
‘OK, Grandma,’ Billie calls. ‘You can come in now!’

Grandma walks into the lounge room. ‘Wow, Billie! This looks brilliant,’ she says.

Billie giggles. Grandma is right. The lounge room looks…well, it doesn’t look like a lounge room any more.

Billie has been drawing pictures of zoo animals all morning. While Grandma made lunch, Billie stuck the pictures around the room.

She even moved some of Grandma’s furniture to look like cages. Now the lounge room looks like a zoo!


Grandma and Billie walk around Billie’s zoo looking at all the animals. ‘Be careful of that one!’ Billie says. She points to Mr Fred who is sitting in Grandma’s laundry basket. ‘He’s a ferocious bear!’

Grandma pretends to look scared. Billie laughs.

Grandma has packed a picnic for lunch. After they have seen all the animals, they sit down on the carpet to eat their sandwiches.


‘How about we go to the ice-cream shop next?’ asks Grandma, winking.

‘Yay!’ says Billie following Grandma into the kitchen.

Grandma pretends to be the ice-cream shop lady. She hands Billie a bowl of vanilla ice-cream. Billie hands her some pretend money.

Then Grandma takes some things out of the cupboard. Bananas, choc-chips, peanut butter, maple syrup and sprinkles.

‘Would you like to choose a topping, madam?’ she asks in a silly voice.

‘Can I put anything on it?’ Billie asks. ‘Of course!’ says Grandma.

Billie smiles. ‘Can I put everything on it?’

Grandma laughs. ‘Whatever you like, love.’

Billie mixes everything into her ice-cream until it is a big goopy mess. Delicious! This holiday is much more fun than she thought.


That night after Billie’s bath, Grandma puts a special cream on Billie’s spots to stop them itching.

The spots are red and even itchier than before. But Billie is doing a very good job of not scratching them.

When Grandma has finished, Billie hops into bed and takes out her holiday list. She crosses out Zoo. What is next?

Shopping - new shoes.

Oh dear! How can they go shoe shopping when Billie has to stay inside? But then Billie has another idea. A super-dooper idea. Even super-dooperer than the last one!

Can you guess what she is thinking?
