Chapter Nineteen


Lucas and his six man team entered the space ship leaving Scio for Earth's moon. The Scio space ship was vastly different than the rocket ship of Earth. There would be no weightlessness aboard the Scio ship. Artificial gravity took care of that problem. Also there was no need of a pilot as computers eliminated that job. The entire flight would be monitored by Scio's minor council members.

Seats were provided for humans. On this ship there was seating for at least a hundred or more. The travel time was only a blink of an eye; or it seemed so. In actual fact, about ten hours was needed to travel the 2.5 million light years through a Scio made worm hole.

Lucas and team took their respective places. Each waited while the seats conformed to their bodies. A wrap around enclosure gently eased into place. The acceleration would take place in stages so as no G-forces would be felt. Lucas was outwardly relaxed but inwardly apprehensive of what lie ahead on the moon. It would be impossible to deceive a Scio council member. Simply put, it was conform or be displaced.

Earlier he'd talked with his mate through code. She felt confident he'd return safe and sound. She openly told him that this would be a welcome experience to use Earth language again; also to make new friends as well. He relaxed as the ship left the dock and accelerated towards the Milky Way Galaxy.

One thing that he did like and appreciate was the colored lights of the interior of the ship and the marvelous view of space as they gained speed. The red cabin lights at the beginning flashed on and off. The computers were vivid green. After in motion, the cabin lights went to a warm orange from red and from the surrounding to the floor. All of it was supposed to help the space traveler adjust to faster than light speed.

Lucas felt the ship slow down as they approached Earth's solar system. He recognized Jupiter and then Mars and soon they saw their destination: Earth's moon. All the team members were rubber necking at their surroundings. The distinct blue planet Earth stood out like a beacon to any passerby.

Lucas said, "There is where we land my friends. Humans have named it the Archimedes Crater. It's kind of ironic that the leading mathematician of history has a moon crater named after him. We, or I should say, Scio left a math puzzle for entry. Well, we'll soon land and enter the chambers to make ready for our human visitors to arrive very soon."

Robots ran an artificial synthetic tunnel from the ship to the opening of the underground space. Lucas and the team had only a short walk to the moon entrance. The moon cavern was originally used for a weigh station transferring Atlantians to Scio. It had all the amenities needed for human survival and comfort: gravity, oxygen, stores of food and water, rooms for sleeping, bathrooms and an entertainment area showing videos of Scio and its solar system of planets.

The robots also were used inside to prepare food for the guests and to assist in any other needed requests. They were voice controlled programmed to an individual or a group of sentient beings. Atlantians had grown used to having robots around. No one gave it a thought that the High Council could see and hear through the robots. However, Atlantians had learned many centuries ago to not speak ill of their hosts.

Now there was little to do but wait for the earthlings to arrive tomorrow if all went well.




To say none of the A team were nervous would be sadly mistaken. Even trained and experienced astronauts were apprehensive at take off time. Gwen said to Matt, "At least Tall Man we had a nice weekend together by the sea. Without being pessimistic, I wonder when we will have a replay in the future."

"I'm dreaming of life on another planet with crystal clear green water with tons of fish swimming around. A white sand beach, a snorkel, a beautiful blonde and I'm a happy guy," Matt said while watching her being dressed for the space trip. He too was being assisted, as were the rest of the team. It was still two hours till lift off, but that time would fly by.

Alice said, "I suppose it's too late to back out?" All of the team and the handlers crack up laughing. "I forgot to call my mother to feed my cat."

Gwen said, "You don't have a cat Alice. I remember I asked you about any pets."

"I guess I'll have to face the music and go to the moon. I can only hope they'll take me to their solar system so I can be the first astronomer to view another solar system first hand. I can't wait to go," Alice said.

Two hours later, all firmly ensconced in the rocket, the countdown continued. In the control room Blake and Jerry were watching with anticipation, hoping for a successful flight. For a man like Sir Blake, he could care less about the welfare of the team on board, but if something happened, he would be ruined. His former wife had always told him he was a selfish bastard and that someday he would stick a pistol in his mouth to end the misery. He smiled thinking about that as that is exactly what she did ten years ago. That pistol sat in his desk at home in the bottom right hand drawer fully loaded.

For each team member, the G forces of lift off threatened to shove their chests to their backbone. The rocket shook and shimmed as it lifted off right on schedule. It only took a little while until they were free of Earth's atmosphere precisely on course to the moon. Now they had about three days until arrival on the moon.

