A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E
F  |  G  |  H  |  I  |  J
K  |  L  |  M  |  N  |  O
P  |  Q  |  R  |  S  |  T
U  |  V  |  W  |  Y  |  Z

Abukuma, 15

Adams, Seaman Howard, 136

Advertiser, Honolulu, 2, 57, 81

Akagi, 9, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21-22, 23-24, 32, 33, 34, 63, 115, 154, 171, 172, 174, 202

Akui, Sgt. David M., 205

Alerts: Army against sabotage, 4, 55; Navy against aircraft, 84-85; Navy against submarines, 38

See also Radar, Army

Alewa Heights, 150, 152, 199

d’Alfonso, Capt. Andre, 56

Aliamanu Crater, 182, 196

Allen, Lieut. Bruce, 105, 106

Allen, Ens. Eric, 197

Allen, Riley, 57-58, 152

Alio, S/Sgt. Frank, 156

Amagai, Cdr. Takahisa, 17, 23, 32, 172

Anderson, V. Adm. Walter S., 6, 138, 141

Anderson, Cpl. William, 143

Andrade, Tony, 139

Andrews, Pfc. Carroll, 76, 109

Antares, 34-38, 53

Antitorpedo net, Pearl Harbor, 28, 35

Argonne, 8, 119, 123, 196

Arison, Pvt. Ed, 7

Arizona, 8, 21, 51, 53, 62, 66, 67, 70, 87, 93-94, 95, 98, 125, 127, 128, 136, 139, 141, 159-60, 176, 193, 203

Armstrong, Ens. John, 124

Armstrong, Seaman Pat, 93

Armstrong, Storekeeper Terry, 92, 93

Armstrong, Seaman Tom, 93

Art, Boatswain’s Mate A., 37

Artillery: 97th Coast, 196; 98th Coast, 78, 110, 182, 196

Asher, Ens. Nathan, 137

Ashwell, Capt. Leonard, 80, 146

Austin, Maj. (at Haleiwa), 145

Austin, Chief Warrant Carpenter John A., 157

Aylwin, 137, 141

Ayotte, Seaman Marlin, 54

B-17s: based at Hickam, 55, 169; flight from the West Coast, 45, 55-56, 74, 104-106, 111, 113, 120, 139, 144-45, 195

Bagley, 84, 86

Bahr, Capt. Walter, 150

Bailey, Seaman Woodrow, 119

Baines, Mess Attendant Arvelton, 125

Ballou, Aviation Machinist’s Mate Robert, 112

Baltimore, 51

Barbers Point, 63, 145, 160, 161, 168, 169, 196, 197

Barkley, Sen. Alben, 208

Barthelmes, Lieut. Karl, 104

Barthis, Boatswain’s Mate (of Arizona), 127

“Battle of Music,” 8

Battleship Row, 51, 66, 68, 86, 101, 102, 122, 124, 130, 137, 176-80, 193; damage to, 70, 98

Beal, Seaman Willard, 92, 178, 179

Beardall, Ens. John, 100

Beecher, Mrs. W. C., 198, 201

Bellinger, Ens. (at Kaneohe), 79-80

Bellinger, R. Adm. P. N. L. (“Pat”), 72; Mrs., 123

Bellows Field, 57, 112-13, 116, 205

Benedict, Fire Chief William, 106-7

Bennett, Jackie, 162

Benning, 2nd Lieut. Barney, 1, 2, 8, 56, 200

Bennion, Capt. Mervyn, 70, 96-97

Benton, Seaman Robert, 85, 87-88

Bergdoll, Lieut. Charles, 105

Bergquist, Maj. Kenneth, 42-43

Bertholf, Col. Cheney, 55, 74, 181

Bicknell, Lieut. Col. George, 3-4

Bill Lederer’s bar, 7

Billingsley, Boatswain’s Mate (on West Virginia), 90

Bisbee, Av. Ordnanceman Homer, 111

Bishop, Lieut. Sam, 146

Bishop’s Point, 29

Black Cat Café, 7

Black, Lieut. Cdr. Francis, 59-60

Black, Lieut, (j.g.) John, 99

Blackmore, William, 34-35, 38; Mrs., 34

Blake, Capt. Gordon, 55, 144

Blakey, Mrs. Walter, 148

Blanken, Signalman John, 53

Bloch, Adm. Claude C., 6, 59, 61, 73

Bloch Recreation Center, 8, 73

Blue, 118, 136-37

Bohnstadt, Seaman Charles M., 67-68

Bonett, Chief Storekeeper (on Ford Island), 122

Bos, Seaman P. E., 141 Boudreau, Lieut. C. E., 73

Bowe, Gunner’s Mate Walter, 84

Bowen, Seaman S. F., 96

Bradley, Mrs. Cecilia, 149

Bradlyn, Lieut. Samuel, 182

Brawley, Sgt. Albert, 105, 106

Brayfield, Seaman Sam, 138

Breese, 68, 117

Brooks, F.ns. Roman Leo, 66

Brookshire, Chief Metalsmith Burl W., 187

Brown, Storekeeper Donald, 88

Brown, Ens. William, 53

Buckley, Pvt. Lester, 77, 110

Buethe, Mrs. Mary, 148

Bullock, Shopfitter (on St. Louis), 138

Bunkley, Capt. J. W, 80, 158

Burford, Lieut. Cdr. William P., 61-62, 103, 117, 118, 123

Burkholder, Seaman J. P., 96

Burns, Eugene, 163

Burns, Ens. Martin, 119

Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 183

Burton, Photographer J. W., 128

Calhoun, R. Adm. William, 53

California, 21, 51, 54, 63, 68, 69, 80, 91-92, 98, 124, 158, 175, 179-80, 194, 196

