
Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.

abandonment, rage of, 97–98

abandonment panic, 230, 231

abstract thought, healing tool, 25–26

adaptation, brains, 181–83

agoraphobia, 48

Alcoholics Anonymous, 40, 55

Ali, Muhammad, 168


accepting vulnerability, 165–66

aspirational, 145–47, 152, 153, 156, 158

being alone, 167

brains and minds of, 148–51

confidence, 159–60

failure and, 161

goals and plans, 163–64

keeping own council, 161–62

natural, 145–48, 152, 161

power of words, 164–65

pseudoalphas, 145, 147, 148, 152, 159–60, 163, 165

rage against the machine, 171–76

regulating emotions, 162–63

relationships, 166–67

shift, 158–67

silverback gorilla, 141

social status schema, 141–44

taking responsibility, 160–61

therapy, 168–69

wiring shaping leaders, 149

see also social status schema

Amis, Martin, 34


arousal, 190

building inhibitory circuits, 113–17

early learning, 8

executive center, 19–20

fear, 12–14, 20, 36

fear circuitry, 113–14

memory, 70, 72–74

patients with borderline personality disorder, 226

stress, 184–88

trauma, 200–201

anaclitic depression, 91, 92

Angelou, Maya, 22

anger, Machine Gun Kelly exercise, 169–71

animals, danger, 13–14

anterior cingulate cortex, 207, 224–26, 228, 230, 233–35

anxiety, 182–83

plasticity in psychotherapy, 192–94

see also stress

anxiety bias, 12–14

Aristotle, 169

arousal, learning and, 188–92

artifacts, human prehistory, 4


borderline personality disorder (BPD) as trauma, 223–25

building inhibitory circuits, 113–17

children and mothers, 106–7

description of, 103–5

plasticity, 108–10

in psychotherapy, 110–13

schema, 105–7

secure, 102–3

see also secure attachment

Aurelius, Marcus, 202

Baldwin, James, 171

Balzac, Honoré de, 230

Bateson, Gregory, 41

Beck, Aaron, 12

bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), 191

beliefs, paranormal, 46–49

Bennis, Warren, 138, 163


aspirational alphas, 145–47, 152, 153, 156, 158

beware, 177

biology of, 174

brains and minds of, 148–51

help becoming an alpha, 156–58

natural, 145–47, 152

rage, 172

social status schema, 141–44

wiring shaping followers, 151

see also alphas; social status schema

biochemistry, depression, 53

biofeedback, 201, 205

Boorstin, Daniel, 35

borderline personality disorder (BPD), 73

abandonment panic, 230, 231

brain of clients with, 225–27

early attachment trauma, 223–25

lacking a safe place, 230–32

self-disgust, 233–35

social brain of, 228–29

Bowlby, John, 105


activity in half second, 5–7

adaptation, 181–83

alphas and betas, 148–51

apoptosis, 91

client with borderline personality disorder, 225–27

definition, 51

early learning in development, 5–7

hanging with the primitive, 35–36

holding beliefs, 34–35

minds and, 52–53

task specialization, 65

using minds to change, 28–32

see also social brain

Breton, André, 223

Broca’s area, 14

Bronze Age superstition, 46

Buddha, 58, 60–62, 64, 164, 252, 253, 255, 256

Buddhist, 15, 45, 62

Butler, Samuel, 205

Campbell, Joseph, 247

Casals, Pablo, 85

Charcot, Jean-Martin, 5, 206


attachment, 106–7

early trauma, 218–20

primacy of early learning, 7–9

secure attachment and narratives, 242–43

social conditioning, 119–20

stories and learning, 23–24

Christensen, Clayton, 36

Churchill, Winston, 160, 161

Coelho, Paulo, 162, 181, 261

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, 7, 67, 209

complex posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 220–23

complex trauma, 218–19

abandonment panic, 230, 231

borderline personality disorder (BPD), 223–25

complex PTSD, 220–23

lacking a safe place, 230–32

self-disgust, 233–35

very early stress, 219–20

see also borderline personality disorder (BPD); posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Confucius, 27

