
“My Gothically humorous American West historical set in England”

With that intriguing description, award-winning author Cheryl Anne Porter introduces her latest deliciously witty and exciting historical romantic suspense novel. Not since The Thin Man’s Nick and Nora Charles have readers delighted to such a passionate and intelligent twosome as The Marriage Masquerade’s Yancey and Sam. Cheryl’s trademark rapid-fire pacing and clever repartee will keep you turning pages into the wee hours.

Cheryl—whose first historical title was chosen by the U.S. Library of Congress for its Rare Book Collection—possesses writing’s rarest gift: a uniquely distinctive voice that’s equally popular with historical and contemporary readers alike. Her wonderful mainstream romantic comedy, Mad About Maddie, and her last historical, Wild Flower, are both Doubleday Rhapsody Book Club selections. Coming next from Cheryl is the trend-setting contemporary, Popping the Question (Fall 2002).

More about this exciting author at