Calkins, Seaman D. F., 120

Campbell, Mrs. William, 148-49, 200

Capitol, U. S., 205-6, 208

Caplan, Ens. Stanley, 137, 141

Carl, Gunner’s Mate Ralph, 160

Carlson, Seaman Kenneth, 119

Carmichael, Major Richard H., 105, 111

Carroll, Cdr. C. F., 85, 103

Cassin, 102, 131, 133

Castor, 67, 120, 128

Chaffin, Capt. (B-17 pilot), 111

Chang, Chief Torpedoinan’s Mate Peter, 72, 187

Chappelman, Capt. J. W., 56

Chikuma, 15, 31

Chris Holmes’ island, 196

Christianson, Lieut. Hans, 146

Cichon, Seaman George, 166

CINCPAC, 5, 59-60, 61, 72, 98, 161, 168

Civilian volunteers, 183-86

Clagnon, Joe, 106

Clark, Blake, 81

Clossen, S/Sgt. Francis, 76, 109

Coll, Ray, 57


Condor, 27-29

Conner, Yeoman Durrell, 54, 91-92, 158

Consulate, Japanese, 163-64

Conter, Lieut. Monica, 1, 2, 8, 56, 143, 200-1

Cooke, Capt. Charles M., 132

Coryell, Hubert, 149

Cote, Mrs. Joseph, 148, 166, 201; Richard (son), 148

Craig, Lieut. Cdr. James, 102, 132

Crawford, Storekeeper Felder, 54

Creighton, Fireman Ed, 118

Creighton, Pvt. Mark, 75-76

Croft, Aviation Ordnanceman Thomas, 50; Mrs., 165, 199

Crossbill, 28

Cucuk, Watertender Samuel, 69

Cummings, 28

Currier, Sgt. Norman, 93

Curry, Cdr. Duncan, 101

Curry, Yeoman L. L., 91

Curtiss, 50, 51, 102, 117-18, 123, 134-355, 172, 193

Dale, 137, 141

Daniels, Ens. James, 197-98

Danner, Harry, 55, 132-33, 175-76

Daubin, Capt. Freeland, 98; Mrs., 148

Davidson, Brig. Gen. Howard C., 145

Davies, Ex-Ambassador Joseph, 207

Davis, Allan, 153

Davis, Pvt. Sydney, 162

Deacon, Ens. Edward, 121

Deas, Seaman Bill, 67

DeCastro, Julio, 177

Deception measures, Japanese, 15, 22-23

Delano, Ens. Victor, 6, 88-89, 97, 104, 126, 129, 156-57

Detroit, 8, 51, 65, 86, 99, 169

Devereux, Dr. John, 184

Diamond Head, 25, 105, 160, 174

Dickinson, Lieut, (j.g.) Clarence, 121, 139, 161, 170

Dobbin, 69, 136, 158, 193

Dobson, Ens. Cleo, 121-22, 169, 170, 192

Domagall, Seaman Ambrose, 36

Donahue, Boatswain’s Mate Thomas, 65, 70, 85-86

Dorfmeister, Aviation Metalsmith George, 86

Downes, 102, 131, 133

Draemel, R. Adm M. F., 168

Drenner, Pvt. Rae, 195

Drydock, floating, 50, 102, 131, 133-34

Drydock No. 1, 50, 55, 102, 129, 131, 175

Duncan, Yeoman (of Tennessee), 127

Duncan, James, 81-82

Dutch Harbor, 18

Duvall, Warrant Electrician Charles, 89

Dwyer, Miss Evolin, 8

Eaker, Radioman Douglas, 162

Earle, Capt. John B., 59, 61, 98; Mrs., 59, 73, 148

Early, Capt. A. R., 140

Eaton, Mrs. E. M., 165-66

Ebina, Lieut, (j.g.) Sukao, 18, 33, 34, 171

Edwards, Webley, 58, 153-54

Egan, Pfc. Leonard, 76

Eifler, Mrs. Carl, 148

Eisenhower, Brig. Gen. Dwight D., 208; Mrs., 208

Elks Club, 25

Elliott, Pvt. Ceorge, 41-45

Emerson, Capt. D. C., 8, 139

Emory, Fireman H. E., 175

Endo, Capt. Tadataka, 18, 34

English, Capt. Robert, 119

Enterprise, 2, 20, 121, 168, 169, 170, 192, 194, 197; morning flight from, 121-22, 169, 170, 192; evening flight from, 197-98

Erdmann, Capt. Levi, 56

Espionage, Japanese, 12-14, 15-16, 20, 20-23, 115, 202; Mori phone call, 3-4, 202

Etter, Machinist’s Mate Charles, 137

Evacuation of women and children, 164-66, 198-99

Ewa Field, 11, 19, 74, 80, 113, 121, 139, 140, 145, 162, 196

Fahrner, M/Sgt. Arthur, 141, 198, 200; Dan (son), 165; Mrs., 141, 165, 198-99, 200

