, 190-92, 2

travels to Andorra and eastern Pyrenees 148-49

travels to Cornwall with Richard and Mary, 168-69

travels to England for Nikolai’s wedding 213

travels to Iberian Peninsula, 156

travels to London in 1995, 357

travels to U.S. and Soviet Union for Picasso research, 226-27

travels to U.S. to publicize books, 3, 37, 368

vineyard and vendange in Collioere 143-44, 158, 179, 182, 194, 246, 267, 278-80

vineyard burns, 266

vineyard sold, 342-43

walks out on first wife and children (see also Russ, Richard Patrick), xvi

and wine making, 325, 326-27

and women, 247, 276

work discovered in America, 303–311, 312

works reprinted by Collins, 261

writes Banks biography, 270-76

writes Catalans, or Frozen Flame 156-59

writes Clarissa Oakes, 312-15

writes Commodore, 338

writes Desolation Island, 241-42

writes Far Side of the World, 258-59

writes Fortune of War, 245-46

writes Golden Ocean, 159-60

writes H.M.S. Surprise, 215-20

writes in Cwm Croesor, 117

writes Ionian Mission, 254-55

writes Letter of Marque, 282-84

writes Master and Commander, 194-204

writes novel and stories influenced by Wales, 126-29

writes novel involving Sullivan and Ross from early Russ story, 65

writes Nutmeg of Consolation, 294, 296-98

writes Post Captain, 208-12

writes Reverse of the Medal, 263-66

writes Road to Samarcand, about Sullivan, Ross, and orphan Derrick, 166

writes stories in Collioure, 148-49

writes Surgeon’s Mate, 249-53

writes Testimonies; 145-48

writes Treason’s Harbour, 256-57

writes Unknown Shore, 179-80

writing habits and method, 68, 146, 187, 199, 209, 210-11, 215, 245-46, 254

writing speed, 245, 287-88

writing style, xii, 48, 128-29, 154-55, 211, 253

see also Aubrey-Maturin novels; Russ, Richard Patrick; and specific works

O’Brian, Richard Francis Tudor (son, formerly and later Richard Russ)

in Collioure, 141-42, 160, 166

estrangement from father, 174

and grandfather’s death, 171

and mother’s remarriage, 129, 141-42

relationship with father, 157, 171

in Royal Navy, 173-74

takes name Russ and marries, 188-89

trip to Cornwall with Patrick, 168-69

in Wales with Patrick as child, 106-7, 110, 114-15, 120-25

O’Brien, Michael “Mike” (brother, formerly and later Michael Russ)

changes name, 52

and Patrick’s son Richard, 90-91

and World War II, 80, 90-91

O’Bryan, William, 52

Observer, 144, 162, 207, 214, 256, 258, 282

O’Connor, Flannery, 191

O’Connor, Philip, 103

Office of War Information (OWI), 95

Of Human Bondage (Maugham), 50

O’Hara, John, 164

Old Man and the Sea, The (Hemingway), 154

Olivier, Fernande, 227

Ollard, Richard, 201-3, 208, 213-14, 218, 222, 223, 227-28, 235, 238, 241, 242, 246-47, 249-52, 255, 257, 259, 261, 266, 270, 291-92, 315, 326

