• K = Your current karma estimate—on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being Pol Pot and 10 being Mother Teresa, how good of a person are you (excluding last year’s April Fools’ Day)?
• P = How deliciously good is the prank? (1 to 10 with 10 being “ultimate hilarity”).
• GN = The percentage of people who experienced or heard about the prank who, two days after the fact, did/would have a generally positive feeling about it.
• V# = Number of victims.
• VM = On average, how mad would each victim be just after the prank was pulled? (1 to 10 with 10 being “you’ll need to have a witness protection program rep on speed dial”).
• VC = How close are you to the intended victim(s)? (1 to 10 with 10 being “my wife”).
If DoIt is less than –5, expect to be reincarnated as a nematode should you go through with your planned prank.
If DoIt is between –5 and 0, you can hope for reincarnation as a lesser mammal.
If DoIt is between 0 and 5, you should prank but then donate a kidney to restore karma.
If DoIt is greater than 5, you can prank away without karmic repercussion.