Farragut, 151

Farthing, Col. William, 55, 74, 181

F.B.I., 3, 163, 164

Feathcrman, Ens. Maurice, 69, 124

Felsing, Machinist’s Mate William, 69

Fielder, Lieut Col. Kendall, 3, 57, 201-2; Mrs., 3

Fifth Column rumors, 140, 162-63

Finn, Chief Aviation Ordnanceman John, 111-12

First Air Fleet (Japanese), 11

Fischer, Mrs. James, 165

Fisher, Pfc. John, 156

Fleck, Sgt. J. W., 197

Flood, Signalman Charles, 63

Flood, Col. William, 144-45

Flusser, 198

Flynn, Ens. D. R., 197

Foeppel, Signalman Jack, 100

Fonderhide, Mrs. Claire, 148

Football, comparing the attack to, 118-19, 206

Forbis, Coxswain James, 53, 87, 94, 127

Ford Island, 19, 50-51, 60, 63, 64, 65, 66-67, 71, 73, 74, 82, 84, 85, 93, 98, 99-100, 102, 117, 118, 120, 121-22, 123, 125, 128, 130, 131, 134, 136, 140, 141, 147, 156, 160, 169-70, 175, 192, 197, 201

Forgione, Musician Frank, 71

Forgy, Chaplain Howell, 69, 138

Ft. Kamehameha, 142, 161

Ft. Shafter, 3, 7, 56-57, 78, 156, 167, 182, 193, 201-2; Information Center, 9, 41, 42-45, 78

Foss, Cpl. Harry, 77-78 Foster, Lieut. Roy, 160

Fourteenth Naval District, 6, 39, 58-62, 119

Fowler, Ens. Vance, 93, 157

Fox, Mrs. Barry, 149-50

Frazee, Musician Walter, 123

Frear, Mr. (civilian in Honolulu), 81; Mrs., 81

Fregg, 2nd Lieut. Fred, 8

Fuchida, Cdr. Mitsuo, 12, 16, 32, 33, 46-48, 63, 87, 93, 113-15, 164, 171, 173

Fuchikami, Tadao, 166-67

Fujimoto, Thomas, 152

Fukudome, R. Adm. Shigeru, 10

Fumiyo (Japanese maid), 73-74, 148

Furlong, R. Adm. William, 64, 103, 120, 156

Fusco, Pfc. Arthur, 76, 108

Gallaher, Lieut. Earl, 121

Galloway, Mrs. Joseph, 198

Gamble, Radioman Robert, 71

Game, Ens. William, 65

Gardiner, Mrs. Arthur, 162, 165, 198, 199-200; Keith (son), 200; Susan (daughter), 200

Garnett, Gunner’s Mate Carey, 93

Garzione, Seaman Thomas, 95

Gearin, Quartermaster H. F., 35, 37

Geiger, Sgt. George, 6, 108

Genda, Cdr. Minoru, 10, 11, 12, 22

Gerner, Gunner’s Mate’ Louis, 36, 37

Gerth, Gunner’s Mate Alvin, 102, 119, 132

Gillis, Mrs. Patrick, 149, 201

Gilmartin, Machinist’s Mate David, 98-99

Glaeser, Radioman Fred, 6, 9, 139, 197

Gobidas, Fireman John, 178, 187

“God Bless America” (song), 8

Goepner, Lieut, (j.g.) Oscar, 27, 28, 35, 38

Gonzales, Ens. Manuel, 121

Goto, Ens. Ippei, 23, 33, 172

Grabanski, Signalman Walter, 19

Grabowski, Ens. Leon, 197

Graham, Ens. Hank, 156

Graham, Aviation Mechanic “Turkey,” 95

Greevey, Ens. Clark, 38

Griffin, Musician C. S., 155

Gustchcn, Boatswain’s Mate A. M., 123

Hailey, Sgt. Thomas, 125

Haines, Coxswain Ralph, 53

Haitle, CPO George, 96, 125

Haleakala, 144

Haleiwa, 47, 49, 56, 77, 111, 145

Halekulani Hotel, 5, 80, 138

Haley, CPO Francis (“Jack”), 52, 180, 194

Halliday, Sgt. Robert, 74

Halsey, V. Adm. William F., Jr., 1, 168

Hanabusa, Lieut. Cdr. Hiroshi, 29

Handler, Quartermaster Frank, 63, 103-4, 137, 194

Haniki (native on Niihau), 189

Harada (Japanese on Niihau), 188-91

Hardon, Chief Torpedoman’s Mate G. S., 118

Harper, Lieut. Cdr. J. S., 89

Harsch, Joseph, 80; Mrs., 80

Hasegawa, Lieut. Yoshio, 163-64

Hashimoto, Lieut. Cdr. Mochitsura, 24, 25, 203

Hashimoto, Lieut, (j.g.) Toshio, 11, 23, 46-47, 114, 172-73

Hasler, Ens. William, 8

Hawkins, Watertender Gilbert, 85

Haws, Chief Machinist’s Mate

Harry, 120

Hayden, Capt. Reynolds, 72; Billy (son), 72-73

Haynie, Ens D. B., 36

Hayter, Mrs. Maureen, 184

Hebel, Lieut, (j.g.) Fritz, 197

Heine, Otto F., 139, 140; Mrs., 139, 140

Helena, 50, 51, 53, 62, 63, 65, 68, 70-71, 84, 101-2, 118, 119, 120, 129, 134, 156, 194

Helm, 62-63, 85, 103-4, 116, 137, 161, 194

Hendon, Boatswain’s Mate K. V., 129, 155

Henley, 69, 137

Henry, Pvt. Roy, 69

Herman, Cpl. Maurice, 77, 169

Hermann, Ens. Gayle, 162

Hey, Sgt. Robert, 56, 142

Hickam Field, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 19, 55, 63, 74-76, 78, 82, 104, 105-8, 111, 113, 114-15, 120, 141-44, 145, 148, 156, 162, 163, 164, 165, 181, 184, 186, 195, 198, 200-1