relationship with O’Brian, 259, 271-72, 316, 318, 332, 354

Ollard, Richard

retires, 260, 298, 299

O’Mara, Sean, 197

“One Arctic Summer” (Russ), 69-70

One Hundred Years of Solitude (García Márquez), 207

“On the Bog” (O’Brian), 223, 340

“On the Wolfsberg” (O’Brian), 223

Operation Sea Lion, 77

Orwell, George, 130

Osmond, Melbury, 33

Ovid, 266

Oxford Annual for Boys, 54, 63, 64, 69, 79

Oxford Annual for Scouts, 53, 54, 63

Oxford Book of the Sea, The review by O’Brian, 323-24

Oxford University, 272

Oxford University Press, 130

encourages Patrick to write novel set in India, 69

publishes Hussein, 73

story collections, 53, 54

Pablo Ruiz Picasso (O’Brian), 167, 181, 211, 220-22, 225-27, 270, 361

children in, 229-30

misogyny in, 228-30

reception of, 230-31

written, 229-30

Pakenham, Edward, 225

Palau, Jean, 138

Papillon (Charrière), xii, 205-6

Paris Review, 342

Parkinson, C. Northcote, 207, 247, 258

Parotte, Jean, 188

Parotte, Mimi, 188-89. See also Russ, Mimi Parotte

Partisan Review, 153-54

“Passage of the Frontier, A” (O’Brian), 223

Passage to India, A (Forster), 181

Patrick O’Brian: Critical Appreciations and a Bibliography (British Library), 159, 178-79, 219, 340-41

Patrick O’Brian Newsletter, 346, 361

Pepys, Samuel, 235

Perkins, Tom, 350, 354, 355, 363, 364

Perpignane, Madame, 136-37

Peters, Frank, 253, 258

Petit Baigneur, The (film), 194

Philips, Hayden, 363

Picasso, Claude, 161, 229

Picasso, Maya, 166-67

Picasso, Pablito, 221

Picasso, Pablo, xv, 161-62, 166-68, 190

O’Brian biography of, 167, 181, 211, 220-22, 225-31, 270, 361

Picasso, Paloma, 161, 229

Picasso, Paulo, 221, 229

Piozzi, Hester Lynch Thrale, 268

Pitt, Thomas, second Baron Camelford, 224-25

Pitt, William, the Younger, 319

Pliny, 75

Plumb, Sir John, 318

Plutarch, 268

Pocock, Nicholas, 218, 333

Pocock, Tom, 203, 299, 362

Political Intelligence Department (PID), 85, 127, 211

Political Warfare Executive (PWE), 85-87. 96

Pope. Dudley. 196, 224, 247, 258, 284, 324

Porter, Captain David, 259, 312

Portrait of Picasso as a Young Man (Mailer), 226

Post Captain (2nd A-M novel), xiv, 254, 277

fantasy in, 291

Melbury Lodge in, 34

plot complexity, 211

publication and reception of, 214-15, 236

Pyrenees in, 149

reissued, in 1984, 261-62

reissued, in U.S., 293, 306

written, 208-14

Pous, Jojo, 269

Pous, Pauline, 136, 161, 269

Pous, Rene, 135, 136

Prescott, Orville, 164, 175

Prevost, Abbé, 236, 317

Pride and Prejudice (Austen), 209, 260, 277

Priestley, Joseph, 270

Proffitt, Stuart, 260, 275, 298, 328, 333, 354

Proust, Marcel, xv, 217, 237, 293, 345

Providence Journal, 164

Publishers Weekly, 214, 258, 305, 306, 369

Puckridge, Barbara, 114-15, 182, 187

Puckridge, Charles, 187, 188

Puckridge, James, 114, 115, 182, 187-88

Puckridge, Justina, 187-88

Pullings, Thomas (character), 199, 253

Punch, 117

Quand prime le spirituel (When Things of the Spirit Come First) (Beauvoir), 236

Quiller-Couch, Arthur Thomas, 38

Raban, Jonathan, 323-24

Radiation Cookery Book (Fox), 360

Radical Chic and Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers (Wolfe), 207

Ramage (Pope), 196

Read, Herbert, 62

Renault, Mary, 203, 204, 208, 235

“Rendezvous, The” (O’Brian), 223

Rendezvous and Other Stories, The (O’Brian), 340

Renwick, Sir Robin, 363

Reseau Vic, 87, 88

Reunion Island, 235

Reverse of the Medal, The (11th A-M novel), 358-59

pillory scene, 266, 305, 352-53

publication and reception, 281-82

read by Norton editor, 304-5

written, 263-66

Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 107

Richardson, Samuel, 36, 237, 242, 313n, 329

Richard Temple (O’Brian)

