


adorare (Latin; ah-do-RAH-reh): to worship

Albu (Old Irish; ALL-uh-buh): Britain

ametis (Old Irish; AH-me-tish): amethyst

Ard-Ban-Drui (Old Irish; AHRD-VAHN-DREE): archdruidess

Ard-Drui (Old Irish; AHRD-DREE): archdruid

Ard-Ri (Old Irish; AHRD-REE): high king

Ard-Rígain (Old Irish; AHRD-REE-GAHN): high queen

Armorica (Old Irish; ar-MOH-ree-kah): Brittany

Asherah (Asherar-yam/Astarte—Syrian; AH-SHAIR-ah): Mother of the Gods, Lady of the Sea, wife of El

auxilia (Latin; owk-SEE-lee-ah): additional troops, extra soldiers

Baal (Syrian; BAH-ahl): the Canaanite ruler god

ban-fili (Old Irish; BAHN-FILL-uh): a female sacred poet and diviner

ban-sídaige (Old Irish; BAHN-SHEE-thuh-hyuh): female fairy

beirel (Old Irish; BER-el): beryl

bell branch: a Druidic tool consisting of a branch with nine bells affixed to it; depending on their rank, a Druid poet was entitled carry one made of bronze, silver, or gold

Beltaine (Old Irish; BYEL-tin-yuh): May Day, the first day of summer

bíle (Old Irish; BILL-uh): sacred tree of a tribe or a district

bíle samrata (Old Irish; BILL-uh Sow-ruh-thuh): sacred tree of summer

Brehon (Old Irish; BREH-ON): a lawyer and judge of the Druid caste, one who has memorized the ancient Brehon Laws

bríg (Old Irish; BREEGH): energy

Brighid (Old Irish; BREE-ghij): the great Triple Goddess of Smithcraft, Healing, and Poetry, who was the patroness of the Druids and bards

caldarium (Latin; kahl-DAH-ree-oom): hot bath

Caledonia (Latin; Kah-leh-DO-nee-ah): Scotland

Cantlos (Gaulish; KAHN-tloss): September/October “song month” (harvest, from the Coligny calendar1)

carnyx (CAR-NIX): a wind instrument of the Iron Age Celts, a bronze trumpet

carreg (Cornish; CAR EGG): rocks

Cave canem (Latin; KAH-weh KAH-nem): “Beware of the dog”

centuria (Latin; ken-TOO-ree-ah): eighty men under a centurion

centurion (Latin; ken-TOO-ree-ohn): Roman commanding officer who leads a centuria

Chons da! (Cornish; Chons dah): “Good luck!”

Cinad ó muir (Old Irish; Kin-uth oh vwuir): “Judgment of the sea,” where a criminal is placed in the ocean in a curach without any oars. If he survives, he becomes a person without status or protection on the shore upon which he lands.

commus (Old Irish; KOH-muhs): power

Compline (English): the night prayer, prayer at the end of the day

corann (Old Irish; KOR-un): crown

corma (Gaulish; KOR-mah): ale made with honeycombs

cornicer (Latin; Kor-nee-kair): horn blower

Cornubia (Latin; kor-NOO-bee-ah): Cornwall

cride (Old Irish; KREE-thuh): the heart

Cristaide, Cristaidi (pl.) (Old Irish; KREES-tih-thuh): Christian

cristall dub (Old Irish modern reconstruction; KRIS-tul DUV): dark crystal, smoky quartz, cairngorm

cristall glain (Old Irish modern reconstruction; KRIS-tul GLAHN): clear crystal

cristall grisainech (Old Irish modern reconstruction; KRIS-tul GRISS-AN-yukh): ruddy (rose) quartz

curach (Old Irish; KUR-ukh): a coracle, a small leather boat

curmi (Lepontic, possibly Gaulish; KOOR-mee): ale

daemones (Latin; DYE-mon-ess): demons

In Daghda (Old Irish; in DAWGH-thuh): “the Good God”; master of every art and patron of the Druids, he possessed an inexhaustible cauldron of plenty

Deo gratias (Latin; DEH-oh GRAH-tsyass): “Thanks be to God”

dessel (Old Irish; DYESH-ul): sunwise, clockwise

Dominus vobiscum (Latin; DOM-ee-nooss VOB-ees-koom): “God be with you”

Drui, Druid (pl.) (Old Irish; DREE or DRWEE): the learned class of Celtic society, comprised of priests, lawyers, judges, healers, and teachers of the children of the nobility and other functions

