Read the following statements and use a pencil to score each question’s accuracy in describing your thoughts or behaviors, with one being “very inaccurate” and five being “very accurate.” Flip to the back of the book for interpretation.

  1. I like to be of service to others.

  2. I distrust people.

  3. I am nice to store clerks.

  4. I acknowledge others’ accomplishments.

  5. I pretend to be concerned for others.

  6. I can’t be bothered with others’ needs.

  7. I try to maintain a pleasant atmosphere.

  8. I disregard the opinions of others.

The Smell of Trust

Imagine the following trust game: An “investor” has 12 coins, and can give any number of them to a “trustee.” Any coins given quadruple in value, and then the trustee can give back as many (or as few) as he or she wants. Thus it’s best for the investor to give coins, but only if the investor trusts the trustee.

Researchers in Zurich added a hitch: Half the tested pairs inhaled a placebo nasal spray and half inhaled a spray containing oxytocin, a drug linked to long-term mating and nurturing behaviors. In the placebo pairs, only one-fifth of investors forked over all their coins; in the oxytocin pairs, almost half did. Oxytocin had no influence on the number of coins trustees returned, perhaps because no trust was required on their end of the transaction.