Blitz in, 80, 83-84

critical reception of, 186-87

father-son relationship in, 171

Fifine model, 143

France in, 137

London in, 103

published, 183-87, 196

written, 182

Rifleman Dodd (Forester), 200

Rime of the Ancient Mariner (Coleridge), 321

Ringle (fictional Baltimore Clipper), 322

Ringle, Ken, 321-22, 336

Riou, Captain Edward, 225, 241, 244

Rivoyre, Christine de, 183

Road to Samarcand, The (O’Brian)

critical reception of, 174-77, 178

written and published, 79

“Roast Beef of Old England, The” (song), 349

Roberts, Alan, 105

Roberts, Bessie, 105, 113, 116, 121

Roberts, Gynfor, 105

Roberts, Harry, 105-7, 109-11, 115-16, 119, 127

Roberts, Kate, 105

Roberts, Robert, 105

Robinson Crusoe (Defoe), 121

Roche, Major Edmund, 123, 124

Roche, Primrose Buchan-Hepburn, 123

Rodger, N. A. M., 332

Rodi, 285

Rogers, Byron, 334

Romance of the Calcutta Sweep, The (Hobbs), 71

Rotation Diet, The (Katahm), 304

Rountree, Harry, 47

Roussillon, 136

Roussillon Ornithological Society, 257

Royal Air Force (RAF), 59

Royal Amateur Orchestral Society, 58

Royal Navy, 196, 211

Royal Navy and the Slaves, The (Ward), 338

Royal Society of Literature, 317

Royal Society of Medicine, 18

Rushbrook, L. F., 71, 73

Russ, Albert (uncle), 12, 21

Russ, Bernard “Barney” “Bun” (brother), 37, 48, 57, 77, 83, 190, 226, 268-69, 285-86, 288-89, 294

in Australia, 39, 41, 45, 52, 57

autobiography Lady Day Prodigal, 16, 30

childhood, 16, 18, 20-26, 28, 34

death of, 314, 326

education and father’s bankruptcy, 35, 37-38

and facts of life, 49

Patrick denies relationship, xvi

and Patrick’s education, 35

on Patrick’s sailing experience, 46

and World War II, 80, 97-98

and Zoe, 30-31, 32, 33

Russ, Bertha (aunt), 21

Russ, Carl “Charles” Gottfried (grandfather), 8, 9-13

Russ, Charles (cousin), 97

Russ, Charles (father), 45, 84

birth of, 10

death of, 170-71

death of father, 12-13

death of first wife, Jessie, 23, 24

death of mother, 26

death of sister Lena, 14

and depression, 51

difficulties with children, 28-29, 32-34, 38, 97

education of, 12

financial problems of, 13, 23, 34-35, 37-38

London home of, 15-16

marries Jessie, 17-18

marries Zoe, 29

medical career and inventions, 17-19, 22-23, 26-29, 34-35, 37, 58

and Patrick’s childhood, 20, 22, 39

and publication of Caesar, 46-47

and World War II, 77

writes play, 51

Russ, Charles Godfrey (brother), 16, 18, 21, 24, 26, 28, 32-33, 36, 45, 89

disapproves of Patrick leaving wife, 78

marries, 52

Russ, Connie (Godfrey’s wife), 78, 89

Russ, Connie (sister), 18, 20, 28, 31, 33, 80

marries Richard Russell, 80

Russ, Edith (aunt), 21

Russ, Elizabeth Jones (first wife), 66, 72, 75

and death of Jane, 89

divorces Patrick, 92-93

in London during WW II, 89-90

marries le Mee-Power, 129

marries Patrick, 62-63, 65-66

in Patrick’s literature, 159

separation from Patrick, 75-76, 78

see also le Mee-Power, Elizabeth Russ

Russ, Elizabeth (niece), 226, 288-89

Russ, Emil (uncle), 12, 21, 49, 70

Russ, Emily (aunt). See Müller, Emily Russ

Russ, Emily Callaway (grandmother), 8, 10, 11, 13, 26

Russ, Ernest (uncle, later Ernest Russell), 12, 21

Russ, Frederick (uncle), 12, 15, 21

Russ, Jane Elizabeth Campaspe Tudor (daughter), xvii, 75, 91

Russ, Jessie Naylor Goddard (mother), 16-25

and birth of Patrick, 16-17

death of, 23-24

Russ, Joanna (granddaughter), 204

Russ, Mary Priestley (aunt), 23, 97

Russ, Mary (second wife)

