
Chapter 49 Two Weeks in Calvary


"BLOODY CRAP. " KAZE paced around heavens chapel empty and looked around tired of waiting. "Come on and judge me already! Where are you all."

"Kaze Allan Kamikaze." Jesus came in with Michael and the saints and Kaze fell back softly on air before laying on the floor giving a sigh of relief.

"Finally... My wings hurt from waiting for you guys." Kaze complained.

"Sit up please Kaze." Michael asked and Kaze got to his feet. "It is time for you to be judged and sentenced as we said long ago. You have left your cell and have broken your covenant. I am disappointed in you Kaze and I wish I could have saved you. To let you live here instead of him giving you that mark. It tears my soul to do this but I have no other choice. Its the council and elders and everyone's decision and vote. Kaze I sentence you to your full sentence and take back your wings. You have one chance to change by September 1st. Ave Aquate Vale Kaze." Michael sent him down from the heavens and Kaze yelled knowing exactly where he was going. Hell.




August day one for me and day 13 for Zen. Entry 13 in jail Chelsalvan 2010

This place is horrid! Why did I not stay with Zen instead of being sentenced to hell? I'm freaking going to lose it if I have to hear Lucy talk anymore while I am writing this. It's been only one hour and I have to find a way out of here by September 1st or I have to serve my full sentence. 500 more years of this? Pfft! No way in hell shall I stay one more second in these bloody chains hooked on the wall and on my feet with weights and the heat. This demon and his dad and being pinned down in a corner of a jail cell doesn't help me feel any better.

Father if you can see this then maybe I have a chance. Something is going on...can you tell me my children are alright? Please pray for me and I will pray that I get out soon and that you are all doing well. This is a fire message father... At least I may cast one spell without a pen down here. They won't allow me anything because I have a bad habit of dark magic. Miss you and send back as soon as you can. I don't know about my cell though...maybe we can try it? The angel will rise again. Wait for me. Love Val. There was a puff of smoke and Kaze relaxed against the corner.

"So do you got all that? Kaze..." Lucifer asked stopping his pacing in front of the bars and looked through them. Kaze picked at the stone floor ignoring him as he rested his head eyes closed on the corner.

"Oh yeah..." Kaze replied bored. "Can I have a pack?" He examined Lucifer not surprised to see him holding his belly after what he did to him.

"No and you didn't hear a word I just said did you? Even as I'm pregnant with your child? How shocking."

"You raped is not mine but scum of yours and with your dull ashy head." Kaze exclaimed as Lucifer lit a cigar in front of him smoking. You are still a dick. Kaze thought.

"You remember that night do you?" Lucifer asked and Kaze recalled that dreaded day.

"Get off of me!" Kaze yelled as Lucifer naked on top of him tore off his shirt to reveal his scars. "What are you-Ash!" Lucifer staked him then drunk his blood from the wound as Kaze gagged coughing blood. He fought back trying to stab him with his stele as Lucifer staked himself bleeding onto Kaze's chest. The blood burned and the scents of decay filled his nostrils as he tried fighting the hunger. Lucifer tore his pants clean off and laid on top of Kaze yelling as blood went everywhere as he connected the two holes. Kaze soon found himself kissing Lucifer underneath the covers seduced and sick but Lucifer was stronger even now as a girl pinning him tightly to the bed. He seduced Kaze drunkening him and laid him as Kaze pulled away for a moment to speak hands on her chest. Lucifer stopped and went quiet for him as Kaze's eyes went black his body already beginning to heal.

"Wait...does this mean we now share the power of my heart? Am I just another one of your tools Lucy? A pawn?" Kaze asked as Lucifer slowly gilded her small gentle fingers in his golden hair and he gave a low growl then bared his fangs in a yawn.

"Kaze my dear sweet, sweet Kaze. Yes we are now bonded and I would not have come to you if I did not love you. Drink from love and you will be set free. William."

"They never loved me even as the Holy Ghost breath of life they never loved me. I have not fed in ages come back to me and let me bite you on the neck." Kaze let go and got on top of Lucifer then dug his fangs in her neck as his boner hardened and he went for the kill letting the tenderness of the blood trickle down his throat as he pressed on her soft skin. The flashback faded and Kaze felt sick again.

"So the Antichrist is a lazy mom and my role is the stupid father?" Kaze laid his head back on his corner then relaxed ready to fall asleep.

"It's late try to get some sleep okay." Lucifer left and Kaze sighed then a moment later his phone buzzed and he flipped it open reading. Incoming call from Hichigo Kamikaze. Kaze quickly picked it up.


"Hello Kaze?" A voice replied.


"It worked. How are you doing?" Hichigo asked through the static.