JB, Barry, Liz were watching it on TV, as well as Gladys back home in London. She had tears flowing down her cheeks praying to God for the safety of her new found friends. JB had a tear roll down his cheek wishing he were younger to enjoy the trip with them, but he had his new friend Maria to brighten each day.

Sir Blake was ecstatic. The flight to moon went without a hitch. With camera running, as the capsule containing the A team descended to the moon's surface, a gasp was heard in the control room as the camera revealed a space ship sitting on Archimedes Crater. It was difficult to determine how big it was, but certainly much larger than NASA space shuttle.

The team inside watched the camera as the shuttle slowly descended to the surface. Not a word was spoken. All were suited for the elements of the moon. As they landed, Matt spoke to mission control. "We've touched down on the surface. I'll be the first one out and see what is what. The rest will stay behind until I give the go signal."

Gwen said, "Be careful Matt. I've grown accustomed to your being so for our baby's sake, be aware." Matt was shocked to hear his name as she rarely called him by his first name. He smiled as he opened the door to greet the silence surrounding him.

He had a double take on the sleek spaceship not far away from the capsule. It was larger than any airplane on Earth. As a matter of fact, it was longer than a football field and shaped like a cigar. The color, Matt noticed, was similar to the box and tubes found on Atlantis. He wondered if the same metal was used.

His focus came back to a long tube like thing running from the ship to what looked like was a pile of volcanic rocks. He quickly came to the conclusion that it was a walkway. How nice he thought, as he slowly walked to the end of the tube. The moon's gravity was such that he was very light on his feet.

As he neared the end of the tube, his heart was racing. Mission Control said, "Matt, take a few deep breathes and relax. Your heart rate is at maximum and your BP is high. Stop and look around. As the young people say, 'be cool.'"

Matt did as told. He stopped and by magic a door swung open at the end of the tunnel. An obvious robot stood there and said, "Welcome Matt. Please step forward and enter our double door chamber where you can relieve yourself of that space suit."

Once again, Matt did as told. As he entered the doorway, he saw on the other side of a glass door a man smiling at him. He looked pure human. He said, "Don't be scared, I'm Lucas formally of Atlantis. The oxygen level has been supplied to you so you can remove your helmet in safety." The glass door slide sideways to see Lucas take a deep breath. Matt removed his helmet.

Matt stuck out his gloved hand and then said, "Sorry about the glove. Wait a minute while I rid myself of this cumbersome space suit. The robot helped him and soon he was standing in front of Lucas in his space underwear. "Sorry again about the way I'm dressed, but such is our level of space travel at the moment."

"I’m happy to meet you Matt," said Lucas. "I can assure you that you and your team are very safe here. If you care to take a look around and meet my team members, follow me please."

Standing in the middle of the room Matt saw five average looking humans. However, he wondered about the inside make up. How much remained of the original human body. Well, just another question to ask as time goes on. First he met Mia then Kira, Iana, Zorian and Jovan followed. Matt shook hands with each one with sincere warmth. All Atlantians felt his warmth.

After a quick look around Matt decided that it was time to invite his crew to the party. It looked and felt safe to him. He told Lucas and soon his five member A team was trudging across the moon's surface to the what became known as the 'Slinky Tunnel.' Bernie was the one who suggested it reminded him of the old slinky that somersaulted down stairs. He told them his father gave him one brand new in a box.

Soon all were in the circle cavern sitting at a large circle table. The robots had brought coffee, tea and snacks for the earth people to munch on while they talked. Lucas spoke first, with a slow double blink, he said, "No doubt you have a lot of questions and we will truthfully answer the best we can. I'll give you a little back ground then we can open the table up for questions.

We are indeed descendants of what you call Atlantis. Coincidentally Scio daily to yearly time is about half your Earth's time. With that being the case, I'm over 500 years old. On our planet we are disease free. The common cold is a thing of the long ago past. If an organ wears out a replica is used to replace the defective or worn out one. All of us here," as his arms swept around the table, "have many new parts or organs inside us. Ironically, the brain doesn't seem to wear out, but only develops both in size and intellect.

So much for us former Earthlings; now onto the Scio civilization and who they are. Physically they're indescribable. It's impossible for our human eyes to see them. They're pure energy seemingly everywhere or nowhere at the same time. Sometimes we can see a blurry haze pass by or hover for a period of time. Their history is unfathomable. It's more than 2 million of earth years old. Only they know for sure. It's more than reasonable to think we are being monitored as we meet. They have a High Council that, for lack of a better word, governs their solar system and beyond. When we meet they speak to us in a language we can relate to. Latin is what we grew up with. Since we are meeting with you, English is the preferred language we use.

