Emma swallowed the lump in her throat. A powerful, gorgeous, immortal just knelt at her feet and told her there was nothing he wanted more than her, including eternity! Tears pricked her eyes, her lips quivered with suppressed emotion. What could she possibly say to such beautiful terrifying words? They were still getting to know each other. What happens when he realizes I’m not enough for him? An internal battle raged inside her between her budding feelings and the doubts and fears she’d learned from a life without love .
Kai was irresistible. She tugged her hands from his to cradle his face. Her kiss was gentle and soft. She hadn’t processed or sorted through all his revelations. It was all so much to take in at once. Her emotions were a jumble of confusion. Only one thing was clear. How could she not want this man?
He rose to his knees, hauled her into his arms and buried his face in her neck. He gently kissed the notch of her collarbone and breathed in her scent. Emma felt the rough stubble of his whiskers tickling her skin.
“I know I’ve bombarded you with a lot of information. You've handled everything better than I could’ve imagined.” He caressed the backs of her hands with his thumb. “Whether dumb luck or fate, I’m grateful to whatever powers may be that I found you. If not for that night in the parking garage, I would’ve never known it was possible for someone like me to have something like this,” he waved his hand between them. “I would’ve never known you.”
Emma’s her heart thudded. It was good she was sitting because her weak knees would be incapable of supporting her. Kai had just flipped her world upside down on every level.
“Kai, I don't know what to say.”
“You don't have to say anything. I want you to think about it. Consider what I’m asking of you if you give what’s between us a chance.”
“What you said was so beautiful. It took my breath away,” Emma paused, “I haven’t processed everything that's happened, all I’ve seen. I want to but I don’t know if I’m ready to accept all this.” Emma waved her hands. “What you've told me is incredible. I believe you. I do. Everything’s been so intense since the moment we met.” Emma dropped her head in her hands. “What if everything I’m feeling is an extension of the circumstance. I can’t tell what's real anymore. I know I want you. And it scares me too. You aren’t the only one who’s been alone. Everything about you is a lot to take in. You’re terrifying and wonderful all at once. And your life and duty, I’m overwhelmed by it all. I’m confused and I need time.” Panic choked her. She shook her head skittering away from him as she spoke, “This is too much! I need to get out of here for a while.”
“Don't shut me out,” Kai caught Emma's hand and held her preventing her from bolting. “I know it’s a lot. But you need to stay here. It’s not safe out there. It’s dangerous for you to take off on your own from here especially now.”
“I can’t stay here.” Panicking she tugged her hand away from him. “I have to get some air and some space. You’re too big and solid and in my face. I need breathing room.”
“I understand. Take all the breathing room you need.” She looked surprised. “As long as it’s in the cabin.”
“That isn’t helping you know!” Emma snapped. “I tell you I need space and you tell me too bad.”
“I'm sorry. It’s for your own good. Believe me, if I thought it was safe, I’d give you anything you asked. The shifter that attacked me may not be the only thing out there. I won’t risk your safety.”
Emma was livid. “You don’t get to tell me what’s for my own good! I decide! I've been taking care of myself for a long time! And I haven't done such a bad job so far!"
“Really? Because when I met you, you were under attack by a gang of thugs and you were knocked unconscious.”
“That's a low blow and completely unfair, that could happen to anyone in the city.”
“But it didn't. It happened to you. You’re too beautiful, too tiny and too vulnerable to be out there on your own.”
“Of all the sexist things I've ever heard, that's got to be the worst.”Anger was an emotion she could handle. He made her crazy. How did he go from the most wonderful speech ever to implacable jerk. She’d shifted through so many emotions she was on the verge of a meltdown. No wonder she couldn’t cope. He bombarded her with conflicting messages. She couldn’t sort them fast enough. “I can't help the way I look or how small I am any more than you can change how big and scary you are. It's not fair!”
“Who cares about fair? I want you safe. We don't know what's out there. There could be twenty more creatures like him out there or worse.” Kai paced in front of her, ruffling his hands through his hair. “I care about you and none of this has been easy for me either. I’m not used to feeling at all and if you think I’m going overboard. Tough. I don't want anything to happen to you.”
“I appreciate that you care and want me safe, but you can't lock me away. I won't let you. I need time to think. I feel like I stepped into the twilight zone and I need space,” Her voice rose with each syllable. She spun around and stalked to the door. “And the space I need is from you!”
Kai raced Emma to the door. He slammed a hand against the wood and held the door closed. His other hand over hers stopped her from turning the handle. I'm sorry, Emma. I’m not letting you go.”