conscious experience, 27–28

conversion disorder, 131

Cook, James, 161

core shame, 96

appropriate vs., 121–24

bad dog!, 119–20

common consequences of, 122–23

eye gaze, 128–30

freeze response, 10–11, 118

learning, 10–12

origin of, 120–21

in psychotherapy, 125–28

self-esteem vs., 124–25

Sundays at nudist camp, 131–35

cortex, building inhibitory circuits, 113–17

cortical release sign, 116

cortisol, 185–87

countertransference, 41–42, 154, 231

Crime and Punishment (Dostoyevsky), 95

Cruise, Tom, 246, 247

culture, narratives, 237–38

Dalai Lama, 52

Darwin, Charles, 88

Davis, Sammy Jr., 76

DeFoe, Daniel, 136

Delille, Jacques, 219

depression, 39, 45, 66, 69, 87, 99, 101, 258

anaclitic, 91, 92

anxiety and, 28, 38, 46, 75, 81, 119, 188, 194, 203

biochemistry of, 53

borderline personality disorder, 229

illusion, 15

long-term synaptic depression, 191

maternal, 220, 222

shame, 122, 125

social status, 144, 151

descending inhibition, 114, 115

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), 73


illusions, 15–16

relationships, 6–7

dogs, social status, 139–40

domestic violence, 131, 134

dopamine, 203, 229

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 95, 158

dreams, head-stuck, 76–81

Dunn, Irina, 152

eating, unconscious, 53–56

Einstein, Albert, 25

Ellington, Duke, 144

emotional regulation, narratives, 240–41

endorphins, 48, 97, 98, 191

epigenetics, neuroscience, 32–33

evolution, human mind, 3–4

explicit memory, 69, 71

definition, 70

see also memory

eye gaze, core shame, 128–30

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprogramming (EMDR), 206–7, 208, 209