Hiei, 14, 18, 20, 22

Higgins, Capt. Montgomery E., 2; Mrs., 2

Hill, Chief Boatswain Edwin Joseph, 128, 131

Hill, Ens. Joseph, 146

Hill, Dr. (Honolulu physician), 185

Hinsperger, Seaman Wilber T., 178

Hirowo, Ens. Akira, 25, 30

Hiryu, 15, 17, 18, 22, 23, 32, 172

Hoffman, Capt. Carl, 186

Hoko Maru, 14

Honolulu (city), 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 16, 20, 22, 23-24, 25, 46, 47, 56, 57-58, 60, 61, 81-82, 119, 148-54, 198; explosions in, 119, 126, 152, 164

Honolulu (cruiser), 22, 53, 69, 86, 101, 119, 137-38, 176

Hooton, Machinist’s Mate R L., 54

Hopping, Lieut. Cdr. Halstead, 170

Horne, Yeoman Alfred, 85

Hospital Point, 72, 130, 155

Hotel Street, 7, 8, 94

Hui Lele Flying Club, 81

Huluoulani, Mrs. (native on Niihau), 190

Hunt, T/Sgt. Wilbur, 107, 108

I-20, 30

I-24, 24-26, 29-30, 174, 203

I-69, 203

I-72, 22

“I Don’t Want to Set the World on ire” (song), 176

Iida, Lieut. Fusata, 33, 172

Inagaki, Seaman Kyoji, 25-26, 29-30, 39, 116, 174, 203-4

Infantry: 24th Div, 2, 3, 56; 25th Div., 3, 56, 77; 19th Reg., 78; 27th Reg., 78, 182, 196; 28th Reg., 182

Ingram, Ens. William G., 54, 93, 125

Inks, Sgt. (of Nevada), 130

Intelligence, faulty Japanese, 114-15, 144

Isquith, Lieut. Cdr. S. S., 6, 98, 99, 135, 158

Itaya, Lieut Cdr. Shigeru, 46, 48

Iwasa, Cdr. Naoji, 24

Izumi, Dr. Homer, 82-83; Allen (son), 83

Jacobs, CPO G. R, 169

Jacobs, Mrs. Gerald, 165

Jacoby, Ens. Edmond, 52-53, 70, 97, 120, 157, 192

Jagersfontein, 150-51

Jansen, Chief Boatswain’s Mate L. M., 123

Jensen, Seaman James, 70

John Rogers Airport, 13, 82

Johnson, Lieut. Cdr. Doir, 97, 176-77

Johnson, Seaman Frank, 84

Johnson, Dr. Harold, 82; Mrs., 82

Johnson, Machinist’s Mate Henry, 101

Johnson, Senator Hiram, 208

Jones, Radioman R. E., 134-35

Jones, Ens. W. W., 62

Jones, Seaman Albert, 123

Jones, Ens. Herbert, 124

Jones, Boatswain’s Mate Robert E., 8, 102, 132

Joyce, Capt. John P., 112

Judd, S/Sgt. Charles, 56

Kaga, 15, 18, 19-20, 23, 33, 172

Kahlefant, Sgt. Nick, 195

Kahuku Point, 41, 46, 81; golf course, 144

Kaleohano, Hawila, 188, 189, 190, 191

Kaminsky, Lieut. Cdr. Harold, 58-61

Kanahali, Beni, 191; Mrs., 191

Kaneohe Naval Air Station, 10, 19, 38, 57, 60, 79, 111-12, 120, 146-47, 149, 160-61, 162, 182, 196, 199

Kauai, 121, 187, 188, 190

Kawaiola, 42, 45

Kawakami, Johnny, 151

Kelly, 2nd Lieut. Bernard, 101

Kenworthy, Cdr. Jesse L., 179

Keogh, Lieut. William, 193

Keosanqua, 28, 34, 35, 38

Kerslake, Pfc. Billy, 195

KGMB (radio station), 9, 24, 58, 152-54, 164

KGU (radio station), 152, 164

Kida, Sutematsu, 196; Kiichi (son), 196

Kidd, R. Adm Isaac C., 94

Kie Kie, 187, 189

Kii Landing, 187, 188, 190

Kijuchi, Lieut. Rokuro, 22

Kimball, Richard, 6, 138-39

Kimmel, Adm. Husband E., 4-5, 61, 72, 73, 97-98, 167-68; Mrs., 61

King, Ens. David, 129, 134

King, S/Sgt. Doyle, 108

King, Mrs. Garnett, 149

King, Howard, 106

Kirishima, 15

Kita, Consul General Nagao, 12-13, 163-64, 202

Knapp, Yeoman Charles, 139, 193

Knapp, Gun Captain Russell, 37

Knox, Sec. of Navy Frank, 206

Kochi, Cdr. Kazuyoshi, 18, 20, 22

Koenig, Pvt. Stan, 143

Kole Kole Pass, 76

Koolau Mountains, 79

Korn, Ens. Donald L., 62, 65

Kukui, 190

Kuramoti, Seaman Iki, 19, 34, 115

Kure Naval Base, 15, 25, 115, 173

Kuriles, 14

Kusaka, R. Adm. Ryunosuke, 10-11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18-19, 21, 22, 33, 34, 63, 171, 173