Emma shoved at his immovable form. “Let. Me. Go.” Emma alternated between tugging and pushing against him between each word. A lone tear rolled down her cheek.
“I can’t.” Kai wedged himself between Emma and the door. His back pressed against the solid surface. He crossed his arms over his chest and braced his feet apart. The stance was becoming all too familiar to her, “I won't let you go off on your own. My enemies know you’re with me and that puts you in danger. They’d use you to get to me. You have no idea what horrible things they could do. I can't let you go.” His voice softened. “Give me a few days to figure out where to go from here. Can you do that?”
“What choice do I have?” Emma asked, mimicking his gesture and crossing her arms in front of her. “You’ve made yourself perfectly clear.” She turned away from him and scrambled up the narrow stairs to the loft. She flopped onto the mattress and let the tears of frustration flow free.
She hated this vulnerable feeling. It reminded her of the past. She hadn’t felt this way in a long time. Apparently, she could run but she couldn’t hide from all the insecurities that flooded back along with the helplessness. Kai promised her he wouldn't make decisions for her. Not without discussing it first, but here he was doing it again. Emma didn't know what upset her most, discovering a dark world of mythical beings and immortality, or that Kai kept insisting on making decisions for her and refusing to let her leave? What if she was all wrong about him? He had kidnapped her. No, she didn’t imagine that thing in the woods.
In all fairness, if he’d told her his story from the beginning, she would've thought he was nuts. His story would’ve been unbelievable if she hadn’t been there. She saw the creature. She saw Kai’s wounds heal. He didn’t make any of that up. The question was, could she accept everything he’d told her? She thought she might be falling in love with Kai. As crazy as it seemed. The last few days with him were amazing. He’d been everything she could want in a lover and a friend.
He made her feel cherished and special. Not to mention her body went up in flames every time he glanced her way. On the other hand, he could also be controlling and bossy which rankled even though he said it was for her well-being. She couldn't argue. He’d kept her safe. They’d faced a lot of danger during their short, action-packed acquaintance. It went against the grain for her to give control of her life to anyone other than herself.
She lay on the rumpled bed for hours mulling everything over in her mind. She could accept everything he told her about who and what he was, but she couldn't let him get away with his high-handed tactics. The time for being afraid was over. If she wanted a life with Kai, if they were to have any chance of a successful relationship, she had to teach him not to underestimate her. She was no meek female. I’m an independent woman! I don’t need anyone to take care of me! I can take care of myself! She’d told him enough times. It was time to show him.
A plan began to formulate in her mind. Another hour passed as she plotted her escape.
“Emma, I’m going outside. I’ll be out front if you need me.” The pieces fell into place for her plan to work. The moment the door close behind him Emma scrambled into action. Twisting the sheets together she formed a makeshift rope and secured it to a beam. The echoing sound of Kai’s axe splitting wood signaled it was time.
Emma cranked open the window of the loft. The window opened just wide enough for her body to pass through. She tossed her travel bag onto the ground then lifted herself up onto the window frame and wriggled down the twisted sheet. Her makeshift rope ended several feet above the ground. She had no choice but to drop the rest of the way. She landed on her feet then lost her balance and fell backward. Her bottom landed on a multi-layered cushion of decaying foliage that had gone undisturbed for ages. She hooked her bag over her shoulder and scrambled to her feet. She glanced behind to make sure Kai hadn’t noticed her. She crouched low as she moved about the trees, winding her way around to a path on the far side of the cabin. Only a few steps to the gravel road and freedom.
The forest went silent. She could no longer hear the distinctive ring of Kai’s axe against wood. Emma stopped moving and listened. Nothing. She couldn’t even hear birds chirping or the quiet rustle of wildlife scurrying along the forest floor. The only sound was the whisper of a gentle breeze ruffling through leafy branches. She glanced in every direction scanning the woods for any sign of Kai. Nothing. She turned back to the path and slammed into a solid wall of muscle.
A hard hand clamped over Emma’s mouth stifling the scream before a sound passed her lips. She struggled to dislodge his hand only to have him tighten his arms around her. Barely able to breathe she glanced up to confirm it was Kai who held her. As she looked up into Kai's tight features, he placed a finger against his lips, shushing her. He dropped his hand from her mouth and drew her close enough to press his lips against her ear.
“We’re not alone,” he whispered. He gestured towards the trees with his chin. Emma stopped struggling. She whipped her head up to looked where Kai pointed.
