What’s the difference between added sugars and natural sugars?
Sadly, sugar is sugar, no matter where it comes from—organic, raw, refined, etc. The sugar you consume naturally through whole fruits and vegetables will break down into the same molecules as the added sugars found in processed food. However, the sugars that occur naturally in the fruits and vegetables come with lots of benefits such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals, which slows the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream. Sugar from whole fruits and vegetables is always a better choice than added sugars, which provide zero nutrition benefits and extra calories.
How do I know if a food contains sugar?
Sugar may be obvious or it may be hidden. There are dozens of names you might find in the ingredients list that really just mean sugar. The USDA lists the following as alternate names for added sugars recognized by the FDA: anhydrous dextrose, brown sugar, confectioners’ powdered sugar, corn syrup, corn syrup solids, dextrose, fructose, high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), honey, invert sugar, lactose, malt syrup, maltose, maple syrup, molasses, nectars, pancake syrup, raw sugar, sucrose, sugar, white granulated sugar; other names not recognized by the FDA include: cane juice, evaporated corn sweetener, crystal dextrose, glucose, liquid fructose, sugar cane juice, and fruit nectar. Best bet: Use Zero Sugar Diet ’s list of approved foods, in this book or at thezerosugardiet.com .
How do I know how much sugar is in a food?
You must read the Nutrition Label. Look at grams of sugar‚ then divide this by 4 to get that amount in teaspoons. For example, a can of cola may contain 40 grams of sugar. Dividing this by 4, we know that this can of soda has ten teaspoons of sugar. That is already over the recommended daily limit! You’re best off choosing foods with ZERO added sugars.
I know this diet isn’t about calorie counting per se, but how many calories does sugar have—I’m curious?
All carbohydrates have 4 calories in each gram. So that same can of cola that has 40 grams of sugar gives you 160 calories JUST FROM THE SUGAR! That is why we say “empty calories.” There is absolutely nothing good that added sugar offers your body; it just gives us calories.
Even plain yogurt has sugar. Is it off the table?
No. Naturally occurring sugars in whole fruits and dairy products like milk and yogurt aren’t an issue. We’re looking at “added sugars,” which means any kind of sugar that’s listed on the ingredients, whether it’s honey, sugar, molasses, agave, corn syrup, etc.
Can we have tea or coffee? Caffeine or no caffeine? Any natural sweeteners like organic honey or organic pure maple syrup?
Coffee and especially tea are powerful weight-loss drinks. You may consume as much as you like on this plan. Caffeinated or decaffeinated are fine. Natural sweeteners contain some form of sugar, and since there is no fiber in coffee or tea, using them would land your beverage in the Danger Zone. Please drink your coffee or tea without sweeteners. The plan allows for a limited amount of full-fat dairy products, so you may use milk. Alternatively, a squeeze of lemon in your tea can actually enhance its weight-loss powers.
How many grams of fiber am I getting per day? How many grams of sugar?
This fourteen-day plan will reduce added sugar down to no more than 10 percent of calories, or between 25 and 43 grams per day, maximum. The USDA recommends no more than 45 grams per day for women and 50 grams per day for men. On this plan, fiber is dependent on food choices but should be between 30 and 50 grams per day, depending on your sugar intake.
Can I eat “sugar-free” versions of foods?
No. “Sugar free” baked goods, candies, and the like are made with artificial sweeteners, which your brain interprets as sugar. As a result, it triggers a release of insulin that causes fat storage, just as if you’d eaten the sugar in the first place.
Most fruit has more sugar than fiber. Why is that okay on this plan?
It’s only unnatural added sugars that we’re concerned with. Two exceptions: fruit juices, because they have all the fiber stripped out of them, and dried fruits, because they are usually sweetened with added sugars.
I’m trying to be gluten-free. I found some gluten-free breads, but it seems like they have added sugar. Any suggestions on what to use for GF?
Gluten-free breads are acceptable, if you must, provided they meet the requirement of containing as much fiber as sugar. We like Food For Life gluten-free breads.
Do you want all of the foods to be organic?
Organic foods are great because they are grown without pesticides, which have been linked to weight gain in some cases. We recommend choosing them whenever possible. However, Zero Sugar Diet does not rely on your diet consisting only of organic foods.
I usually have a Shakeology shake for breakfast. I always use almond milk, then add fresh fruit and some flaxseed. May I still do that?
According to the nutrition information provided by the manufacturer, many Shakeology shakes contain more grams of sugar than they do fiber, making them inappropriate for the Zero Sugar Diet. In general, try to avoid packaged ingredients whenever possible; they often come with unnecessary chemicals and other additives. There are plenty of great, all-natural smoothie recipes in this book.