Chapter 21

The ride to the St. John residence felt as Maria imagined a ride to Tyburn would feel.

Somewhere behind her, Eddington and other agents followed.

The knowledge ate at her with a viciousness that caused her physical pain. She wanted Amelia back more than anything in the world, but her heart told her the price she would pay was too great.

There was no escaping how deeply attached she was to St. John. Despite all of the things she had discovered about him over the length of their liaison, she could only seem to dwell on his kindnesses—his handling of Templeton, his concern over her injury, the way he made love to her.

As she exited the carriage and stared up at Christopher’s house with its empty planters and burly guards, the minute details of their association filled her mind. Heated moments and tender ones. Moments of comfortable silences and moments of verbal sparring. They shared a startling affinity and similar pasts.

Lifting her skirts, Maria ascended the short steps without haste and swept through the waiting open door. Many of those who lived under his protection lined the downstairs, watching her gravely, their eyes dipping to the foil in her hand. Her gaze met each and every one of theirs, challenging them to interfere.

None did.

She climbed the main staircase to reach Christopher’s bedroom and knocked on the door. When she heard his voice call out to her, she entered.

Christopher stood before the mirror, shrugging into a beautifully embroidered waistcoat that was held out by his valet. The colorful floral pattern was a lovely accent to his butter yellow breeches and the matching jacket that hung on the nearby rack. The entire ensemble reminded her of their first meeting in the theater, and her chin lifted.

“I have something to tell you.”

Christopher’s gaze met hers in the reflection, then he caught sight of her weapon. With a low murmur, he dismissed the servant and faced her. “Why, Lady Winter, had I known my lover would send you in her stead, I would have dressed warmer.”

“Your garments are perfect.” Her mouth curved. “Less material between the tip of my blade and your skin.”

“Do you mean to run me through?”

“I might.”

He raked her with a skeptical glance.

“I urge you not to think of my skirts as an advantage in your favor. I have trained as much in gowns as I have breeches.”

His hands came up in a signal of surrender. “Pray tell, fair lady, what service can I provide that would spare me from certain death?”

Maria set the tip in the Aubusson rug and rested her hand casually atop the hilt. “Do you love me?”

Christopher’s brow arched. “Gads. How unsporting of you to solicit a declaration of love under duress.”

Her foot tapped impatiently.

He smiled and stopped her heart. “I adore you, my love. I worship you. I would kiss your feet and supplicate myself for your favors. I offer you all that I have—my vast riches, my many ships, my cock, which weeps for your attentions—”

“Enough.” She shook her head. “That was odious.”

“Oh? I should like to see you do better.”

“Very well. I love you.”

“That’s it?” His arms crossed, but his eyes were soft and warm. “That is all you have to say?”

“Stay home tonight.”

He tensed. “Maria?”

She inhaled deeply, then released her breath in a rush. “You asked me many times what association I have with Eddington. He is an agent of the Crown, Christopher. He is out there now, waiting to follow us and catch you in the thick of things.”

He stared at her pensively. “I see.”

“I know about Sedgewick.”

When he opened his mouth, she held up her hand. “No explanations. I mention it only because Simon found the witness. Sedgewick demanded the man’s cooperation as ransom for the safety of his family—a wife, two sons, and a daughter. Tim and several men freed them. The viscount has nothing against you now.”

His brows dipped together in a deep frown. “You render me speechless.”

“Good. I prefer not to be interrupted. I was told that you know about Amelia.” Her voice was shakier than she would have liked. “That you found her and are watching her. Is that true?”

“That is my hope, yes.” He stared at her with fathomless eyes. “I have asked for a firm identification before bringing the news to you. I did not want to raise your hopes needlessly.”

“Where is she?”

“If the girl I know of is indeed your sibling, she is in Lincolnshire.”

“Thank you.” Maria tugged up her blade and paused before turning away. “Be careful,” she said softly, her hand over her heart. “I wish you well, Christopher. Godspeed.” She moved toward the door.