Druidecht (Old Irish; DREE-thekht or DRWEE-thekht): Druid magic, magic

dun (Old Irish; DOON): a fort or fortress

ecnae bratánech (Old Irish; Eg-nuh brah-dawn-ukh): salmon wisdom

ecnae nathairech (Old Irish; EG-nuh NAH-thur-ukh): serpent wisdom

Ego te absolvo (Latin; EH-go TEH ab-SOL-vo): “I forgive you”

EL (Syrian): the Father of the Gods, the kindly Creator of created things, husband of Ashera/Asherar-yam/Astarte

Emhain Abhlach (Old Irish; A-win AW-lukh): the Apple Isle

eques, equites (pl.) (Latin; EK-wee-tess): cavalry officers, knights

Eqvos (Latin; EH-KWOS): “Horse Month” from the Celto-Roman, Gaulish Coligny calendar

Ériu (Old Irish; AIR-uh): a collection of about 125 or more independent kingdoms that once comprised the island of Éire

Faunus (Latin; FOW-noos): the Roman name for Pan, God of the Flocks and Wild Places

fennid (Old Irish; FYEN-nith): a member of a fian

fennidi (Old Irish; FYEN-nee-thee): members of a fian

ferox (Latin; FAIR-ox): savage

féth (Old Irish; FEYTH): a magic mist, stillness

fian (Old Irish; FEE-un): a band of warrior-hunters

fiana (Old Irish; FEE-un-uh): bands of warrior-hunters

fidchell (Old Irish; FEETH-hyell): a chess-like game

fili (Old Irish; FILL-uh): a sacred poet and diviner

filidecht (Old Irish; FILL-ee-thekht): the craft of the sacred poet and diviner

fion (Old Irish; FEEN): wine imported from Gaul

flaith (Old Irish; FLAITH): nobles

fogo (Cornish; FO-goo): cave, a type of souteraine

frigidarium (Latin; frig-id-AH-ree-oom): cold bath

fúaimm (Old Irish; FOO-im): sound

Galli (Latin; GAHL-lee): Gauls, a Gaulish person

Gallia (Latin; GAHL-lea-ah): Gaul

Germania (Latin; gair-MAH-nee-ah): the territory of the Germanic tribes

Giamonios (Gaulish; gya-MON-yoss): Gaulish full moon festival of the start of summer, equivalent to Beltaine

Grian (Old Irish; GREE-UHN): the Sun Goddess

Hispania (Latin; hiss-PAH-nee-ah): Spain

Ictis Insula (Latin; IK-tiss IN-soo-lah): St. Michael’s Mount

imbas (Old Irish; IM-mus): poetic inspiration, prophetic vision

imbas forosnai (Old Irish; IM-muss FOR-oss-nee): “illumination between the hands” or “palm knowledge of enlightening”

immram (Old Irish; IM-rov): mystical voyage to the Otherworld

incantores (Latin; in-kahn-TOR-ess): spell-makers

Innis Ibrach (Old Irish; IN-nish EEW-rukh): the Isle of Yew

Innis nan Druidneach (Old Irish; IN-nish nun DRWITH-nyukh): the Druid Isle, also known as Innish Nun

Inissi Leuca (Gaulish; IN-iss-ee LEH-oo-kah): the Island of Light

In Medon (Old Irish; in mYETH-on): the Central Kingdom

Irardacht (Old Irish; IR-er-thakht): the Place of Eagles, the Northern Kingdom of the island

Is buide lemm frit (Old Irish; iss-BWITH-uh LYEM FRIJ): “Thank you”

Ísu (Old Irish; EEs-uh): Jesus

Kana’nim (Syrian; kah-nah-NEEM): Canaanite people

laconium (Latin; lah-KON-ee-oom): a dry sauna

Lauds (English): the dawn prayer

legatus legionis (Latin; Leh-GAH-tooss leh-gee-OH-niss): the commander of a legion, appointed by the emperor usually for a three- to four-year term; also provincial governor

Letha (Old Irish; LYETH-uh): Gaul

liaig (Old Irish; LEE-igh): a Druid healer specializing in herbal healing, surgery, and magic

lingua franca (Latin; Ling-ooah frank-ah): an international auxiliary language used as common jargon between peoples

Loch Feabhail (Old Irish; LOKH FYEW-il): Loch Foyle

lorica musculata (Latin; LOR-ee-kah moos-koo-LAH-tah): a bronze chest piece made of two sections, one worn on the chest and one worn on the back, buckled at the sides; it was usually decorated with animal or mythological images, or exaggerated chest muscles

Lugnasad (Old Irish; LOO(gh)-nuss-uth): First Fruits; the pre-harvest festival celebrated during the first few weeks of August

lupa (Latin; LOO-pah): she-wolf

Mamm an Bys (Cornish; Mahm an Beez): Earth Mother, Mother of the World

Mannanán mac Lir (Old Irish; MAN-AH-NAN MOK LEER): God of the Sea

mantra (Sanskrit; MAHN-trah): a seed syllable or word used to focus the mind during meditation