name changed to O’Brian, 4

see also O’Brian, Mary Wicksteed Tolstoy; Tolstoy, Countess Mary Russ, Michael, 16, 18, 24, 26, 27, 28, 31, 33, 35, 36

in Australia, 38-39, 45, 52, 57

changes name to O’Brien, 32, 52

death of, 91

as model for Jack Aubrey, 197

see also O’Brien, Michael

Russ, Mimi Parotte (daughter-in-law), 204, 368

Russ, Nora (sister), 18, 28, 31, 32, 33, 66, 91, 285

Russ, Olive Isobel (sister), 18, 20-21, 25, 28, 31, 32, 33, 35, 38. See also Cole, Olive Elizabeth Russ

Russ, Paulina “Lena” (aunt), death of, 13-14, 159

Russ, Percy (uncle), 12, 21

Russ, Richard Francis Tudor (son), xviii, 369

birth of children, 204

born, 66, 72

changes name to Russ and marries, 188-89

as child, 76, 89-90

name changed to O’Brian, 5, 99

Patrick denies, 289

and Patrick’s divorce from his mother, 92-93

Patrick walks out on, 78

see also O’Brian, Richard Francis Tudor

Russ, Richard Patrick (original name)

adventures as adolescent claimed, 45-46

birth of, 16-17

birth of daughter Jane, 75

books written under name of, xvi

brother Michael moves to Australia, 39

changes name to Patrick O’Brian, xvi, 3-6, 32

childhood, after death of grandmother, 26-29

childhood, at Walden, 17, 19-22

as child prodigy writer, 6

and Christmas at Melbury Lodge, 32-34

and clocks, 94

death of brother Michael, 91

death of mother, 23-24

divorces Elizabeth, 92-93, 99

drives ambulance in WW II, 81-82, 84

and Dylan Thomas, 62-63

education of, 31, 35-37, 65

father marries second wife, Zoe, 29

first book written at fourteen, 24

first wife is orphan, 24

friendship with Walter Greenway, 93-95

illnesses, 76

intelligence work during war, 4, 85-89, 95-97

last fiction published under Russ name, 79

late adolescence after publication of Caesar, 48-51

leaves first wife and son, 78, 89-90

marries Mary Tolstoy and changes name, 4, 99-100

meets and falls in love with Mary Tolstoy, 84, 93-94

meets and marries Elizabeth Jones, 62-63, 65-66, 76-77

military service attempt, 58-59

moves to Lewes as child, 36-37

naval history studies by, 94-95

as novelist vs. Patrick O’Brian’s first novel Testimonies, 144

offered post in Paris embassy after war, 98

and RAF pilot officer training, 59-61

reading as adolescent, 35-36, 49-50

research skills acquired, 65

and sea tales of Uncle Morse, 25

and secrecy, 95

and smoking, 53

and son Richard, 66, 93

and stepmother, Zoe, 30-31, 36

stories published in Oxford annuals, 63-65

and World War II, 5, 76-77, 80-82

writes and publishes Beasts Royal, 55-56

writes and publishes Caesar at age 14, 39-41, 46-48

writes and publishes Hussein, 70-75

writes first sea story, 50-51

writes first story about male friendship, 64-65

writes stories and novel after birth of son, 66-75

writes stories as adolescent, 50-55

see also O’Brian, Patrick

Russ, Sidney “Beany” (uncle), 12, 16, 19, 23, 26, 28, 97, 169, 197

Russ, Sylvia Joan (sister), 23-24, 28, 31-35, 37, 46, 49, 50, 53, 77, 190, 285, 288

