“First of all, I want to say thank you both for being on Reality Bits. The world has been dying to hear your story.”
Ellie Stevens invited us to do a special live edition of her show the night after the season finale. She got wind of what had happened before it aired and booked us immediately. So the very next night, we were back on television, only this time as an out and happy couple. The fandom was still processing what had happened, but the reactions were mostly positive so far.
“Thank you for having us,” I said.
“Where do we begin?” Ellie asked. The audience laughed and applauded. “Let’s start at the beginning. Savannah, when did you start having feelings for Lauren?”
I looked at Lauren, who appeared calm and beautiful. One month later and it was still hard to believe she’d taken the chance with me. “Every night, Lauren would check in on me to make sure I was okay. You have to understand that everyone is extremely sequestered on set. We don’t have access to the internet or television, so not only was I bored, but I had nobody to talk to.”
“It’s important to remember that reality shows take a toll on the mental health of contestants. They are cut off from their lives and the comforts of home, including loved ones. How many times do you call your best friend or your sister or parent because you need advice? That isn’t allowed to happen on a show like When Sparks Fly,” Lauren said.
She held my hand. The audience cooed at the gesture. Ellie noticed it too, and her smile for us seemed genuine.
“I’m so happy for both of you. Last night’s jaw-dropping episode blew up social media,” Ellie said. She made a mind-blowing motion with her hands by her head. “I’m still trying to process it.”
“It feels like yesterday,” I said and looked into Lauren’s eyes. We’d been sequestered, not only because we wanted the show to be a surprise, but so we could get to know one another.
“It was yesterday for the rest of the world. What have you been doing in the meantime?” Ellie asked.
Lauren tilted her head and raised an eyebrow. I blushed because I couldn’t get away with saying it was the best month of my life and the sex was incredible. I could have, but that was private, and I needed a break from my private life being out in the open.
“Getting to know one another really well,” I said. The audience roared. “I’m with my forever person.” Lauren looked at me so lovingly that Ellie cleared her throat to get our attention.
“How do you both feel about Alix as the new host of When Sparks Fly? Do you think they will do a good job?” Ellie asked.
I clasped my hands together. “I love the idea. Alix is so flirty and fun, and I wish them the best of luck. They’ll do great.” I was so happy when I heard the news. Lauren told me yesterday, and the first thing I felt was pride. I was so proud of them.
“I have no doubt that Alix will blow everyone away. They’re young and fresh, and that’s exactly what the show needs now. Charisma, and better representation, and more diversity,” Lauren said.
“And Kaisley is going to be the next flame. I couldn’t be happier for her,” I said. That news had dropped this morning. Unlike with my season, where they had created several teaser videos where I was blurred in the background, they wanted fans to know right away. The transition from my short season to hers was a quick turnaround, with production starting next month. Scandals were expensive.
“Since you seem to be freed up at the moment, Lauren, what’s next for you?”
Lauren shrugged. “Right now I’m just spending as much time with Savannah as I can. She’s moving to California to be with me once she sells her house.”
Ellie touched my arm. “I can’t tell you how happy I am that you wanted this fairy tale, and you got it. I can’t think of a more deserving person. So, you’re selling the house and moving to California. What’s next for you?”
I wanted to roll my eyes because my plans sounded typical of fallen reality stars. “I’m writing a book about being on both sides of the show. First as a sparkette and then as the flame. Kind of a tell-all journey.” I wasn’t allowed to discuss certain things, but I had enough of a story that I could easily fill the pages of a book.
“I want a signed copy. In advance,” Ellie said.
“I promise you’ll get one of the first copies of My Forever Flame.”
“I love the title,” she said. The person behind the camera made the wrap-it-up motion. “Unfortunately, that’s all the time we have. Thank you so much for telling us your story. Is there anything you want to say to your fans?” Ellie asked.
“I want to say thank you for your support over the years, from the first season to this one. I appreciate your kind words and encouragement.” I took a moment and a deep breath to keep myself from crying. Ellie squeezed my hand and smiled, knowing full well I was close to tears. “We both found love, even though it was in an unconventional way. We hope the show remains successful, and we wish Alix and Kaisley the best,” Lauren said.