La Fata, Radioman Peter, 160, 162

Lagerman, Radioman James, 71

Lahaina, 13, 16, 22

Lanai, 174, 203, 204

Land, Arthur, 149

Land, Boatswain’s Mate William, 194

Landon, Maj. Truman H., 104, 106, 170

Landreth, Ens. John, 155-56, 160

Lane, Lieut. Col. Frank, 163

Lane, Radioman Glenn, 87, 94, 127, 186-87

Larkin, Lieut. Col. Claude, 80, 113, 146, 196; Mrs., 80

Layman, Seaman James, 175

Layton, Pvt. Mark, 56

Leahey, Fireman Charles, 69, 136

Leak, Chief Pharmacist’s Mate (on West Virginia), 97

Leary, R. Adm. H. Fairfax, 5, 123, 137, 138; Mrs., 5

Lemanski, Sgt. Valentine, 56, 78

Lewis, Seaman Frank, 193

Lexington, 2, 194, 198

Linnart, Chief Gunner’s Mate Robert E., 129

Lockard, Pvt. Joseph, 41-45

Lodge, Sen. Cabot, 207-8

Logan, Ens. Joseph, 60

Lombardi, Ens. Thomas A., 125-26, 156

Long Beach, 194

Los Angeles, 194

Lott, Seaman Russell, 87, 94

Lower, Civilian Electrician Jack, 139-40

Loyalty of local populace: Army fears, 4; fears unjustified, 202

Lualualei (Naval arsenal), 166

Lynch, Pharmacist’s Mate William, 54, 63, 69, 91, 179-80

MacSelwiney, Chief Motor Machinist Terrance, 158

Maejima, Lieut. Cdr. Toshihide, 14

Maguire, Fleet Chaplain William A., 53

Maile Beach, 49

Major Disaster Council, 184

Makalapa, 61, 73, 97, 148, 198, 200

Malcolm, Ens. Everett, 8, 139

Malmin, Seaman Thomas, 122-23, 128

Malwein, Ens. C. S., 112

Mambretti, S/Sgt. Guido, 144

Mandell, Ens. Charles, 179

Mann, James B, 49; Mrs., 49, son, 49

Mannion, M/Sgt. M. D., 181

Manoa Valley, 160

Manuszewski, Pvt. Aloysius, 7

Marman, Seaman Donald, 53, 119, 137

Marshall, Gen. George C., 167, 208

Marshall, Seaman “Squash,” 146

Martin, Maj. Gen. Frederick, 169, 182

Maryland, 21, 51, 54, 68, 69, 70, 84, 90, 92, 93, 96, 98, 114, 120, 125, 141, 176, 177, 179, 194, 197

Maskzawilz, Chief Torpedoman W. C., 37

Masterson, Lieut. K. S., 176

Matsumura, lient. Haita, 18, 33

Mau, Allen, 200

Maybeck, S/Sgt. Charles W., 7 Mayfield, Capt. Hall, 73-74, 98; Mrs., 73-74, 97-98, 148, 154

McBriarty, Pvt. Raymond, 112

McCaine, Chief Gunner’s Mate (on Maryland), 125

McCallum, Sgt. Robert, 207

McCarthy, Ens. Bud, 121, 161

McCarthy, Pfc. William, 57, 78

McClarty, Seaman Eugene, 133

McCleary, Seaman Malcolm, 92

McCloy, Ens. R. C., 27

McCombs, Winifred, 58

McCrimmon, Lieut. Cdr. H. P., 57, 79, 147; Mrs., 79, 147, 162

McDaniel, Pvt. Payton, 86, 118-19, 181, 195

McDonald, Pvt. Joseph, 44-45

McDonough, 141

McCinnis, Cdr. Knefler, 60

McIsaac, Lieut. Cdr. John M., 141 McKinley High School, 162, 193

McLeod, Sgt. Stanley, 108, 143

McMillan, Band Leader Oden, 66-67

McMorris, Capt. Charles, 6

McMurray, Seaman Robert, 54

McNary, Sen. Charles, 208

Mead, Radioman Harry, 65, 169

Medeiros, Manuel, 139

Medusa, 50, 117-18, 135

Menges, Ens. Herb, 197

Merdinger, Ens. Charles, 69, 87, 129-30, 159, 180

Merry’s Point, 66, 93

Messier, Fireman Joseph, 68

Michaels, Radioman Charles, 51, 180

Micheletto, Sgt. Carlo, 146

Middaugh, S/Sgt. Chuck, 143-44

Midget submarines, 24-26, 29-30, 35-40, 103-4, 115-16, 117-18, 174, 202-5

Midway, 2, 13, 20

Miller, Col. (at Tripler), 185

Miller, Mess Attendant Doris, 52-53, 97, 126

Miller, Col. Virgil, 56, 165; Julia (daughter), 56

Miller, Quartermaster William J., 120, 128

Minneapolis, 168

Mint, The (café), 7

Minter, Chief Commissary Steward H.A., 37

Miura, Cdr. Gishiro, 16

Molter, CPO Albert, 73, 92, 93, 122, 147-48; Mrs., 73

Momsen, Cdr. Charles, 59, 60

Monaghan, 61-63, 65, 70, 85-86, 103, 117-18, 137

Montessoro, CPO M. G., 7

Montgomery, 102, 120

Moon, Stephen, 150

Moorhead, Dr. John J., 184-86

Mori, Dr. Motokazu, 3-4, 202

Morley, Seaman L. A., 101

Mormon Temple, 81

Morton, Don, 50, 73, 164-65, 199, 201; Jerry, 50, 73, 164-65, 199, 201

Movies, comparing the attack to, 84, 108, 124, 201, 206

Murata, Lieut. Cdr. Shigeharu, 46, 63

Murphy, Seaman George, 71, 90, 92, 157-58

Murphy, Radioman John, 95, 161

Murphy, Cdr. Vincent, 59-61, 72, 73

Murray, Maj. Gen. Maxwell, 77

Myers, Pharmacist’s Mate Howard, 138

Nagano, Adm. Osami, 11, 14

Nagato, 115, 173

Nagumo, V. Adm. Chuichi, 9, 11, 14, 15-16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 31, 32, 63, 115, 173, 174, 202