bids good-bye to Michael, 91

daughter Frances, 190

letters, 57, 77, 83, 84-85, 268

marriage, 66, 97

Patrick breaks with, 190

writing, 50

Russ, Victor (brother), 16, 18, 21, 24-25, 26, 28, 32-33, 45, 49, 80

Russ, Victoria (granddaughter), 204, 369

Russ, Walter (uncle), 12

Russ, William (uncle), 12, 15-16, 21, 27

Russ, Zoe Center (stepmother), 29, 30-33, 35, 38, 51, 77, 84, 97

Caesar dedicated to, 46

death of, 190

and death of Charles, 171

Russell, Ernest (uncle, formerly Russ), 21, 80

Russell, Richard (cousin), 80

Russell (ship), 29

Russia, 59

Rutherford, Ernest, 19

Ryan, Alan, 335-36

Sabartes, Jaime, 225

Sabatier-Leveque, Jean-Marc, 225-26

Sailor’s Word-Book (Smyth), 212, 236

St. Isidore of Seville Western bestiary, 65, 82

used in Testimonies, 145

Saint-Simon, 329

“Samphire” (O’Brian), 159

Samphire (O’Brian story collection), 149, 151

San Diego Union-Tribune, 352

Saturday Review of Literature, 74, 152

Saumarez, Admiral Sir James, 198, 236

Sayers, Dorothy L., 49

Schwartz, Delmore, xii, 153-54

Scotch Annie (nanny), 27

Scout magazine, 174

Sea Around Us, The (Carson), 324

Secker and Warburg, 98, 130, 145, 147, 148, 150, 151

Secombe, Harry, 122

“Second Thoughts” (O’Brian essay), 227

Secret Betrayal, The (Tolstoy), 296

Sellers, Peter, 122

Senhouse, Roger, 131, 138, 140, 144, 146-48, 150-51, 152, 155

Sense and Sensibility (Austen), 277

Serres, John and Thomas, 306

Settle, Mary Lee, 355

Seward, Desmond, 318

Seymour, Michael, 266, 299

Shannon (ship), 239, 246, 250

Sheil Land, 304

Shilling, Jane, 340

Ship of the Line (Forester), 203

Siege at Khrishnapur, The (Farrell), 247

Simon, Richard Scott, 190, 200, 202, 206, 213, 218, 220, 221, 248, 258-60, 284, 292, 293