“I’m sorry to see you go as host of When Sparks Fly, but if you’re interested in a co-host job at Reality Bits, let me know.” Ellie turned to the audience. “Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Lauren Lucas on this show?”
The audience clapped and cheered. Lauren smiled at their reaction. Ellie knew Lauren’s worth and that she would be a great addition to the show. Lauren was a hot commodity, but she wasn’t in a hurry to start elsewhere.
“Thanks, Ellie. I will seriously consider your offer.”
“Savannah and Lauren, the hottest couple in Hollywood now, I wish you the best.”
We signed autographs and took photos with fans before we were whisked away in a limo to take us back to the hotel. Ellie had invited us to a private dinner at her place later, and while we just wanted to be alone, now was the time for Lauren to network.
“What do you think about being on Reality Bits? Is that something you’d like to do?” I asked Lauren on our way up to the suite.
“It would be fun, but do I want fun, or do I want to get back into something serious again?”
My heart stopped when I thought about what had happened to her overseas. “I don’t want you to put yourself in danger.”
Her warm fingers held mine. “I wouldn’t do that. There’s plenty to do without going into a war zone. I want to see what my options are before I commit.”
“Reality Bits would be local, and you and Ellie respect each other. But I get it. Options. You could always learn how to make candles and work for me.” I had used my money from the show to lease a small building in Goodyear, Arizona. It wasn’t too far for Jane, part-owner, to drive. I planned to hire a shipping manager and three employees to make candles. I was sure after the information bomb that Lauren and I had just dropped, the business would grow. She put her arm around my shoulders. I felt loved and treasured.
“Right now, I just want to think about us and finally getting out in public. I want to show you off,” she said.
“And all I want is to get you behind closed doors so we can finally be alone. This was a long day.” I placed my head on her shoulder and watched as she dug in her purse for the room key.
Lauren checked her emails and phone messages before joining me on the couch.
“Everything okay?”
“Everything is perfect. World News Tonight wants to talk about reporting for them, but that means overseas work, so I politely declined. Celebrity Buzz offered me a co-hosting job. The money is great, but I don’t know that I want to do what I already did. I mean, if that’s the direction I want to go, I might as well take Ellie’s job offer.”
I put my head on her shoulder and held her hand. “I’m sorry this is so difficult for you. Hopefully something will come along that you’ll love.”
“Something did come along, but I wanted to talk to you about it first,” she said.
I looked at her. “Tell me now.”
She kissed the tip of my nose. “You’re so impatient.”
I pulled her to me and kissed her. “But you love me anyway.” Her blue eyes sparkled, and my heart swelled. I loved this woman so much and couldn’t imagine my life without her.
“Hollywood Hills offered me a spot on their morning show that would start this fall. I would interview celebrities and notable figures. They would air the segments weekly. We’d start off with one a week and see how it goes. The money is great, and I would be here. If I had to travel, they would allow me and a guest to go wherever we needed to.”
I was trying not to squeal and cling to her with excitement. “What do you think about Hollywood Hills? Are they reputable? Do you feel good working for them?”
“They’re an ABC company, so I know the money’s there, and they’re in the top three morning shows in California. I’ll set up a meeting next week and see what they have to say.”
I loved that she was so laid back about her career path. I would be beyond stressed trying to figure out where my next paycheck was coming from, but Lauren had money and time. “That sounds great.”
“We’d be closer to your mom, and maybe you can work on that relationship. I’d like to meet her sometime,” Lauren said.
My mother was pissed when she found out I did the show. Again. But I had no doubt that she would love Lauren. Who didn’t? “I think we should probably do that sooner than later.”
“Let’s plan on it this weekend. Meantime, we need to get ready for dinner with Ellie. Do you want to take a shower with me?” Lauren lifted her eyebrow at me and wiggled it.
She was so sexy and all mine. I stood and led her by the hand to the incredibly large bathroom, where I unbuttoned my shirt and kicked off my shoes. “You know, as much as a shower with you sounds delightful…” I turned on the faucet of the massive tub and adjusted it to the right temperature. “I want to introduce you to my other best friend during my stint on When Sparks Fly, the beloved Jacuzzi.”