Resources to give you Whole30 support, motivation, and accountability.
Whole30 Day by Day: Your Daily Guide to Whole30 Success
Advice, tips, hacks, and inspiration to guide you through every day of your Whole30, with guided reflections, dedicated space to track your non-scale victories and Whole30 meals, and daily check-ins to keep you motivated.
Our free biweekly newsletter filled with Whole30-related advice, tips, recipes, reader stories, discounts, giveaways, and more.
Whole30 Daily
A subscription newsletter delivering a daily dose of Whole30 wisdom, support, and tough love straight to your inbox every morning.
The Whole30 Forum
If you have a question, we can almost guarantee it’s been answered. Find those answers, solicit expert advice from our moderators, and get support from fellow Whole30ers on our free forum.
Whole30 Resources
Home to a host of helpful PDF downloads (including our shopping list, meal template, label-reading guide, pantry-stocking guide, and more).
Dear Melissa
My own Whole30 (and life after) advice column, where I answer your questions and share from my own experience.
Connect with Melissa
I love hearing your stories, answering your questions, giving you my best Whole30 and food freedom advice… and tough-loving you when you need it.
Facebook: hartwig.melissa
Instagram: @melissa_hartwig
Twitter: @melissahartwig
Ziing: #melissahartwigwhole30