
Interviews, Conversations and Other Personal Communications


Wildlife Experts

Mike Badry, wildlife conflict manager, B C Ministry of Environment

Robyn Barfoot, curator, Cougar Mountain Zoo

Carole Baskin, founder and CEO, Big Cat Rescue

Mark Boyce, professor and Conservation Association Chair in Fisheries and Wildlife, University of Alberta

Walter Boyce, wildlife veterinarian and professor, University of California, Davis

Penny Dewar, cougar researcher

Jonah Evans, wildlife diversity biologist for the Trans Pecos Region, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department

Dave Eyer, wildlife expert and owner/operator of Eyer Training Services

Maurice Hornocker, founder, Hornocker Wildlife Institute and Selway Institute, and co-editor of Cougar: Ecology and Conservation

Marc Kenyon, black bear, mountain lion and wild pig programs coordinator, California Department of Fish and Wildlife

Rob Laidlaw, executive director, Zoocheck, and author of Saving Lives and Changing Hearts: Animal Sanctuaries and Rescue Centers and Wild Animals in Captivity

Jerry MacDermott, wildlife technician, B C Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations

George Pedneault, cougar guide and tracker

Howard Quigley, director of the Teton Cougar Project and executive director of jaguar programs at Panthera

Harley Shaw, research biologist, Arizona Game and Fish Department (retired)

Lynda Sugasa, executive director, Safe Haven Rescue Zoo

Danielle Thompson, resource management and public safety specialist, Pacific Rim National Park Reserve

Winston Vickers, associate veterinarian, University of California, Davis, Wildlife Health Center

Ken Warren, public affairs officer, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service–South Florida Ecological Services Office

Logan Wenham, senior public affairs officer, B C Ministry Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations


Personal Accounts of Experiences with Cougars

Wolfgang Beck

Stan Brock

Liz Buckham

Ruth Dickson

Bob Evans

Clarence Hall

Jim and Nell Hamm

Lyn Hancock

Frank Hovenden

Rick James

Harold Macey

Summer McGee

Suzanne Olszowiec

David Parker

Jack Scott

Niki Wilson


Additional Sources

Kristeva Dowling

Andy Everson

Brother Daniel Peterson, S.J.

Tom Phillips



Baron, David. The Beast in the Garden: A Modern Parable of Man and Nature. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2004.

Brock, Stanley E. More About LEEMO: The Adventures of a Puma. New York: Taplinger Publishing Company, 1968.

Bruce, Jay C. Cougar Killer. New York: Comet Press Books, 1953.

Cougar Management Guidelines Working Group. Cougar Management Guidelines. Bainbridge Island, Washington: Wildfutures, 2005.

Deurbrouck, Jo, and Dean Miller. Cat Attacks: True Stories and Hard Lessons from Cougar Country. Seattle: Sasquatch Books, 2001.

Dickson, Ruth. Pebbles in the Stream: River Rocks. Comox, BC: GSG Ltd., 2010.

Dobbie, J. Frank. The Ben Lilly Legend. Texas: University of Texas Press, 1997.

Duncan, Eric. Fifty-seven Years in the Comox Valley. Courtenay, BC: The Comox Argus Co., 1934.

Etling, Kathy. Cougar Attacks: Encounters of the Worst Kind. Guilford, Connecticut: The Lyons Press, 2001.

Ewing, Susan, and Elizabeth Grossman. Shadow Cat: Encountering the American Mountain Lion. Seattle: Sasquatch Books, 1999.

Grey, Zane. Roping Lions in the Grand Canyon. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1924.

Haig-Brown, Roderick. Panther. Madeira Park, BC: Harbour Publishing, 2007.

Hall, Dell. Island Gold. Victoria, BC: Cougar Press Ltd., 1990.

Hancock, Lyn. Love Affair with a Cougar. Toronto: Doubleday Canada Limited, 1978.

Hibben, Frank C. Hunting American Lions. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1948.

Hornocker, Maurice, and Sharon Negri, eds. Cougar: Ecology and Conservation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010.

Horsfield, Margaret. Cougar Annie’s Garden. Nanaimo, BC: Salal Books, 1999.

