


THIS IS a rather bittersweet moment for me writing these thank-yous. For as long as I can remember, this series, and especially the character of Vick Corren, have been haunting my thoughts both waking and dreaming. I can picture her clearly, in no small part because of the amazing work of my two cover artists—Nathalie Gray who did the covers for Threadbare and Patchwork, and Anna Sikorska who finished the series with the beautiful art for Woven. I can also hear Vick in my head, always nagging me to get her story out there, and I’ll confess, she hasn’t yet shut up, so while I’m taking a break from Storm Fronts, there may be more for her to do in the future. It saddens me to see the trilogy come to an end, but a character like Vick never sits still for long.

I want to thank my amazing editorial team—Gus Li, Camiele White, and Brian Holliday for putting up with all my misplaced commas and hyphens and triple-checking for continuity errors. I am so grateful to have had them along for the entire series. Their support and enthusiasm, along with their suggestions, took me in directions I hadn’t originally planned, and I know the trilogy is better for their influence. Any remaining errors are all mine.

Thank you to Naomi Grant for her promotional wisdom and everyone else at Dreamspinner Publications who has had a hand in getting this series out there.

Thank you to my writing group: Amy, Evergreen, Gary, Joe, and Ann for their ongoing advice and for keeping me sane throughout the publishing process. Thank you to those readers who have contacted me or left reviews to express your enjoyment of Vick and Kelly’s adventures. Those words mean so very very much and make me want to write more and more. In particular, thank you to authors Arielle Haughee and MB Austin for your praise and support.

Special thanks to my agent, Naomi Davis, who believed in this series from the very beginning and continues to believe in me as an author. 

Thank you to my daughter, Ana, for cover art opinions and never-ending eagerness to read the next book.

Finally and most of all, thank you to my spouse for car-ride brainstorming sessions, random what-ifs, last-minute read-throughs, and all the love and support an author could ever ask for. None of this would have happened without you by my side.