
THE FOLLOWING is meant only to be an approximate guide of the sort of reading I have found necessary in compiling this book.

Balfour, Michael, The Kaiser and His Times, 1964.

Barnet, Correlli, The Swordbearers, 1963.

Berdrow, Wilhelm, Alfred Krupp’s Letters, 1930.

Bruford, W. H., Germany in the Eighteenth Century, 1959.

Bullock, Alan, Hitler—A Study in Tyranny, 1964.

Carsten, F. L., The Origins of Prussia, 1954.

Chamberlin, William Henry, The German Phoenix, 1964.

Clapham, J. H., Economic Development of France and Germany, 1815-1914, 1928.

Clay, Lucius D., Decision in Germany, 1950.

Davidson, Eugene, The Death and Life of Germany, 1959.

Diebold, William, The Schuman Plan, 1959.

Eich, Hermann, The Unloved Germans, 1965.

Eyck, Erich, A History of the Weimar Republic, 1964.

Frankland, Noble, The Bombing Offensive Against Germany, 1965.

Gooch, G. P., Germany, 1925.

—Studies in German History, 1948.

Gordon, Harold J., The Reichswehr and the German Republic, 1919-1926,1957.

Holborn, Hajo, A History of Modern Germany, 1965.

Kirkpatrick, Ivone, The Inner Circle, 1959.

Klass, Gert von, Krupps: the Story of an Industrial Empire, 1954.

Lister, Louis, Europe’s Coal and Steel Community, 1960.

Lochner, Louis, Tycoons and Tyrant, 1954.

Mclnnis, E., et al., The Shaping of Post-War Germany, 1960.

Menne, Bernhard, Krupp, or the Lords of Essen, 1937.

Miller, Henry W., The Paris Gun, 1930.

Muhlen, Norbert, The Incredible Krupps, 1959.

Neave, Airey, They Have Their Exits, 1953.

Pounds, Norman J. G., The Ruhr, 1952.

Prittic, Terence, Germans Against Hitler, 1964.

Rees, David, Korea: The Limited War, 1964.

Rees, Goronwy, The Multi-Millionaires, 1961.

Richter, Werner, Bismarck, 1964.

Schweitzer, Arthur, Big Business in the Third Reich, 1964.

Shirer, William, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, 1960.

Taylor, A. J. P., The Course of German History, 1945.

—The First World War, 1963.

Thyssen, Fritz, I Paid Hitler, 1941.

Wallich, Henry C., Mainsprings of German Revival, 1955.

Wells, H. G., The War That Will End War, 1914.

Young, Gordon, The Fall and Rise of Alfried Krupp, 1960.