Purdy, Al. Cougar Hunter: A Memoir of Roderick Haig-Brown. Vancouver: Phoenix Press, 1992.

Roosevelt, Theodore. A Book-Lover’s Holiday in the Open. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1916.

Saunders, Nicholas J., ed. Icons of Power: Feline Symbolism in the Americas. London & New York: Routledge, 1998.

Seton, Ernest Thompson. Wild Animals at Home. New York: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1923.

Shaw, Harley. Soul Among Lions: The Cougar as Peaceful Adversary. Arizona: University of Arizona Press, 2001.

Shelton, Gary. Bear Encounter Survival Guide. Hagensborg, BC: Pallister, 1997.



Bear & Cougar Rural and Recreational Course. Eyer Training Services, Clinton, BC.



American Cougar, National Geographic, 2011.


Online Resources

Big Cat Rescue:

Collins, Ken. “Bergie Solberg: Cougar Lady of the Sunshine Coast.” Accessed June 2011.

Cougar Info: A list of cougar attacks from 1890 to present begun by Paul Beier and continued by Linda Lewis.

The Cougar Network:

EKOS Communications, Inc. and Pacific Rim National Park Reserve. Learning to Live with Large Carnivores: WildCoast Project Primer & Guidelines, 2010.

Florida Panther Net:

Knopff, Kyle, Aliah Knopff and Michelle Bacon. “North
of 49: Ongoing Cougar Research in Alberta, Canada”
( Accessed September 2011.

The Mountain Lion Foundation:

Ontario Puma Foundation:

Panthera, Leaders in Wild Cat Conservation:

Safe Haven Rescue Zoo:

The Wild Felid Research and Management Association:



Articles, Reports and Related Materials

Bauer, Jim W., Kenneth A. Logan, Linda L. Sweanor and Walter M. Boyce. “Scavenging Behavior in Puma.” The Southwestern Naturalist 50(4): 466–71, December 2005.

Eyer, Dave. Bear & Cougar Encounters Course Handbook.

Fitzhugh, E. Lee, Sabine Schmid-Holmes, Marc W. Kenyon and Kathy Etling. “Lessening the Impact of a Puma Attack on a Human.” Proceedings of the 7th Mountain Lion Workshop at Ladner, Wyoming, 2003.

Hancock, Lyn. “A History of Changing Attitudes to Felis concolor.” Master’s thesis, Simon Fraser University, 1980.

Knopff, K., and M.S. Boyce. “Prey Specialization by Individual Cougars (Puma concolor) in Multi-prey Systems.” Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 72: 194–210, 2007.

Mattson, David, Kenneth Logan and Linda Sweanor. “Factors Governing Risk of Cougar Attacks on Humans.” Human–Wildlife Interactions 5(1): 135–58, Spring 2011.

Schnarr family fonds. Campbell River Museum.

Smith, Swain Elinor. The Nine Lives of Cougar Smith. Unpublished manuscript.

Sweanor, Linda L., Kenneth A. Logan, Jim W. Bauer, Blue Millsap and Walter M. Boyce. “Puma and Human Spatial and Temporal Use of a Popular California State Park.” Wildlife Management 72(5): 1076–84, 2008.

Thompson, Danielle M. “Noninvasive Approaches to Reduce Human-cougar Conflict in Protected Areas of the West Coast of Vancouver Island.” Master’s thesis, University of Victoria, 2010.

Vickers, W. “Attitudes Toward and Acceptance of Mountain Lions by Urban and Rural Southern Californians and Comparison of other Western States.” Unpublished paper.



Unless otherwise specified, statistics in this book were compiled from data obtained from the British Columbia Ministry of Environment, the Cougar Info website (, Cougar Attacks: Encounters of the Worst Kind by Kathy Etling, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife website, Two Admirals: Sir Fairfax Moresby & John Moresby, a Record of a Hundred Years by John Moresby, a 2012 article by Dan MacLennan in the Campbell River Courier-Islander titled “75-year-old woman fends off cougars in harrowing attack on her little dog” and directly from attack victims. The data is based on documented attacks and fatalities from the early 1800s through the end of 2012.