In the crook of a low-lying branch, she caught a glimpse of woodsy camouflage. She might not have seen him if he wasn’t sitting on the branch with one leg braced against the trunk and the other one dangling while he attached a scope to his rifle. It was possible he was only a hunter in search of game. Emma no longer trusted the obvious. Nothing was what it seemed in this new world. Emma hoped he was an innocent for his sake. As Emma was learning, Kai took no prisoners.
* * *
Kai tucked Emma in a nook between two overlapping trees and crept toward the preoccupied hunter. When he was directly under the intruder, Kai reached high above his head yanked on the ankle dangling below the limb.
“Hey!!” The camouflaged hunter toppled off his perch. A deafening crack split the air like thunder as the gun went off. The bullet zinged through the leaves above their heads. With lightning speed, Kai snatched the gun away from the stunned hunter.
“Guns have a safety for a reason! Use it!”
“What the hell are you doing? That’s my gun!” The fool shouted while trying to grab the gun back. Kai’s grip was stronger. He ended up falling backward. Kai flung him to the ground and yanked the gun away from the hunters grasping hands. He flicked the safety on as he started to walk away.
“You idiot you’re gonna get someone killed!” Kai caught a flurry of camouflage from the corner of his eye. The idiot didn’t know when he was outmatched. The man sprung at him and tried to grab the gun again. He tore Kai’s shirt in the process.
“Enough!” Kai jammed the butt of the rifle into the hunters gut. He doubled over as the air whooshed out of his lungs.
Kai plucked the gasping man off the ground by the scruff of his neck and shook him. “Who the hell are you and what are you doing here?”
“J-J-John Sims,” Finally showing the fear in his eyes, he wheezed and gasped the words. There was nothing like the feeling of impending doom when you had the wind knocked out of you.
“This is private property. I asked you what you’re doing here.” Kai released his rough hold on the man and dropped him on the ground. He clenched and unclenched his fists while towering over the trembling man.
“I didn't know this is private property I come here to hunt deer.”
“Don't you mean poach. There are signs at the road entry that this is private property. Every hunter knows you need to get permission to hunt unless it’s your land.”
“I didn't see any signs. I trekked in here on foot through the woods about a mile southwest of the old logging road. I thought it was government land.”
“What kind of tags do you have? If you came here hunting, you should have tags on you. Show them to me.” Kai challenged.
“I have tags for mule deer, whitetail and geese. I lost the draw for elk or moose this year. They’re in my truck.” The man’s story didn’t seem unreasonable. He found some courage and looked Kai in the eye.
“You still need permission to hunt on private property? I should have you charged with poaching.”
“L-Like like I said, I didn't know this was private property.”
“Well, it is! Ignorance is no excuse. It's your responsibility to know.” Kai wasn't sure if he believed him. What sort of hunter didn't research the properties where they planned to hunt? It was hunting 101 to get permission.
Kai let the guy go against his better judgment. He suspected the guy was just some trespassing idiot like he appeared. He was no more a threat than any other idiot with a gun. He patted the guy down and removed all the ammo and hunting knives from his person.
“Hey! Those are mine! You can't just take my weapons!”
“I just did. I caught you poaching on my property. I'll leave your weapons with the authorities when I report this. If you want your stuff back, you can take it up with them.”
The man sputtered. His mouth working up and down like he was looking for something to say but couldn't find his words. Kai thrust the guy’s canteen and compass at him.
“You can't just send me off into the woods with nothing to defend myself.”
“If you only hiked in about a mile as you said then it shouldn't be a problem,” Kai had no sympathy. The guy was lucky he didn't beat the crap out of him or worse.
“I’d better not find you on my property again. You understand?”
The poacher bobbed his head and backed away. He claimed he’d parked his truck on the old logging road. Kai spun him around and pointed him in that direction. He didn’t move fast enough. Kai shoved him to get him moving in the right direction. Away.
Kai watched the poacher scramble away as fast as humanly possible. Once he was out of view and earshot, Kai returned to where he’d left Emma.
“It’s okay to come out. He’s gone.” Emma stepped out from the trees. For once she’d listened.
Now that the potential danger was past, Kai let her have it. “What were you thinking sneaking off like that? I know you're angry with me but can you at least see now that it’s dangerous out there?” Kai flung his arm out, indicating the forest. “You were lucky this time. That guy didn't seem too bright and could have shot you. Or he’s lying which is almost as bad. He could’ve been waiting for a chance to get to either one of us. Luckily, I think he’s just stupid. But even a stupid poacher is dangerous.”
“You're right. I was angry. I'm sorry I snuck away. I shouldn't have snuck out the window and left like that.” Bowing her head, she avoided making direct eye contact. She looked and sounded remorseful until her head shot up, eyes blazing. “I should’ve been able to walk out the front door.” She snapped.