Nakatsuka, Lawrence, 163-64

Nanakuli Beach, 160

Navy Hospital, 186, 192, 194

Navy Yard, 50, 62, 66, 67, 84, 100-1, 135, 137-38, 140-41, 160, 170, 175-76, 177, 195

Neighbors, M/Sgt. Bonnie, 181

Nclles, Pfc. Joseph, 76

Neosho, 51, 124

Nevada, 20, 51, 52, 53, 62, 66-67, 68, 69, 71, 84, 86-87, 93, 98, 114, 118, 120, 127-31, 152, 155, 159-60, 180-81, 194-95; sortie of, 127-31

New Emma Café, 7

New Orleans, 69, 85, 101, 138, 197

Newton, Lieut. Ceorge, 106, 169

Nickson, Chief Boatswain’s Mate Joseph, 51-52

Niihau, 187-91

Noble, Seaman Sidney, 35

North, Chief Electrician’s Mate Harold, 92, 96

Nugent, Watertender H. G., 158-59

Nuuanu Valley, 161

Oahu, 7, 10, 22, 24, 25, 31, 33, 41, 43, 44, 46, 47, 49, 57, 58, 65, 79, 104, 115, 121, 152, 162, 169, 172, 173, 174, 183-84, 188, 194, 196, 197, 198, 201, 202, 203, 204

Oborne, Seaman Robert, 65

Odekirk, Sgt. Burdette E., 160

Officers’ Clubs: Hickam, 114-15, 181; Pearl Harbor, 1, 2; Schofield Barracks, 2-3; Wheeler, 56, 76-77

Oglala, 51, 64, 65, 71, 101, 102, 120, 156

Oklahoma, 20, 51, 54, 68, 70, 71, 73, 90-91, 92-93, 96, 98, 124-25, 157-58, 159, 177-79, 193, 194

Onishi, R. Adm. Takajiro, 10

Ono, Cdr. Kanjiro, 9, 22, 23-24, 26

Opana (radar station), 41-45, 170

Orwick, Radioman Dean B., 134-35

Ottley, Lieut, (at Honolulu harbor), 60

Outerbridge, Lieut. William W, 27-29, 35-39, 58, 59

Oveka, Pvt. Edward, 186

Owens, Boatswain’s Mate Allen, 87, 129

P-40s, 77, 111, 145, 146

Pacific Café, 151

Pacific Club, 6

Pacific Fleet, U.S., 1-2, 50-51, 65

Panay, 85

Parrott, Ens. John F., 101

Patriarca, Lieut, (j.g.) F. A., 121, 170

Patton, 2nd Lieut. Earl, 149

Pafwing 2, 60, 64, 72, 169

PBYs: at Kaneohe, 57, 80, 111; at Ford Island, 50, 60, 131; sub contacted by, 35, 36, 37-38, 60, 64

Pearl City, 50, 51, 65, 73, 117, 120, 134, 136, 140, 165, 197

Pearl Harbor (main references), 1-2, 27-29, 34, 50-55, 61-63, 84-104, 117-38, 155-60, 175-81, 192-95, 196-98

Pearl Harbor Striking Force, 9, 14, 15, 33; number of planes used, 31

Pelias, 85

Pennsylvania, 8, 21, 50, 55, 65, 69, 85, 98, 102, 119, 131-33, 174, 175, 194

Persson, Capt. August, 130

Peters, Sgt. Emil, 145-46

Pethoud, Pfc. Emmitt, 76

Phelps, 68, 119, 137

Philippines, 1, 12, 18, 53

Phillips, Cdr. John, 124

Phillips, Col. Walter C., 78

Phoenix, 68, 119, 151-52, 169

Pinkerton, Dr. Forrest, 184, 186

Planning, Japanese, 10-14

Poindexter, Gov. Joseph E., 164, 182-83

Polto, Pvt. Harry, 126

Popko, Aviation Ordnance Mate Henry, 146

Portland, 21

Power, Electrician’s Mate James, 132, 187

Powers, Aviation Machinist’s Mate William, 124

Precautions, Japanese, 15, 16, 18-19

Pressler, Seaman “Red,” 62

Puckett, Cdr. Louis, 141

Pullen, Lieut. Cdr. Harold, 2, Mrs., 2

Puuwai, 187, 189, 190

Pye, V. Adm. William S, 1, 69, 138-39

Queens Hospital, 186

Quisdorf, Aviation Ordnanceman Harand N., 93, 100

Rabe, Fireman Stanley H., 93

Radar, Army, 41-45, 170

Raenbig, Seaman H. E., 35, 36, 37

Raines, Radioman James, 102, 134-35

Raleigh, 51, 54, 62, 65, 84, 99, 135, 139, 159, 193

Kamapo, 53, 101

Ramey, Maj. Roger, 55

Ramsay, Lieut. Robert, 105, 106

Ramsey, Cdr. Logan, 60, 61, 64, 72

Rathman, Waldo H, 198

Rayburn, Speaker Sam, 208

Reconnaissance Squadron: 38th, 104; 50th, 181; 88th, 104

Red Hill, 199

Reese, Ens. Hubert, 79-80, 112, 146

Reeves, Chief Radioman Thomas, 124

Reid, Lieut. Ernest, 105

Reordan, Capt. Charles E., 126

Rescue work; on California, 179-80; on Ford Island, 122-23; on Oklahoma, 177-79; on Utah, 158-59; on the water, 123