That low, raspy voice curled around her spine. Tears fell, and she brushed them away as her pace quickened. Her hand curled around the doorknob, but before she could turn it she found herself trapped. Christopher’s arms caged her, his body pressed tightly to hers.

“You forfeit your dream to reunite with your sister in favor of sparing my life.” He pressed his cheek ardently to her temple. “You tell me of your love for me. Yet you cannot ask me for assistance?”

“Our lives diverge here,” she whispered, her throat too tight to speak any louder, “as they should. You are free and safe, my path goes on. I will have Amelia, never doubt it. But I cannot do it this way—at your expense. I will find something of equal value to Eddington.”

“You show me no mercy by sparing me for a life without you in it,” he said roughly.

Maria began to shake, and he wrapped his arms around her.

“I know, Maria. I know he has offered Amelia in return for me. I know how much she means to you. You risked your life attempting to save her.” He hunched over her, burying his hot face in her neck. “What I did not know was that you would confess all to me and attempt to save my life, despite knowing of Sedgewick and the rest. My God …” His voice broke. “How deeply you must love me to take this action. I am not worthy.”

“You know?” Her hands clutched at his.

“Tim came to me today. He related Eddington’s visit and your agreement. He also overheard Eddington speaking to a man waiting in his coach for him. He said he ordered the retrieval of your sister some days ago and was awaiting news. I pray my men were successful in preventing her abduction, but we cannot be certain.”

She struggled against him until he freed her, then she spun to face him directly. “We must assume he has her, then.”

He looked at her with such tenderness. “So despite your attempt to spare me, I must still go tonight. I have no goods here in Town—that was simply a ruse to see if you would betray me—but I have my confession and I will exchange that for Amelia.”

Maria swiped furiously at her tears, hating that she was unable to see his face as he said this to her. “You knew of my agreement with Eddington … and you were still prepared to go?”

“Of course,” he said simply.


“For the same reason you knew of Sedgewick and attempted your sacrifice regardless. I love you, Maria. More than my life.” His smile was bittersweet. “Today I believed I loved you as much as I was able. Now, however, I love you many times more than that.”

Maria reached back for the doorknob to support her weakening knees, but it was not enough. She sank to the floor in a puddle of lavender skirts and white underskirts, her foil across her lap.

“That’s it?” she whispered. “That is all you have to say?”

“Teasing wench.” He crouched before her and cupped her face in his large hands. He pressed his smiling lips to hers with heartbreaking reverence. She clutched his wrists and kissed him back with near desperation.

“I love you.” The raw emotion in his voice made her push up to her knees and surge into his arms. His returning embrace was so tight, it crushed the breath from her.

“They have set us against each other,” she said. “Must we allow them to break us apart?”

“No.” He pulled back to look at her. “Do you have a suggestion? Until we have Amelia, we are weakened.”

“We need to limit the number of players in this game. We have too many annoyances, and they are distracting us from our goals.”

Christopher nodded, his mind lost in thought. “Together we should be clever enough to find a way … Welton, Sedgewick, and Eddington. Eddington may have Amelia, so we tolerate him … but Welton and Sedgewick …”

A possibility entered Maria’s head and she quickly tried to discredit it. When the odds remained in their favor, she smiled.

“I love it when you look wicked,” Christopher said.

“Shall we change the rules, my love? Shall we reverse our positions and set them against one another?”

“Devious and audacious.” He grinned. “Whatever it is, I like it.”

“We need parchment and ink, and three of your fastest and most obstinate riders. These notes must be delivered, regardless of where the recipients are.”

“Done.” Christopher stood and pulled her to her feet. “Who would have thought that setting the two most wanted individuals in England against each other would lead to a collaboration on so many levels?”

We might have thought of it”—she winked—“had we been orchestrating the matter.”

He laughed and hugged her close. “I pity the world now that we act as one.”

“Save your pity for yourself,” Maria said. “You have me for the rest of your life.”

“Never a dull moment, love.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “I would not have it any other way.”