First, thanks to all the neuroscientists, psychologists, economists, computer scientists, engineers, etc. whose fascinating work makes a book like this tremendously fun to write. And thanks, too, to the listservs, databases, and science-minded publications that make their work accessible, with special shout-outs to the psychologist Ken Pope, New York Times writers Benedict Carey and John Tierney, the WNYC program Radiolab, the database ScienceDirect and the blog (where I write), all of which I mined at times for ideas. Thanks to Kristi and Mom for giving me psychology heads-ups and to Dad for providing the economics and game-theory counterpoint. And I’d like to recognize all the folks at Three Rivers who helped me shape and produce Brain Candy—my editor, Julian Pavia, for forcing me to get to the point; Dyana Messina, for helping people find the book; Philip Patrick, whose benediction I’ve felt from afar; book designer Maria Elias, who must’ve been horrified when this art-heavy layout nightmare landed on her desk; and production editor Rachelle Mandik, for her help beating aforementioned layout into shape. And thanks to Jen, my agent, who continues to leap buildings in a single bound, even without the phone booth of a reasonable economy to launch from.