Richards, Lieut. Robert, 113

Ricketts, Lieut. Claude V., 89-90, 97, 156

Rigel, 54, 69, 100, 101, 177, 178, 187, 194

Robbins, Maj. (at Hickam), 144

Robinson family, 187, 188, 189; Aylmer, 188, 190

Robinson, Pvt. E. H., 193

Rodenberger, Musician Don, 66

Rogers, Lieut, (at Haleiwa), 145

Rogers, Lieut. Cdr. R. H., 141

Rogovsky, Storekeeper Jack, 100

Rom, Pfc. Frank, 75

Rood, Capt. Ceorge, 138

Roosevelt, President Franklin Delano, 182-83, 205-6, 208-9; Mrs., 208

Roosevelt, Capt. James, 205, 208

Rottach, Ben, 54-55

Rowell, Mrs. Alexander, 199

Royal Hawaiian Hotel, 25, 193

Rucoi, Gunner’s Mate Millard, 119-

20, 133

Rumors, 159-60, 161-63, 164, 166, 168, 193, 194; of poisoned water, 162-63; of American-educated Japanese pilots, 193

Sabotage, Japanese, U.S. precautions against, 4, 55

Sachs, Maj. Henry, 144

Sacramento, 51, 67-68, 85, 100

Saeki, 11, 14

St. Louis, 53-54, 100, 119, 137, 138, 139, 168-69

St. Louis Heights, 161

Sakamaki, Ens. Kazuo, 24-26, 29-30, 39-40, 115-16, 174, 203-4

Sallet, Seaman George, 84, 86

“San Antonio Rose” (song), 106

San Francisco (city), 194, 195

San Francisco (cruiser), 52, 53, 68, 101, 176, 195

Saratoga, 194

Sawyer, Corpsman T. A., 136

Scanland, Gapt. FrancisW., 128, 180

Schick, Flight Surgeon William, 105

Schlect, Radioman Benny, 134-35

Schmitt, Lieut, (j.g.), Aloysius, 92

Schofield Barracks, 2-3, 4, 6, 7, 19, 49, 56, 77, 109, 160, 181, 182, 183, 196

Search for Japanese fleet, 125, 168-69

Sedberry, Chief Quartermaster Robert, 128, 130

Selfridge, 119

Senecal, Pfc. Raymond, 77

Shaffer, Marian, 8

Shafter. See Ft. Shafter.

Shapley, Maj. Allen, 94

Shaw, 102, 131, 133-34

Sherwood, Cpl. John, 75, 107-8, 143, 181

Shiga, Lieut. Yoshio, 12, 18, 20, 23, 47, 48, 113

Shimazaki, Lieut. Cdr. Shigekazu, 120

Shimizu, Cdr. Shin-Ichi, 14, 15, 21, 154

Shipley, Pvt. Bert, 143

Shivers, Robert, 163

Shokaku, 15, 18, 33, 34, 115, 172

Short, Seaman Leslie V., 54, 84

Short, Lieut. Gen. Walter C., 3-4, 6, 41, 55, 57, 78, 167, 182-83; Mrs., 3, 4

Shrine football game, 58

Shute, Ens. George, 79

Silvester, Lieut. Bill, 2

Simmons, Mess Attendant Walter, 51, 57, 79, 160, 182, 196

Simons, Capt. R. Bentham, 54, 99-100, 135-36

Sintani (Japanese on Niihau), 188, 189

Smith, Mess Attendant (of Utah), 99

Smith, Storekeeper H. W., 162-63

Smith, Chief Yeoman George, 71

Smith, Dr. Jesse, 185

Smith, Seaman Joseph, 141

Smith, Pharmacist’s Mate Orin, 146

Snake Ranch, 106, 181

Solace, 136, 157, 177, 186-87

Sorties: cruisers, 144, 168-69; destroyers, 136-37, 141; Nevada, 127-31; St. lams, 138

Soryu, 15, 33, 172

Southeast Loch, 11, 66, 67, 70, 72, 84, 90, 100

Spagnola, James A., 160, 176

Spangler, Mrs. Paul, 152, 200; Betty (daughter), 201; Margo (daughter), 201

Special Naval Attack Unit, 24, 203

Stagich, Radioman Leonard, 102

Star-Bulletin, Honolulu, 57-58, 152, 163

“Star-Spangled Banner,” 67, 128, 150

Stark, Adm. Harold R., 208

Stidham, Joan, 154

Stock, Fireman Frank, 66

Stout, Cdr. Herald, 68

Strafing, 66, 67, 106, 107, 110, 111-12, 123, 124, 139-40, 145, 146

Submarine base, 72, 84, 101, 128, 195

Sung do Kim, 110

“Sunrise Seranade” (song), 133

Suzuki, Mimori, 33, 172

Suzuki, Lieut. Cdr.