Kai stepped back. He’d expected the danger to dampen Emma’s anger. He tried a different tactic. Agree with her and apologize. “You're right. I promised not to be heavy handed and then did it anyway. I broke your trust. I'm sorry.” His immediate remorse almost took the wind out of her sails. Almost.
“You're damn right you did.” Emma relaxed, somewhat mollified by his apology. “I want to trust you and a part of me does in spite of everything. But you don’t decide for me. Subservience is not a part of my nature. If you truly care, you won't try to dictate to me. You won’t override me. I know you're trying to protect me and I don't want to run from you. But I will if you keep trying to cage me.” Emma turned and walked away from him.
He’d never meant to make her feel caged. He didn’t know what to do with all these new emotions swirling inside him. He’d acted without thinking. The thought of anything happening to her made him act crazy out of fear. Before when he apologized it was a means to an end. Now he mentally kicked himself for behaving like a fool. He owed her a real apology. If she’d let him.
Kai followed Emma back to the cabin. He kept his distance, giving her the space she’d asked for before he essentially locked her in her room. He'd been so busy keeping her safe and with him he hadn't thought of how he treated her. She wasn’t a possession. She was a thinking, feeling, and independent person with a mind of her own. She deserved more than he’d given.
“I’m such an idiot for not seeing it sooner.” He said out loud before sprinting to the cabin. He found her heading up the stairs to the loft. “Wait!” She stopped and turned on the stairs waiting. He came to stand at the bottom step. Even standing on the second step, she had to raise her head to look him in the eye. He put his hand over hers on the narrow rail.
“I’ve behaved like a complete ass. I can't tell you how sorry I am.” He squeezed her hand. “Apologizing isn't something I’ve had much practice with. I can’t remember doing it at all before meeting you. Emotions I didn’t know I had have surfaced and I’ve been acting like an idiot. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I never thought about your feelings. I’m sorry you felt like a prisoner. I’d never want to do anything to hurt you.”
“Thank you. I believe you. You were acting like an idiot.” She smiled lessening the harshness. He smiled back. How’s that for honesty? He raised her hand to his lips and placed a kiss in the centre of her palm. He closed her fingers over the kiss then brushed his lips over her knuckles.
Kai paced over to the kitchen area. “I haven't been very fair to you. When I found you in that parking garage, the idea of taking care of you terrified me. You were so vulnerable and small. When you woke up and couldn't see I felt responsible for you and I didn't want to be. It's not easy for me to admit I was afraid. Very few things scare me but you did.”
“I’ve told you so many times. I wasn’t your responsibility.” Emma was hurt. He could see it in her eyes. She’d followed him to the kitchen and pulled out a chair.
“I know, but you didn't have anyone else. You were hurt and needed me.” The last thing he wanted was to be the one to cause her pain. “I was afraid I wouldn’t know how to take care of you or that I wasn’t capable of the gentleness you needed. The other reason, and this pains me to say, was because I felt instant attraction to you while you were at your most vulnerable. What does that say about me?”
“Umm…Okay. I can see how that might have been a problem for you. But you didn’t act on it. You could’ve but you didn’t.”
“Didn’t I?”
“No, I don’t see it that way. What happened between us was on me. I threw myself into your arms. Literally. I did it in my apartment and I did it again that night here at the cabin.”
“You’ve been stuck in my world since the night I found you. It wasn’t my intention to take advantage of you on top of everything else. .”
“You didn’t.” She stood and moved close to him, looked up at him. “In case you haven’t figured it out yet, I have a mind of my own and I have no problem letting my feelings be known.”
“That you do.” His doubts would probably resurface again. For now, he was content to let her win this argument. “Do you know you’re amazing?”
She shot him a saucy grin. “Well I like to think so. But you can tell me as often as you want.”
“Oh no. What have I done? I’ve created a monster.” Kai held his head in his hands. His smile hidden. “In all seriousness,” Kai took her hands in his. “I've been selfish. The truth is, once I realized what you are, I didn't want to let you go.”
“What I am? I’m nothing special.”
“Yes you are. You’re the light I don’t deserve but want anyway.” Kai watched Emma swallow hard. Don’t be a coward. Tell her the rest. “I didn't lie to you when I said there was danger. My enemies know you're with me now. They’ll use you in a heartbeat. And I can't protect you if we're not together. But that's not the only reason I want to keep you here with me. I feel alive when I’m with you in ways I’ve never felt before. I don't think I could bear letting you go. The only explanation is I’ve fallen in love with you.”