To my sweet hubby, you saw the writer in me before I did and have always been such an encourager! You continue to bring out the best in me, and I appreciate your commitment to Christ, your family, and sharing God’s love with others. Thank you for showing me, day in and day out, what it means to love patiently, humbly, and sacrificially. Though my name is on the cover of this book, we both know I’d know nothing of forever romance if not for you!
To my mother-in-law, Bea Slattery, I cherish you not just because you raised the man of my dreams, but also because of all the support and feedback you’ve offered over the years.
To my dad, I’m still skipping and still rhyming. Thanks for instilling in me a love for words and encouraging me to chase after my dreams.
To my mom, thanks for teaching me to view others through a “deeper” lens. I hope this tendency comes out in everything I write.
Dr. Andrea Mullins, what a blessing you have been in my writing journey! When I first met you, I was struck by how much you radiate Christ. To all the staff at New Hope Publishers, thank you for making my first book such a wonderful experience.
Joyce, you are such a brilliant, encouraging, and inspiring editor! I’m so blessed to be able to glean from your strong faith and wisdom. You are a wonderful woman of God, and I learn something every time I hear you speak.
Finally, I’ve had some amazing critique partners, and can’t thank you enough for all the help each of you has offered from draft one to ten; but Kathleen Freeman, you knew you’d get a special thank-you, right? Thanks for encouraging me to follow God’s leading in my journey to publication. Cherish you, girl!