Suguru, 13, 14, 15-16

Swan, 51, 100, 160, 162, 180

“Sweet Leilani” (song), 2

Swenson, Capt. Raymond, 105

Swinney, Sgt. H. E., 75, 142

Szymanski, Machinist (on Utah), 158

Tai Sing Loe, 55

Taiyo Maru, 13

Takahashi, Lieut. Cdr. Kakwichi, 46, 63

Takeda, Lieut. Harauo, 31

Tamanaha, Toy, 151

Tanbo, Cdr. Yoshibumi, 17, 19, 21-22, 33, 34, 115, 202

Tangier, 51, 99, 120, 159, 194

Tanner, Ens. William, 36, 37-38, 60

Taussig, Ens. Joseph, 52, 53, 62, 67, 86-87, 127, 129, 130

Tautog, 67, 84

Taylor, Lieut. Homer, 106

Taylor, Lieut. Kenneth, 56, 77, 111, 145

Taylor, Ens. Thomas, 53

Taylor, Machinist’s Mate William, 68

Tellin, Carpenter R. C., 135

Tennessee, 8, 21, 51, 70, 71, 87, 96, 98, 119, 126, 151, 160, 176, 194

Ten-Ten (1010) dock, 50, 51, 53, 62, 64, 65, 66, 84, 101, 118, 120, 128, 130, 156

Territorial Guard, 183

Theobald, R. Adm. Robert A., 6

Thomas, Sen. Elmer, 208

Thomas, Lieut. Cdr. Francis J., 128, 130, 155

Thompson, Pvt. J. H., 107, 181

“Three Lirde Fishes” (song), 153

Tognetti, Paul, 184

Tokyo, 11, 13, 14, 18, 20, 22-23, 194, 202, 206, 207

Tomich, Chief Watertender Peter, 99

Tommerlin, Tommy, 81

Tone, 15, 31

Torpedo attacks, 11, 12, 70

Townsend, Cdr. A. M., 139; Mrs., 148, 198

Traffic jams, 138-41

Train, Capt. Harold C., 69

Tripler General Hospital, 184-85

Tsukamoto, Cdr. Hoichiro, 18, 33-34, 115

Tucker, 84

Turbine, 130

Turner, Pvt. William, 146

Turrage, Sgt. William, 146

Twaddell, Lieut. Col. James W., 105, 111

Two Jacks (café), 7

Tyce, Bob, 82

Tyler, 1st Lieut. Kermit A., 9, 42-45, 78

Ugaki R. Adm. Matome, 115

Umezawa, Sgt. (Japanese bombardier), 114

Underwood, Lieut, (at Haleiwa), 49

University of Hawaii, 58, 164, 183, 198, 201

U.S. reactions, 205-9

Usher, Prof. Roland G., 207

Utah, 6, 20, 51, 65, 98-99, 135, 158, 196

Utility Squadron One, 169, 197

Uttrick, Quartermaster B. C., 27

Vaessen, Fireman John, 99, 159

Vandenberg, Sen. Arthur, 207-8

Van Valkenburgh, Capt. Franklin, 94

Varner, Quartermaster H. C. (“Jim”), 54

Vaubel, Nurse Valera, 192

Vecera, Quartermaster Edward, 70, 176

Vestal, 62, 66, 70, 87, 93, 94-96, 161, 180

Vitousek, Roy, 82; Martin (son), 82

Vogt, Ens. John, 121

Waddington, Maj. L. D., 112

Wahiawa, 110, 183

Waianae Beach, 160

Waianae Mountains, 76, 80

Waikiki Beach, 5, 7, 53, 76, 80, 105, 160, 193

Waipahu, 199

Waipio Peninsula, 155

Wake Island, 2, 121

Wallace, Ens. W. G., 201; Mrs., 201

Walters, George, 131

Ward, 27-29, 36-39, 58, 59, 60, 61, 72, 103, 116, 137

Warnings, from Washington, 2, 4, 41, 167-68

Washington, D.C., 1, 4, 6, 18, 41, 72, 167, 205, 206, 207, 208

Waszkiewicz, Seaman Ed, 134

Watanabe, Cdr. Katsuji, 202-3

Watson, Aviation Machinist’s Mate Ralph, 147

Wears, Sgt. Leo, 93, 125

Weisenberger, Chief Machinist’s Mate Paul, 70-71, 101

Weisman (seaman on Oklahoma), 178

Welch, Lieut. George, 56, 76-77, 110-11, 145

West, Mrs. Melbourne, 149

West Virginia, 8, 21, 51, 52, 54, 66, 69-70, 85, 87-90, 93, 96-97, 98, 104, 120, 123, 124, 125-26, 129, 156-57, 176-77, 192, 194

Wheeler, Sen. Burton, 208

Wheeler Field, 10, 19, 49, 56, 76-77, 78, 108-9, 110, 144, 145, 160, 182, 196, 197

White, Lieut, (j.g), F. H., 97

White, Machinist’s Mate Robert, 119

Whitman, Lieut. George, 146

Whitney, 118, 198

Widgeon, 177, 180

Wilkinson, 1st Lieut. Warren, 141-42

Willis, Ens. Charles F., 80

Willis, Ens. Walter, 121

Wilson, Brig. Gen. Durward S., 2, 3

Wilson, Pvt. John, 143

Wilson, Mrs. Woodrow, 208

Wiltse, Cdr. Jerry, 140

Winser, Lieut. Cdr. L., 99

Won, Patrolman Albert, 161

Wong, Police Sgt. Jimmy, 152, 161-62

Workman, Seaman Joseph, 53

Wounded, treatment of, 122-23, 185-87

Wray, Lieut. Cdr. Henry, 128

Yamamoto, Adm. Isoroku, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 19, 20, 21, 24, 115, 173-74

Yano, Lieut, (pilot on Shokaku), 172

YG-17, 51

Y.M.C.A., 7, 139

Yo-44, 71-72

Yokosuka Naval Barracks, 23

Yokota, Seaman Shigeki, 15, 19

Yomiuri Shinbun (Tokyo newspaper), 3, 202

Young, Cdr. Cassin, 93, 95

Young, Paul, 110, 145; Mrs., 110

Young, Seaman Stephen, 90, 178

Young, Tommy, 49

Y.W.C.A., 164

Zlabis, Signalman Adolf, 62, 95

Zuikaku, 15, 171