Now to the reason we are meeting at this time in history. We can't fully answer that 'why' question, but we can say this much. Like a mother who would do anything to protect her family, Mother Scio has decided that Earth should become part of the Scio family. I'd best stop here and let you nice people think about what I've said up to this point."

The A team, because it was a circular table, could see one another very easy. Matt looked at each member. Gwen said, after looking around on her own, then to Matt she nodded, "Please continue Lucas. You're doing very well. So far nothing has shocked us but has led us to feel more confident that no harm is going to befall us."

Kira jumped in and said, "Heavens no Gwen. The Scio beings are not intending any harm to you or to the Planet Earth. Indeed they possess the power to destroy a planet, that power hasn't been used for many, many millenniums. From our perspective the Scio beings are intellectuals and not warriors. They've seen Earth rapidly advance forward in the last two hundred years. The Earth's technology has grown exponentially. As a matter of fact, according to our view, Earth's technology has already advanced past humankind's capability to use it properly. Scio wants to help educate the 7 billion earthlings to the next step of evolution."

Alice jumped in saying, "Excuse me Kira, but would you have a plan to show us as to how this education would be implemented?"

""Yes, we do," said Jovan. Simply put we would begin by having an exchange program installed. It's really a simple matter for us to land a space ship on Earth. Scio did it this way to prevent panic on your planet. Seeing a spaceship land on a site predetermined would cause untold confusion. This way we can present a plan and hopefully all agree to it."

Matt said, "Lucas, we seem to have gotten off the beaten track a little. Please continue your overview."

"In actual fact Matt, all of what is asked or responded to is relative." Matt had noticed that when Lucas looked directly at him he would blink every so often as if something was in his eye. He also noticed when the Atlantians looked at one another the same blinking would occur. He was puzzled, but would not say anything at the present time.

"We travel through space by creating a worm hole that in theory folds space. I don't understand it, but its safe is all we care about. It took us only about ten hours to travel here from Scio. It's safe to say my new friends, the Scio beings are light years ahead of us mere humans. It's also safe to say we have learned and evolved at a much faster rate than if we'd stayed on Earth. I see raised eyebrows and some frowns around the table. Let me assure you Scio is no utopia, but not far from it. For example, a geologist will have a field day with new minerals; a biologist the same idea and on and on for any field imaginable."

"If it's alright with you Lucas, we need to report to Earth telling them we are safe and sound underground in an Earth type environment. Also I feel extremely tired and would imagine the rest of us feel the same. Would it be acceptable for us to take a few hours rest," asked Matt.

"My yes Matt. We have rooms for couples or singles. The robots will help you in any way you desire. There're showers with hot water, believe it or not. We don't know how, but who's to argue," Lucas said with a warm smile.

Zorian said, "When you are rested we can have dinner. Don't worry about having only one choice, you can have what you desire. Rest well fellow humans."

Lucas said, "Oh by the way Matt. We have a communication system you can use to call your friends on Earth. We try to think of everything. Follow me I'll show you the transmission room.

Matt was amazed as he entered a room full of electronics. No doubt there were computers here, but all he could see was dark squares lined up every so often with chairs in front waiting for a customer. Lucas showed Matt a room with a communicating system similar to the one of their ship. Matt sat down and called mission control. They answered right away. Matt wondered how they knew the frequency and so on. He shrugged it off and said, "We are fine here on the moon. We are in an underground cavern with breathable oxygen, or I should say, the same conditions we experience on Earth. Our hosts have made us feel welcome. One of us will send a report later as time goes on. For now we are going to rest and then continue our discussions. Moon out."

"Thanks Lucas," said Matt as he walked back out. Now I'm really tired and need a rest." They walked back to the main area and Matt saw Gwen standing in front of a door with a robot waiting for orders. The door slid open and they entered a spacious room with a large bed. The robot stayed outside. In no time they both went out to experience a dreamless sleep.

It was like an alarm clock went off. After three hours of good sleep, both Matt and Gwen woke up at the same time. Later they found out all of the team woke up at the same time. Gwen whispered into Matt's ear, "What did we get ourselves into here my Tall Man?"

"Damn if I know, but let's ride it out for awhile. We've nothing to lose and everything to gain. Science will increase exponentially with this new knowledge. Mankind should profit from this contact. Now let's see what the next meeting brings."

Gwen took a long look around their room. It was a circle like all things Scio, it would seem. The color was hard to describe, but it appeared bluish silver. It was warm to the touch and when pushed by a finger, it was somewhat soft. The bathroom had a waterless toilet and a round shower with plenty of hot water. After a wash up, they ventured out to meet the Atlantians again. Matt and Gwen both were very hungry.