Sitwell, Edith, 62

Six Days of the Condor (Grady), 304

“Skogula” (Russ), 50-51, 52

“Slope of the Mountain, The” (O’Brian), 165

Smallwood, Norah, 238, 267

Smiles, Samuel, 73

Smith, John Saumarez, 316-17, 355

Smith, Stevie (Florence Margaret), 162, 164

Smith, Sydney Whitehead, 119

Smollett, Tobias, 36, 266

Smyth, Admiral William Henry, 212, 236

Snow, Richard, 290, 303-304, 308-9, 349

“Snow Leopard, The” (Russ), 63-64

Soames, Nicholas, 363

Sobel, Dava, 360

Solander, Daniel, 274

Sophie (ship), 198

Soto, Hernando de, 326

Soustelle, Jacques, 183

South Asian Review, 71

South China Morning Post, 186

Southwards from Swiss Cottage (Brown), 116-17

Spartan (ship), 282

Special Operations Executive (SOE), 87

Spectator, 144, 162-64, 219-20, 334, 344, 355

Speedy (ship), 197, 198, 200

Spencer, Stephen, 62

Spenser, Edmund, 38, 266

Spufford, Francis, 217, 310, 320, 321, 335

Stalin, Joseph, 296

Stallings, Sylvia, 152

Steel, Danielle, 363

“Steep Slop of Gallt y Wenallt, The” (O’Brian), 124-25, 128

Stein, Gertrude, 230

Stein, Sol, 238, 258

Stein and Day, 238, 248, 258, 303, 306

Steinbeck, John, xii, 153-54

Sterne, Laurence, 94

Stevens, George, 218

Stone, Reynolds, 237

Stoppard, Tom, 355

Strachey, Lytton, 131, 181

Strand (magazine), 49-50

Strang, Herbert, 54, 63

Sugrue, Thomas, 74

Sum of All Fears, The (Clancy), 315

Supervia, Conchita, 58

Surgeon’s Mate, The (7th A-M novel), 225

publication and reception, 253-54

written, 249-53

Surprise (fictional ship), 215-16, 239, 258, 265

Swenson, Eric, 304

Swift, Jonathan, 36

Symons, Julian, 219

Taaffe, Edward H., 66

“Tale About a Great Peregrine Falcon, A” (Russ), 52-52, 55

Talk of the Nation (radio program), 350-51

Taranaki Herald, 214

Targ, Bill, 220, 222

Targ, Roslyn, 222

Tarka the Otter (Williamson), 55-56

Tauber, Richard, 58

Taylor, Robert, 315-16

Teacher, James, 344

Temple prison, 225, 249, 252

Templiers, Les (Pous family restaurant), 269

Testimonies (first novel as O’Brian), 163, 223, 292, 307

connection of, with Master and Commander, 200

critical reception of, in America, 151-55

critical response to, 156

Croesor as setting for, 111, 112, 113

editing and revision, 147-48

misanthropic feelings expressed in, 119

published, and influence of Wales on, 126

Schwartz on, xii, xiv, 154-55

title changed to Three Bear Witness, 150-51

written, 145-48

Third Ear (radio program), 324

Thirteen Gun Salute, The (13th A-M novel)

plot mapped, 238-40

publication and reception, 295-96

voyage begun in, revitalizes series, 311

written, 291-92

Thomas, Dylan, 61-63, 81, 191

Thomas, Evan, 304

Thomas, Lisa Grossman, 349, 350, 360

Thoreau, Henry David, 30, 118, 235, 365-66

“Thoughts on Pudding,” 346

Thraliana: The Diary of Mrs. Thrale, 268

Three Bear Witness (O’Brian), 126

critical reception, 151-55

published, 150-52

published in U.S. as Testimonies, 152-55

title produced by publisher, 150-51

see also Testimonies

Three Men in a Boat (Jerome), 35

Time, 312

Time and Tide magazine, 174

Time Regained (Proust), 345

Times Literary Supplement, 56, 73, 144, 152, 162, 163, 174, 177, 178, 180, 183, 186, 190-91, 193, 203, 206, 224, 236, 249, 281-82

Tito, 296

Tolkien, J. R. R, xiv, 203, 346

Tolstoy, Countess Mary (second wife)

divorce settled, 92

drives ambulance during Blitz, 82-84

life with Patrick during war, 93-94, 97

marries Patrick and name change, 100

works for intelligence during WWII, 85-89

see also O’Brian, Mary Wicksteed Tolstoy

Tolstoy, Dimitry (step-grandson), 323

Tolstoy, Georgiana Brown, 213, 297

Tolstoy, Leo, xv, 237, 256, 309

Tolstoy, Natalie “Natasha” (stepdaughter), 84, 92, 182, 369

Tolstoy, Nicholas “Nikolai” (stepson), 84, 92, 181, 182, 187-88, 213, 224-25, 323, 328, 369

Tolstoy Miloslavsky, Count Dimitry Mihailovich, 82, 84, 92, 129, 159, 182, 213

Tonkin, Peter, 307

Tonson, Jacob, 278

Treason’s Harbour (9th A-M novel), 255

published, 257, 258

written, 256-57

Treasure Island (film), 300

Tremain, Rose, 363

Trial of Jane Leigh-Parrot, The, 278

Trip to the Hebrides (Boswell), 329

Truelove, The (15th A-M novel), xv, 95-96

published, 321, 341

see also Clarissa Oakes

Tunnicliffe, Charles, 55-56

Turner, Eva, 58

“Twelve Animal Stories” (Russ), 55

“Two’s Company” (Russ), 69

Two Years Before the Mast (Dana), 236

Uncommon Reader, The (Morris), 191

Unknown Shore, The (O’Brian), xi, 179, 201, 260

characters as basis for Aubrey-Maturin, 197

publication and reception of, 180

written, 179-80

“Valise, The” (O’Brian), 220. See also “Walker, The”