Marah (Syrian; MAR-ah): merciful Goddess of the Waters

Mar plek (Cornish): “Please”

medu (Gaulish; MEH-doo): mead

Meur ras ta (Cornish; MER RAHSS tah): “Thank you”

mían (Old Irish; MEE-un): desire

mid (Old Irish; MEETH): mead

milites (Latin; MEE-lee-tess): foot soldiers (also, milites Gregarius)

Mithras (MYTH-rass): a God of Light, Truth, and the Sun, favored by Roman soldiers

Nantosuelta (Gaulish; NAHN-to-SWEL-tah): “Winding River,” a Gaulish deity

Nemed (Old Irish; NEH-MED): sacred, the highest caste of society, including the Druid and ruling aristocrats

nemed (Old Irish; NEH-veth): a sacred enclosure

Nemetona (NEH-MEH-TOE-NAH): female spirit of the sacred grove

numen (Latin; NOO-men): divine power, or spirit

Ogum (Old Irish; Oh-gum): the ancient Celtic alphabet and script

Paganus, Pagani (pl.) (Latin; PAH-GAH-NEE): Pagans, non-Christians, literally “country dwellers,” ones who worship the Old Gods

palaestra (Latin; pah-LICE-trah): an outdoor gym

Pater Noster (Latin; PAH-tair NOSS-tair): Our Father

peplos (Greek; PEP-loss): a lady’s garment made with two rectangles of cloth, fastened with two large pins at the shoulders and folded over at the top in both front and back

Prime (English): early morning (usually about 6 am) prayers

pulla (Latin; pull-lah): a shawl worn by a married woman to cover her head

quern (English; KERN): two millstones laid on top of each other to grind grain

rath (Old Irish; RAHTH): earthen rampart, a ring-fort

rígain (Old Irish; REE-ghun): queen

Romanus, Romani (pl.) (Latin, also Gaulish; Ro-MAH-nee): Romans

saídecht (Old Irish; SWEE-thekht): mastery

sally rods: willow branches used for thatching

Samain (SAV-in [mediaeval] SOW-in [modern]): the Celtic New Year, the start of winter (Halloween)

scatho (Cornish; SCATHO): boat

schola (Latin; SKO-lah): school

shillelagh (Irish; SHIL-LEY-LEE): a club-like weapon

siabainn (Old Irish; SHE-vin): soap

sidhe (Irish; SHEE-thuh [mediaeval] SHEE [modern]): the fairies

signifier (Latin; SIG-nee-fair): accountant and pay master for a Roman centurion, also the standard bearer who carries the centurial signum; a spear shaft with an open hand, signifying loyalty

sith (SHEETH): peace

Sol Invictus (Latin; SOL in-WIK-tooss): Apollo, the great Sun God

solus (Old Irish; SOL-uss): light

Sucellos (Gaulish; Soo-KEL-loss): “the Good Striker,” a Gaulish deity

súil inmedónach (Old Irish; SOOL in-veth-AWN-ukh): the inner eye

tech ind allais (Old Irish; TYEKH in ALL-ish): sweat house

teinm laegda (Old Irish; TYEN-um LWEEGH-thuh): “extempore recitation, illumination of song”

tepidarium (Latin; the-pid-AH-ree-oom): warm, tepid bath

theron (Greek; Theh-ron): hunter

tigris (Latin; TEEG-riss): tigress

tirones (Latin; tee-ROAN-ess): raw or new recruits, soldiers in training

torc (TORC): a Celtic neck ring symbolic of noble status

Torcrad (TORK-ruth): the Kingdom of the South, the People
of the Boar

triskell, triskellean (pl.); (TRIS-KEL): a design consisting of three spirals rotating out of a common center, representing the three worlds of land, sea, and sky

tuath (Old Irish; TOO-uth): country district, tribal area

tuathamail (Old Irish; TOOTH-uh-vul): earthwise, counterclockwise

turcait (Old Irish; TUR-kij): turquoise

uinom (Lepontic; WEEN-om): wine

vallum (Latin; WAL-loom): earthworks

vellum (Latin; WELL-oom): a sheet of skin prepared for writing

Vesta (Latin; WES-tah): Roman Goddess of the Hearth

Villa Candida (Latin; WIL-lah KAHN-dee-dah): the White Villa

Villa Rustica (Latin; WIL-lah ROOS-tee-kah): farmhouse, rustic villa

vinum (Latin; WEE-noom): wine

Waters of Life: whiskey, from Old Irish uisce, “water,” and bethad, “of life,” meaning literally “water of life”