
Chapter 32 The Time Wheel



Present day

Zen was pacing the floor while Hichaigo sat with Leonith who poured tea in the growing silence while Zens thoughts raced.

"So what is this supposed to mean? A set up a plot of murder?" Zen asked worried as Leo came in halting his pacing.

"A plan yes an attempt to hurt him." Leo said.

"But he has so many secrets why now? What happens if they try and kill him?" Zen asked worried and scared and Leo thought it over knowing the truth.

"There is a lot that you don't know Zen. He would kill them before he got his swords length apart. Forget that he is a nephilim?"

"Yes only it is a Saint and an angel who turned on him. Yet why?  He is one of them right?" Zen asked.

"He is not just that Kaze has a special side to him." Leo drank slowly.

"What do you mean?" Zen stopped.

"Nothing forget it." Zen swatted the tea cup from his hand and yelled in his face.

"Stop drinking that now and tell me about my brother!" Leo sighed and stood up followed by Hichaigo.

"Do you remember the tale of the black king and the white prince?"


"It is based on a true story in the clan's history." Hichaigo interrupted while Leo was about to speak and Zen listened with a hand on his chin.

"Exactly." Leo whispered staying calm. "Cain is the king from your bloodline and the prince from your brothers. They are planning on killing him and future generations by killing Jade his past life during the Italian Renaissance."

"So why do they need to? Why are we involved isn't it-" Hichaigo spoke.

"Hard?" Leo finished Hachi's question. "No if Jade dies before he gets home which is the part that they plan on intervening in."

"Planned?" Zen interrupted.

"Then all generations then to now will not exist, you would not be born, never resurrected and I need you to help me stop it." Leo spoke bluntly and seriously looking a them both.

"How? How do we get back in time? I only know about Kaze but time travel is impossible without him." Zen looked confused while Leo left down the hall and then came back with a small box and cloth. They sat while he laid down the purple cloth box and opened it.

"That is unless we have access to a younger version of him. The first Kaze that your dad and a friend and I had discovered something about that specific friend and your brother." Leo turned the box and Zen jumped and Hachi gasped. Bones. Inside were small frail bones cleaned of dirt but still old, two candles on an ashy grey torn fabric that was once a red and blue child's kimono.

"No way." Hachi breathed. "Is that?" Zen relaxed still shocked and sat back up.

"Kazes. Yes. A lot of stuff went on that you don't know about like the time veil, Nephilim, spirit sacrifice and his past." Leo pierced his skin after setting up from the center of his palm to the base of his wrist and while he did there were runes that reflected in the twilight like silver lines of glittering stars. He opened his eyes and lifted the knife out of the wound then slit his wrist and the candles blazed up, runes glowed gold on his skin and in the air as misty flames spread sparks that became scriptures. The bones glowed silver and caught on fire then Leo's hand began to bleed and he turned it over letting it bleed on the flames of the bones.

"Get back and stand up guys!" Leonith commanded yelling over the loud crackling flames and they listened. Zen grabbed his nephew pulling him back while the candle fire turned and met the other fire while Leo dripped blood on it. Leo began speaking a chant in Latin and Zen whispered it translating what he said.

"Hail and farewell! Forbidden flames send thy back in your will and release me oh God of the wind. Hail and farewell...rupture time to the part that which was erased. Fix it now while you go through time and space. Trapped inside it...Now release I open your veil furthermore. Hail and farewell, hail and farewell priest soon to be Cain once again...Hail and farewell your son Hichaigo the white bone dragon Yin. Forbear your love. Hail and farewell." Zen finished translating standing ashen once he realized what it was. Dark magic...Do you mean to tell me that Kaze is a dark sorcerer? A Necromancer? Leo stood up and the flames sank into a black hole draining the remains.

"Get ready to jump!" Leonith yelled over the vibrating noise it made and Zen twitched not realizing he just spoke still ashen in fear.

"What! I'm not jumping into that veil again!" Hachi screamed.

"So you have done this before?" Zen asked worried his mind thinking of questions as to when and how.

"Forget it! I still hate him for turning me into a videogame character a few years ago!"

"Are you ready? Both of you?" Leonith asked.

"What!" Zen exclaimed. "I thought you said that I did not have to go back in there!?"

"I lied!" Leonith replied smirking. "He knows that you both are coming and you both are the only ones who can save him from the Archangels. It is not only Raziel and Saint Michael who he has angered. He has angered them by disrupting the balance several times. If they knew that I did this for him then I'd share his fate but less severe. Now there is a protection spell that has been stopping them from getting to this exact point in time. Which means you must play it out and ensure his safety then stop them from interfering although they will find a way around the spell. You are timed and must go to the coliseum!" We walked closer forward and looked into the black hole which seemed to stretch on for miles.

"Why? The-" Zen asked cut off.

"There is no time for questions! Go now!" Leonith commanded and we jumped together. "Just be careful you guys! Try to play your parts well and if you get stuck or meet one of your past lives then improvise but you cannot reveal your true identities to anyone. You can still impact the present alright. They are holding the test in the Roman Coliseum so if you lose track of each other then meet up there! I'm going to break the seal so if you can still hear me then listen up!" Hichaigo looked up towards the darkness after Leoniths voice.

"It's hard not to!" He was holding Zens hand and they looked at each other while falling through the veil. A light started to shine from below them and they looked down. It was blinding and Hichaigo had to squint to try and see past it then he yelled to Leonith. "Hey Leo! What is this weird light?" He asked and Leo's distant voice replied in an echo.

"Let the light guide you and shine upon your feet while you walk this path. Be cautious and be careful of the snow!" The light engulfed them and something cold hit his face then Hachi looked around and saw himself and Zen in a blanket of white.

Entry 16

Venice, Italy 1492

It was snow and Hichaigo coughed sitting up then looked over at Zen who lay motionless in the snow facedown on the ground.

"Man talk about a cold shot." Hichaigo got up on his feet, brushed the snow from his clothes and picked up an lonely branch. He walked over to his uncle and poked him. Zen groaned and Hichaigo rolled him over then stepped back. His nose was bloody and his face was cut up. Normally he would heal fast but he wasn't and the cuts were healing at a normal rate. Plus he was warm for once yet you could tell that his body temperature was dropping quickly. "Stay here it will be ok. I'll go start a fire." A few minutes later I made a fire near Zen so he could warm up then fell asleep on my jacket watching while the flames danced across my eyes and I drifted off into a deep dreamless sleep.