"Fine you know just burning it up." Kaze and Hichigo laughed then a moment later a tunnel of ice broke through the wall and wind broke his bounds and he escaped. Kaze met his father in a forest and he helped him up out of the hole, it vanished and Kaze found he wasn't alone. Shadowhunters, downworlders, mundane, demons, angels, fallen ones, Hichaigo and vampires surrounded him. "You brought the cavalry? Cool." Kaze laughed he was free and already knew the sort of chaos that would break out in the morning a few hours away.




"Ok, ok quiet down please." Kaze sat in his new throne and relaxed as Army, Hichigo, and his son calmed the excited crowd.

"Our leader said be quiet!" His son yelled on his dads right and then there was complete silence.

"Owch..." Kaze picked his ear. "Boy come closer..."

"Yes father?" Hichaigo leaned in.

"Open up..."

"Why-" He opened his mouth and Kaze put earwax on his tongue. Hichaigo leaned away coughing and spitting until he spit it out.

"I never thought you had that in you child." Hichigo saw as he almost dropped a small journal then tucked it in his inside vest jacket and straightened up. "You write?" Hichigo was surprised and held a slight suspicion.

"Yeah...poetry." Kaze watched them share ideas as a folded burnt paper fell from the pages and he scooted it under his foot. "Lucky were not in the bone city or family catacombs. You would wake the dead with that voice." Kaze scoffed.


"Ah! No butts now sit!" Kaze yelled ordering and he sat.

"Kaze..." A small boy rose a hand. "They said you can lead us that you came back from the dead."

"Tyler..." Rikugun noticed his voice but Tyler had already transformed, walked past him, and jumped on Kazes lap.

"Can you help me?" Tyler purred and Kaze petted him.

"A cat. Normally I would be allergic to cats ever since the time of the pharaohs but yes I will see what I can do..." Kaze froze.

"Kaze are you alright?" Riku and Hichigo asked and Tyler got down quivering.

"Get out." Kaze mumbled.

"Why?" Hichaigo asked.

"All of you just get out! Now!" Kaze screamed and the crowd and everyone ran out except Hichigo.

"My child... What was all that about?" Hichigo asked and Kaze scooted the letter to him.

"Nothing...I believe this is your writing."

"My letter!" Hichigo picked it up and gently unfolded it. "How did you get this?"

"It fell from your journal... The one stashed under that log. Never read it."

"Wait the read the rest!" Hichigo gasped.

"No! Hachi has...he must have cause he lied to you about it being his journal. Remember when I would always watch you write and you would tell me stories until you tucked me in at night?" Kaze rubbed his forehead clearly stressed.

"You were thinking of this a long time. Come on chill out it's only seven in the morning." Hichigo opened one of the curtains and Kaze covered his eyes blinded by the sunlight.

"Yeah...the last day of chels. Zen will come soon like before in five minutes and then they will have a party and I will be now by God then I have a better chance of hiding from Lucy." Kaze hissed then sighed.

"So you can't hide forever, fate will one day surely find you." Hichigo started opening the rest of the windows and curtains on the windows then Kaze spoke blinded.

"I thought I'm already dead?"

"Physically not spiritually." A different voice spoke and Kaze jumped as all the curtains and windows shut. Lucifer now stood before him, hands on his hips with ashy pale skin and topped with an annoyed look. "Hi dear sweetie...we missed you." Lucifer growled.

"Drop the mom thing I'm glad you are not female. Maybe you would look decent." Kaze covered his eyes then peeked.

"Why does this feel more comfortable?" Lucifer turned himself into a girl. A brunette with copper eyes, pale white skin, a small stomach and actually nice looking. She wore a bright blue victorian dress and Kaze was in disbelief at what actually was falling into his spell.

"Lucy Whiteford..." Kaze stood taking her into his arms. "My first love... Thy can't be?"

"John thou really here?" Lucy asked.

"Yes! Lucy thou have come home for you. I missed you my love." Kaze ran his hand in her hair slowly to make sure she was real then smiled laughing as they began to dance.

"They said you died in the war...why John you left me all alone." Kaze stopped, let go of her side and drove a stake through her belly then the illusion vanished. Lucifer gasped laughing at Kaze and sneered.

"A miss and while I carry your child... Evil as your old life without Lucy. Impaler. You are not allowed to have a holy weapon." Lucifer smirked.

"By God leave as you will find me nevermore!" Kaze yelled as he vanished. Seth is your brother. Clear as a whisper the words passed through his mind as he sat with an orb. Inside he watched as Zen come in with their family and friends in joyous cahoots. "No it can't be him or any of my brothers." Kaze watched them talk about the new replica of their home and how Zen was and how he carried and felt never mentioning his deceased friend. "They must have forgotten me...I'm just another dead branch, stepped on, forgot, found then burned. Listen to them..."

"Look at this place!" Levictus gasped as Zen smiled retreating to his room followed by Kaminari, Inari, Leo, John and some uncles.