experiencing EMDR, 209–16

facial expression, 19, 128, 184, 195, 228, 235


loyalties within, 41–44

secure attachment and narratives of, 242–43

Faulkner, William, 68

fear, 182–83

amygdala, 12–14, 20, 36

bearing witness, 56–58

circuitry in amygdala, 113–14

getting back on the horse, 255–57

stress and trauma, 202

A Few Good Men (movie), 246

fight-or-flight response

amygdala, 184–85

criticism triggering, 127

direct eye gaze activating, 130

endorphins, 97

neurobiology of, 198

neurochemistry of, 203–4

relationships, 116

threat triggering, 20, 113, 171, 182–83, 222

Fisher, Helen, 94

Foster, Jodie, 125

freeze response, 10–11, 118

Freud, Sigmund, 5, 7, 30, 39, 46, 68, 93, 118, 131, 196, 206

Gaines, Ernest, 207

Galileo Galilei, 56

Gamble, Jessa, 53

Gandhi, Mahatma, 131

Garvey, Marcus, 159

generalized anxiety disorder, 48

genetics, neuroscience, 32–33

genotype, 33

Gere, Richard, 246, 247

Gibran, Khalil, 225

Gide, André, 197

glucocorticoids, 183, 185, 187, 190, 204

Goodman, Gerald, 99

Gordimer, Nadine, 220

grasp reflex, 115–16

groupthink, 15

half second, brain activity, 5–7

HALT, self-awareness, 55

Hampton, Lionel, 69

head-stuck dreams, 76–81

healing. See tools for healing

helicopter parents, 117

hero’s journey

key aspects of, 248–49

narratives, 246–47, 249–51


arousal, 190

cortisol effects, 187

memory, 70, 72–74

patients with borderline personality disorder, 226

stress, 184–88

Hoffman, Philip Seymour, 233

Horowitz, Vladimir, 165

Hugo, Victor, 90, 102, 128

human apoptosis, programmed self-destruction, 90–93

human brain

abstract thinking and imagination, 25–26

hemispheric and interpersonal integration, 239–40

see brain

human mind, evolutionary history, 3–4

humans, differences between rats and, 50–52

Huxley, Aldous, 188

identity, narratives, 237–38

ignorance, striving for, 27–28

illusion, 15–16

imagination, 25–26

implicit memory

conscious awareness, 74–76

definition, 70, 71

shame, 95

see also memory

inhibitory circuits, from cortex to amygdala, 113–17


amygdala, 72

anger and rage, 168

behavior, 86–88, 99, 139

id, 118

imagination, 26

maternal and paternal, 89

natural alphas, 145

primitive, xiv, 10, 171

social behavior, 137

insula, 233, 234, 235

James, William, 20, 156, 184

Jobs, Steve, 141

Jung, Carl, 249

Kaufman, Gershen, 10

Kerouac, Jack, 74

Kingsolver, Barbara, 72

Kipling, Rudyard, 239


abstract thinking and imagination, 25–26

healing tool, 22–24

reflexive social language (RSL), 58–60

self-destruction, 93

suppression under stress, 12–14

Lao Tzu, 24, 87, 148


arousal and, 188–92

core shame, 10–12

cortisol effects, 187

inverted-U curve, 189

primacy of early, 7–9

self-awareness, 58–60

long-term potentiation (LTP), 190, 191

long-term synaptic depression (LTD), 191


invisible, 40–41

power of family, 41–44

Machine Gun Kelly, exercise, 169–71, 174

marriage, 61, 89, 120, 131, 172–73, 244, 258

meditation, 58, 77–80, 112

memory, 28

amygdala vs. hippocampus, 72–74

complexity of, 69–71

conscious awareness, 74–76

cortisol effects, 187

emotional regulation, 240–41

explicit, 69, 70, 71

head-stuck dreams, 76–81

implicit, 70, 71, 74–76

Niagara Falls, 253–55

plasticity of, 81–82

reconsolidation of, 207–9

remembering and neural reintegration, 205–7

semantic, 71

unconscious networks of, 68–69

Menninger, Karl, 113

Milgram, Stanley, 119

Miller, Arthur, 97


alphas and betas, 148–51

bearing witness, 56–58

becoming the CEO of yourself, 64–67

being mindful, 62–64

brains and, 52–53

definition, 51

eating into unconsciousness, 53–56

expanding self–awareness, 58–60

what would Buddha do, 60–62

mindfulness, 62–64

mirror neurons, 29, 30

Monroe, Marilyn, 228

Munro, Alice, 240

Murdock, Alice, 105


capacity to be, 243–46

co-construction of, 18, 25

culture and identity, 237–38

emotional regulation, 240–41

healing tool, 18, 22–24

hemispheric and interpersonal integration, 239–40

hero’s journey, 246–51

secure attachment and integrated, 242–43

social brains, 236–37

natural selection, 27, 63, 88, 103, 139, 156

nature-nurture debate, 33

Nehru, Jawaharlal, 62

neural processing, half second, 5–7

neurobiology, 131, 198, 199, 225

neurochemistry, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 202–5

neuroplasticity, healing tool, 18, 20–22


anterior cingulate cortices, 234

apoptosis, 91

bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), 191

cortical release sign, 116

cortisol, 185, 186, 187

descending inhibition, 114, 115

genetics and epigenetics, 32–33

insula, 234

mirror neurons, 29, 30

neurochemistry of PTSD, 203–4

neuroplasticity, 21

orienting reflex, 208, 209

patients with borderline personality disorder, 226

Niagara Falls, memory of, 253–55

Nicholson, Jack, 247

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 18

Nightingale, Florence, 195

nonpresenting problem

clients avoiding, 35–36

diving below the surface, 36–39

invisible loyalties, 40–41

paranormal beliefs, 46–49

penis be gone!, 41–44

spirituality, 44–46

norepinephrine, 185, 190, 203, 220, 229

nudist camp, core shame, 131–35

nurturance, social brain, 87–89

obsessive-compulsive disorder, 39, 171

O’Neill, Eugene, 7

orbital and medial prefrontal cortex (OMPFC), 70, 193

orienting reflex, 207–9

Ortega y Gasset, José, 15

Orwell, George, 253

ostracism, 94

pain and suffering

Buddha, 60–62, 252–53

getting back on the horse that threw you, 255–57

memory of Niagara Falls, 253–55

what’s wrong with me?, 258–61

Palmar grasp, 115–16

panic attacks, 48

paranormal beliefs, 46–49

parent-child interaction, early learning, 10–12

parietal cortex, 26, 226, 229

Parks, Van Dyke, 81

pathological spirituality, 44, 45

Perth, Candace, 28

phenotype, 33


attachment, 108–10

memory, 81–82

in psychotherapy, 192–94

Popper, Karl, 50

posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 39, 74, 144, 197

complex PTSD, 220–23

neurochemistry of, 202–5

trauma, 199–201

see also complex trauma

Pound, Ezra, 5

prefrontal cortex, inhibitory circuits, 113–17

presenting problems, 38. See also nonpresenting problem

Pretty Woman (movie), 246

primates, social brain, 85–87

projection, thoughts and feelings, 30–31

Proust, Marcel, 252

pseudoalphas, 145, 147, 148, 152, 159–60, 163, 165. See also social status schema

