Dad and Mr. Tiger were very surprised when they went to help Mum and Betsy out of the sea to find Floss Grimm with them. “Hi, Uncle Alfonso,” said Floss Grimm.

Betsy noticed that he said it in a way that sounded as if he had been expected at the café all along. Dad picked him up. It was only when they got back to the café and Betsy had taken off her suit and carefully hung it up that she realized how much trouble Floss Grimm was in. Mum said that her sister Coral, Floss Grimm’s mum, would be furious when she found out that Floss was not at Dolphin Summer School.

Floss explained that he had had quite enough of Dolphin School, as it was very serious and the dolphins didn’t play games, the food was horrible, and they never ever had ice cream.

That made Mum laugh.

“Please don’t send me back,” said Floss.

“For the time being,” said Mum, “you are our guest.”

Dad brought Floss a bucket of water.

That night they were invited to supper on Mr. Tiger’s blue-and-white-striped ship, where Mum and Floss could bathe in the swimming pool on deck.

Floss Grimm had never seen Gongalongs. After supper the tiny acrobats in their brightly colored clothes and pointy hats put on a show. They spun and flew through the air, up the mast and down, walking a high wire stretched between the masts, four at a time, one on top of the other.

“I’m so pleased I came,” Floss whispered to Betsy. “Even though I’ll be in deep water when my mum hears.”

Betsy was so busy talking to Floss that she didn’t notice Mr. Tiger studying his pocket watch. He had seen in its glass a misty image of a skull-and-crossbones flag flying, which could mean only one thing. She heard him growl.

“What is it?” she asked, turning to look at him.

“Pirates,” said Mr. Tiger. “Pesky pirates.”