In this newly revised edition, I want to share with you one of the reasons why I know that dis-ease can be reversed by simply reversing mental patterns.

A number of years ago, I was diagnosed with cancer of the vagina. With my background of being raped when I was five years old and being a battered child, it was no wonder that I’d manifested cancer in the vaginal area. Having already been a teacher of healing for several years, I was very aware that I was now being given a chance to practice on myself and prove what I’d been teaching others.

Like anyone who has just been told that they have cancer, I went into a total panic, yet I knew that mental healing worked. Being aware that cancer comes from a pattern of deep resentment that is held for a long time until it literally eats away at the body, I knew that I had a lot of mental work to do.

I realized that if I had the operation to get rid of the cancer but did not clear the mental pattern that created it, then the doctors would just keep cutting Louise until there was no more Louise to cut. If I had the operation and cleared the mental pattern that was causing the cancer, then the cancer wouldn’t return.

When cancer or any other illness returns, I don’t believe that it’s because the doctor didn’t “get it all out,” but rather, that the patient has made no mental changes and so just re-creates the same illness. I also knew that if I could clear the mental pattern that created the condition called cancer, I wouldn’t need the doctor. So I bargained for time. The doctor grudgingly gave me three months, at the same time warning me that my life was endangered by the delay.

I immediately began to work with my own teacher to clear old patterns of resentment. Up till that time, I hadn’t acknowledged that I harbored deep resentment. We’re often so blind to our own patterns. A lot of forgiveness work was in order. The other thing I did was to go to a good nutritionist and completely detoxify my body. So between the mental and physical cleansing, in six months I was able to get the medical profession to agree with what I already know: that I no longer had any form of cancer. I still keep the original lab report as a reminder of how negatively creative I could be.

Now when I hear about someone’s illness, no matter what dire their predicament seems to be, I know that if they’re willing to do the mental work of releasing and forgiving, almost anything can be healed. The word incurable, which is so frightening to so many people, really only means that the particular condition cannot be cured by “outer” methods and that we must go within to effect the healing. The condition came from nothing and will go back to nothing.