psychological stress

anxiety bias, 12–14

core shame, 10–12

evolutionary strategies resulting in, 5–16

half second, 5–7

illusion, 15–16

language suppression, 12–14

primacy of early learning, 7–9


attachment in, 110–13

core shame in, 125–28

expressing the unexpressed, 14

finite and infinite, 261–62

illusions, 16

learning adaptation, 183–84

narratives, 237, 250

need for, 31–32

plasticity in, 192–94

relationship-based learning, 17–18

social status in, 154–55

rage, abandonment, 97–98

rage against the machine, 171–76

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, 62

rats, differences between humans and, 50–52

Reeve, Christopher, 246

reflexive social language (RSL), 58–60

Reich, Wilhelm, 39

religion, spirituality, 44–46

Roberts, Julia, 247

Rogers, Carl, 17, 44, 111

Rogers, Will, 121

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 216

Rowling, J. K., 46

Rukeyser, Muriel, 237

Rushdie, Salman, 236, 242

safety, attachment, 102–3

Sagan, Carl, 103

Salk, Jonas, 3, 31

Sapolsky, Robert, 186

Sarton, May, 167

schizophrenia, 41

Schubert, Franz, 166

secure attachment, 109–13, 149, 235

childhood, 222, 224

children, 193

infants and childhood, 104–5, 109–10

from insecure to, 113, 116

integrated narratives, 242–43

narratives and, 23

power of, 102–3

psychotherapy, 110–12

relationships, 18

see also attachment

self, becoming CEO of, 64–67


expanding, 58–60

self-disgust, 233–35

self-esteem vs. core shame, 124–25

self-consciousness, 28, 78

self-deception, 15

self-esteem vs. core shame, 124–25

self-expression, turning self-harm into, 99–101

self-harm, 38, 97–98, 99

self-reflective capacity, healing tool, 24–25

Seneca, 209

serotonin, 53, 203, 228–29


core, 10–12

early programming, 95

see also core shame

Shapiro, Francine, 209

Shaw, George Bernard, 44, 258

social behavior, 137–38

social brain

adaptation, 17, 27–28

borderline personality disorder (BPD), 228–29

healing, 18–20

human apoptosis, 90–93

invisible loyalties, 40–41

jury dismissed, 94–97

nurturance and survival, 87–89

primates, 85–87

rage of abandonment, 97–98

self-expression, 99–101

self-harm, 97–98

suicidal gestures, 97–98

see also brain

social status schema, 136–37

alphas, 138, 141–44, 145–48, 152, 161

alpha wiring shaping leaders, 149

betas, 138, 141–44, 145–47, 152

beta wiring shaping followers, 151

brains and minds of alphas and betas, 148–51

changing, 152–53

definition, 139

four schema, 144–48

knowing your place and doing your job, 137–38

pseudoalphas, 145, 147, 148, 152, 159–60, 163, 165

in psychotherapy, 154–55

why we have, 138–41

see also alphas; betas

social synapse, 19

Socrates, 243

Sophocles, 199

spirituality, healthy and unhealthy, 44–46

Spitz, René, 91, 92

Steinem, Gloria, 124

Stockholm syndrome, 171

storytelling, 164, 236–37, 239

healing tool, 22–24

strawberry and tigers, 61, 62

see also narratives


amygdala, hippocampus and, 184–88

learning and arousal, 188–92

physiological changes, 183

plasticity in psychotherapy, 192–94

sympathetic arousal, 183

trauma and, 195–97

see also trauma

suffering. see pain and suffering

suicide, 92, 97–98, 100–101, 126, 203

superego, 66, 93

superorganisms, 86


human brain, 181–83

social brain, 87–89

Taylor, James, 120


alphas, 168–69

diving below the surface, 36–39

eating into unconsciousness, 53–56

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprogramming (EMDR), 206–7, 209–16

hanging with primitive brain, 35–36

Machine Gun Kelly exercise, 169–71, 174

potential success of, 17–18

striving for ignorance, 27–28

Sundays at nudist camp, 131–35

using minds to change brains, 28–32

see also tools for healing

Thoreau, Henry David, 108, 154, 192

Tillich, Paul, 110

tools for healing

abstract thought and imagination, 25–26

language, storytelling and narratives, 22–24

neuroplasticity, 20–22

self-reflective capacity, 24–25

social brain, 18–20

transference, 6, 41, 70, 75, 127, 128, 154, 227

transmuting internalizations, 113

transubstantiation, 47


definitions, 199

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprogramming (EMDR), 206–7, 209–16

gift of, 216–17

neurobiological consequences of, 198

neurochemistry of PTSD, 202–5

orienting reflex and reconsolidation of memory, 207–9

posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 199–201

remembering and neural reintegration, 205–7

stress and, 195–97

surpassing the stimulus barrier, 197–99

taking the EMDR plunge, 209–16

see also complex trauma

Twain, Mark, 118

U2, 262

unconsciousness, eating into, 53–56

van der Kolk, Bessel, 223

Weil, Simone, 40

wisdom, 20, 39, 216, 238, 249

witness, bearing, 56–58

World War II, 253, 256

yoga, 76, 112, 205

Zen Buddhists, 15