Vancouver, George, 225

van Thal, Herbert, 117, 303

Vaughn, Stephen, 256, 258

Vega, Garcilaso de la, 326

Victory (Nelson’s ship), 198

Vieillesse, La (Beauvoir), 212

Vietnam War, 202, 214

Vigée-Lebrun, Elisabeth, 107

Villiers, Diana (character), 239, 240-41, 247, 250, 251, 252, 263-64

death of, xvii

inspiration for, 107-8

introduced, 209, 210

presaged in Richard Temple, 185-86

Virgil, 293

“Virtuous Peleg, The” (O’Brian), 128, 223

Vlasto, Lu, 187

Voltaire, 237, 329

“Voluntary Patient, The” (O’Brian), 174

Voyage of the Beagle, The (Darwin), 237

Waakzaamheid (fictional ship), 241

Wager (ship), 179-80

Waldegrave, Caroline, 363

Waldegrave, Katie, 363

Waldegrave, William, 333, 363, 365


in Testimonies, 146

stories written about, 126-29

“Walker, The” (O’Brian), 164-65, 191, 222

Walker and Other Stories, The (O’Brian),

biography in, 153

publication and reception of, 174-76

see also Lying in the Sun and Other Stories (U.S. title)

Waller, Augustus, 17

Wallis, Samuel, 236

Wall Street Journal, 336

Walpole, Horace, 319

Walter, Reverend, 36

Walter, Richard, 324

“Wang Khan of the Elephants” (Russ), 53-54

Warburg, Fred, 130-32, 138, 149-51, 328

Ward, W. E. F„ 338

Warner, Oliver, 174

War of 1812, 200, 249

War of the French Revolution, 200

Washington Post, 315, 321-22, 335, 337

Watson, Michael Saunders, 299

Watts, Nigel, 296-97

Waugh, Evelyn, xii, 154, 307

Weekend Telegraph, 179, 179, 341

Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 98, 183, 190, 192

Welch, Bertha (aunt), 24, 26, 28, 31, 32

Welch, Christine (cousin), 28, 32

Welch, Frank (uncle), 24, 28, 31, 32, 38

Welch, Margaret (cousin), 28, 32

Wellington, duke of, 299

Wells, H. G., 130

West, Jolyon, 332, 336, 338, 347, 361

West, Kathryn, 336, 338

“White Cobra, The” (Russ), 54-55, 72

Whitley, May, 99

Wicksteed, Frieda Mary (Mary’s mother), 93, 100, 131, 218, 292-93

Wicksteed, Howard (Mary’s father), 93, 100, 131, 218

William III, king of the Netherlands, 209-10

Williams, Edgar, 110, 111, 112, 113-16, 118, 119, 122, 123, 125, 127, 129-30

Williams, Eric, 106, 109

Williams, Gwilym, 129

Williams-Ellis, Sir Clough, 104

Williams family (characters), 209-10, 211

Williamson, Henry, 55

“Will They Set Sail Again?” (Hastings), 362

Wilson, A. N., 362

Wilson, Angus, xii, 130, 154, 307

Wine-Dark Sea, The (16th A-M novel)

plot mapped, 240, 284

publication and reception of, 332-38

written, 317, 322, 326-27

Wishart, Peter, xiv

Wogan, Louisa (character), 240, 247

Wolfe, Tom, 207

Wood, Rev. J. G., 31

Wood, Sir Henry, 58

Wordsworth, William, 38

World War II, 75, 76-78, 98-99

Wray, Andrew (character), 256-57, 264, 291

Wreathed Head, The (Rivoyre), 183

Wright, Almroth, 17

Wright, Paul, 284

Wrong Set, The (Wilson), 130

W. W. Norton, 321, 328, 334, 361

reissues A-M novels in U.S., 293, 304-7, 308-9

O’Brian’s work comes to attention of, 238

publicity, xiv, xv, 346-47

Yardley, Jonathan, 315, 337

Yeats, W. B., 155

Yellow Admiral, The, (18th A-M novel)

animals in, 39

critical reception of, 358-59

Dripping Pan, models for, 36

Eton in, 271

publication and reception of, 361-66

Tolstoy’s lawsuit reflected in, 296-97

written, 358, 367

Ziegler, Philip, 201, 318