Read the following statements and use a pencil to score each question’s accuracy in describing your thoughts or behaviors, with one being “very inaccurate” and five being “very accurate.” Flip to the back of the book for interpretation.

  1. I feel threatened easily.

  2. I am sure of my ground.

  3. I adapt easily to new situations.

  4. I often feel blue.

  5. I worry about things.

  6. I feel comfortable with myself.

  7. I am filled with doubts about things.

  8. I look at the bright side of life.

  9. I dislike myself.

  10. I seldom feel blue.

Twins and Sex

OK, hold your horses. It’s not like that. But it’s still pretty good: A King’s College London study of more than 2,000 female twins found that the twin with higher emotional intelligence had more orgasms. It’s that simple: Females who are in touch with their emotions have more orgasms than those who are out of touch.
