- a (HTML tag), HTML, Attributes, Styling, Focus
- Abelson, Hal, Project: A Programming Language
- absolute path, Content Negotiation, Again
- absolute positioning, Query Selectors, Elements by Tag Name, Key Events, Scroll Events, Summary
- abstract syntax tree, Parsing (see syntax tree)
- abstraction, Higher-Order Functions, Abstracting Array Traversal, Higher-Order Functions, Composability, Project: A Programming Language, Networks and the Internet, The Standard
- acceleration, Actors and Actions
- Accept header, Summary, Error Handling, The Pie Chart
- access control, Animating Life, The Locked Box, Using Functions as Namespaces, HTTP Interface
- Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, Fetching XML Data
- actionTypes object, More Life-forms
- activeElement property, Fields
- actor, Reading a Level, Drawing, Motion and Collision, Back to the Game
- actorAt method, Motion and Collision
- addEntry function, Mutability
- addEventListener method, Event Handlers, Actors and Actions, Streams
- addition, Numbers, A Vector Type
- address, HTTP
- address bar, The Web, HTTP, The Protocol
- adoption, Regular Expressions
- age difference (exercise), Binding, Deep Comparison
- alert function, Functions, The Call Stack, HTML
- algorithm, Color Picker
- algorithmic optimization, Going Back to Old-school Loops, Optimizing
- alignment, Getters and Setters
- all function, Waiting for Multiple Promises, Waiting for Multiple Promises
- alpha, Color Picker
- alphanumeric character, Matching a Set of Characters
- alt attribute, Changing the Document
- ALT key, Key Events
- altKey property, Key Events
- ambiguity, Arrays
- AMD, Slow-Loading Modules, Slow-Loading Modules
- American English, Repeating Parts of a Pattern
- ampersand character, HTML, The Protocol
- analysis, Bugs and Error Handling, Debugging
- ancestor element, Drawing
- ancestry example, JSON, The Cost
- angle, Positioning and Animating, Curves, Finishing Up, Pausing the Game
- angle brackets, HTML
- animate method, Motion and Collision
- animation, It Moves, Populating the New World, Positioning and Animating, Positioning and Animating, Positioning and Animating, Elements by Tag Name, Mouse Motion, Summary, Drawing, Motion and Collision, Motion and Collision, Running the Game, Running the Game, Images, Storing and Clearing Transformations, Back to the Game, Choosing a Graphics Interface
- avoiding stutter, Positioning and Animating
- cat in ellipse, Positioning and Animating
- collision detection, Motion and Collision
- frames for, Images, Storing and Clearing Transformations
- game, Drawing, Motion and Collision, Running the Game
- getting elements by tag name, Elements by Tag Name
- mouse trail, Summary
- off-screen, Mouse Motion
- scheduling, Positioning and Animating
- simple, It Moves, Populating the New World
- sprite, Back to the Game
- stopping, Running the Game
- SVG vs. canvas, Choosing a Graphics Interface
- anonymous function, Using Functions as Namespaces
- appendChild method, Finding Elements, Drawing, Closure
- Apple, In the Sandbox
- application (of functions), Defining a Function (see function application)
- apply method, Higher-Order Functions, Methods
- approximation, Project: Electronic Life
- arc, Curves
- arc method, Curves, The Pie Chart
- arcTo method, Curves, Curves
- area, Finishing Up
- argument, Functions, The Call Stack, Recursion, Backtracking, Parsing
- arguments object, Strings and Their Properties, Higher-Order Functions, Recursion
- argv property, The node Command
- arithmetic, Numbers, Logical Operators, The Environment
- Armstrong, Joe, The Secret Life of Objects
- array, The Weresquirrel, Data Sets, Properties, Objects, The Lycanthrope’s Log, Computing Correlation, The Final Analysis, The Final Analysis, Further Arrayology, The Sum of a Range, The Sum of a Range, Abstracting Array Traversal, Abstracting Array Traversal, JSON, JSON, Transforming with map, Composability, Binding, Mother-Child Age Difference, Mother-Child Age Difference, Definition, Representing Space, Representing Space, A Critter’s Programming Interface, Arrays, Color Picker, Long-Polling Support, Recursion, Recursion, Elements by Tag Name
- as grid, Definition, Color Picker
- as table, The Lycanthrope’s Log
- creation, The Weresquirrel, Composability, Representing Space, Recursion
- defined, Objects
- Egg support, Arrays
- every method, Mother-Child Age Difference
- filtering, JSON
- flattening, Binding
- forEach method, Abstracting Array Traversal
- higher-order functions and, JSON
- indexing, Data Sets, Recursion, Elements by Tag Name
- length property, Properties, Representing Space
- map method, Transforming with map
- methods, The Final Analysis
- objects and, The Sum of a Range
- random element from, A Critter’s Programming Interface
- reverse method, The Sum of a Range
- searching, Computing Correlation, The Final Analysis
- slice method, Further Arrayology
- some method, Mother-Child Age Difference
- splice method, Long-Polling Support
- traversal, Abstracting Array Traversal
- Array constructor, Representing Space
- Array prototype, Prototypes, Constructors
- array-like object, Higher-Order Functions, Predictability, Focus, File Fields, Installing with NPM
- arrow function, this and Its Scope
- artificial intelligence, Project: Electronic Life, More Life-forms, Bringing the World to Life, Compilation, A Vector Type
- artificial life, Project: Electronic Life, The Game, Autocompletion
- artificial stupidity (exercise), Bringing the World to Life, A Vector Type
- ASCII art, Installing with NPM
- assert function, Selective Catching
- assertion, Selective Catching, Assertions
- assignment, Variables, Breaking Out of a Loop, The lastIndex Property, Parsing an INI File, Arrays, Closure
- assumption, Selective Catching, Assertions
- asterisk, Numbers, Repeating Parts of a Pattern
- asynchronous I/O, Slow-Loading Modules, Sending a Request, Background
- asynchronous programming, Slow-Loading Modules, Slow-Loading Modules, Running the Game, Sending a Request, Abstracting Requests, Abstracting Requests, Promises, File Fields, Background, Background, Asynchronicity, Asynchronicity, Installing with NPM, Streams
- callbacks, Sending a Request, Abstracting Requests
- code execution path and, Slow-Loading Modules
- defined, Running the Game
- dependencies and, Slow-Loading Modules
- error handling, Abstracting Requests
- functions and, Installing with NPM
- Node and, Background
- overview, Background, Asynchronicity
- parallelism and, Asynchronicity
- promise interface, Promises
- reading files, File Fields
- writable streams, Streams
- attack, Fetching XML Data
- attribute, HTML, Creating Nodes, Project: A Paint Program, Waiting for Multiple Promises, Autocompletion
- Aurelius, Marcus, Handling Events
- authorization, HTTP Interface
- autocompletion (exercise), Autocompletion, Waiting for Multiple Promises
- autofocus attribute, Fields
- automatic semicolon insertion, Expressions and Statements
- avatar, The Game
- average function, Summarizing with reduce, Binding, Mother-Child Age Difference, Deep Comparison
- axis, Actors and Actions, The Canvas Element, Transformation