


To my Kickstarters! Matthew Johnston, James Moss, Craig Hackl, Elin Barnes, Elisabeth Morningstar, Mark Fazzari, Dregam, Nathan Bruno, Lauren Castellari, EMaree, Anthony Gascon, Jim and Katie Stewart, Mike Kalar, Sonya Di Rienzo, Jack Branswell, Sacha Raposo, Doug Moore, Ekster, Shen Goh, David Boyd, Mark and Jen Stewart, Karen and Aaron Skelton, Daniel Belanger, Kazap & Pubsoft, Marisa Victor, Jim Donovan, Bryan Delaney, Theo Yates, J.R. Murdock, Laura Lam, Arthur Slade, Matthew Murray, Andrea Stewart, Nicole Sojkowski, Jennifer Rockwell Ganoung, Angela Korra’ti, Vonny McKay, Katie Wanta, Kate Shaw, Kristene Perron, Scott Roche, and Scott Ford. Man was it a good feeling to hit 100% of my goal and so quickly, but blowing past 200%? I never expected that. I couldn’t have done this without your pledges and sharing. Writing may be solitary, but publishing is not! A shout out to author Scott Roche for showing me that.

I can’t begin to thank all of the reviewers and bloggers who have read this series and taken the time to write their thoughts down and even recommend the book to others. This ecosystems of ours is a wonderful community and an honor to be a part of. Thanks to Giselle of Xpresso Book Tours for kicking off With Zombies in style.

To Catherine Adams of Inkslinger Editing—you’re a big part of this book and the whole series. Brent Taylor of Teen Eyes Editorial, I so appreciate your keen eye for detail. And to beta reader, Brad Biggs II, thank you for the support and enthusiasm.

Glendon of Streetlight Graphics for your ongoing formatting expertise!

Don Dimanlig, you’ve outdone yourself with every subsequent cover and while under a great deal of pressure from many sources. Thank you.

To Jim Donovan of Undertow Entertainment who sees so much in the screen potential of this series, thank you. Every writer needs champions, I’m glad to have you as mine as I am yours.

To the Inkbots: We will conquer! My Kickstarter campaign would not have worked without you. You are all awesome and I so appreciate being a member of the group.

But I wouldn’t have made it this far without everyone who came before. Editors, beta readers, reviewers, bloggers, friends. Thank you, everyone.

To my daughters, it’s scary but two of you are now old enough to start reading my books (well, some of them!). You also help me more than you know with your endless chatter, but most of all, your love.

As always, Andrea—first reader and critic—love of my life, I dedicate this book to you.