How closely do the following phrases describe you? Use a pencil to score each question from 1 to 5 with 1 being “very inaccurate” and 5 being “very accurate.” Then check the back of the book for interpretation.

  1. Am the life of the party.

  2. Sympathize with others’ feelings.

  3. Get chores done right away.

  4. Have frequent mood swings.

  5. Have a vivid imagination.

  6. Don’t talk a lot.

  7. Am not interested in other people’s problems.

  8. Often forget to put things back in their proper place.

  9. Am relaxed most of the time.

  10. Am not interested in abstract ideas.

  11. Talk to a lot of different people at parties.

  12. Feel others’ emotions.

  13. Like order.

  14. Get upset easily.

  15. Understand abstract ideas.

  16. Keep in the background.

  17. Am not really interested in others.

  18. Make a mess of things.

  19. Seldom feel blue.

  20. Do not have a good imagination.