It was as if they had never taken a rest. The Atlantians looked exactly the same with the same clothes on. Both teams sat at the table and Lucas said, "I know you're hungry so let's order some dinner. Each of you can tell me what you want and I'll relay it to a robot. Order what you like as the cook is amazing. Laughter erupted. Matt said, "I'll have steak and eggs with toast and strawberry jam please." And so it went around the table.

True to their word, each had what they ordered. The A team were in awe of what was presented in front of them. Afterwards coffee or tea was served. Gwen asked, "Do you have any ice cream?"

Lucas said, "We know you're with child Gwen. Yes, what flavor would you like?"

"I'd like cookies and cream please." The entire A team nodded and Lucas sent the robot to the ice cream store.

After dessert Lucas said they would adjourn to the communications room for a video of Scio. Very comfortable arm chairs sat in front of a very large screen. Iana used a remote and soon a picture of Scio from space was upon the screen. Alice said, "Now you have my attention. My colleagues would give an arm for this view I'm seeing right now. Christmas comes early to the moon thanks to the Scio folks."

Similar to Earth, the Planet Scio was blue in color with weather patterns across the planet; only much larger than Earth. The video panned around the planet and here and there cities could be seen on huge land masses. It was totally quiet in the room as Lucas and his team let the earthlings enjoy the video. Lucas noticed the earthlings were watching with a keen eye. He so wanted to spill the truth, but realized he would be punished and banished in a few seconds.

Bernie said, "Can you give us an idea how big Scio is compared to Earth."

"Indeed yes," said Jovan. "Earth is about 8 thousand miles in diameter. Scio is about 32 thousand miles in diameter."

"I presume that Scio has an atmosphere similar to Earth," asked James.

"Once again you're right James. Scio has a very similar atmosphere and about the same gravity also," answered Jovan.

The video took a side trip around the three moons. Dome like structures could be seen sprawling and dotting the three moons. "I'd guess under all those domes life lives there," asked Chora. As a sociologist, she was very interested in what was considered family/community and culture.

"Yes, millions live under those domes. Mining is the main industry. Agriculture is second to feed the population," said Zorian. "Also, believe it or not, domestic animals are raised underground for food. Someday we hope you can visit there."

The video turned back to Scio proper zooming in on a large domed city. Gwen was puzzled why the city was under a complete cover. She asked, "Why the cover or dome over the city. It appears to stretch for miles in all direction with a special high dome in the center."

Lucas answered, "Scio has a weak ozone layer. UV light, as you know is harmful to all life forms; if left unchecked. Our dome cities are completely UV free with the atmosphere equal to the outside. Yes, the air inside is manufactured by machine; it's virtually no different than outside the domes. I really can't explain it very well Gwen."

"Let's see the video develop and thanks for the answer Lucas." The video flew over the city and then towards a distant mountain range. Very similar to Earth, the lowlands had rivers running through pasture land. The camera was too high to view much ground detail, but animals could be seen, but not identified. The pastures turned to hill wooded with broadleaf trees and then up the forested mountains. All agreed the view was pristine perfect.

From the mountains to the ocean that rimmed the capital city of Scioty. Lucas used the word capital to acknowledge where the High Council resided. The ocean was gigantic, James thought. The Pacific Ocean was Earth's largest and by all accounts this water mass would swallow all seven of the oceans on Earth. The video fast forward to a land mass coming up. Lucas told them this was a continent opposite from Scioty. Here was almost an equal sized domed city appearing very much like Scioty. The only difference was a gigantic port with domed ships docked next to large domed warehouses or factories.

The team was told that fishing was their main industry here. Zorian proudly stated that fish from here were sent to other worlds for consumption.

The video continued circling Scio with the landmass changing very little. On the backside one third of Scio, a barren desert appeared. It really looked like no man's land. Matt asked, "This appears like our African desert and somewhat like where James Tompson comes from."

"Yes, this region is uninhabited by any living thing. At one time, we're told, this area was fertile until a large meteor hit. You'll see the crater soon," said Lucas.

James gave a shudder thinking how desolate that region appeared. He was keen to see what minerals made up Scio. Also, how they manufactured that exotic metal he saw pictures of. Lucas said, "Our next stop is a coastal area rich in fish comprising hundred of islands. You could say this area resembles South East Asia."

"I don't see any domed dwellings Lucas. Are these islands uninhabited," asked Gwen.

"Yes, for the most part they are left in a pristine natural state. A few of the bigger islands have small cities where fishing is the main industry," said Lucas. It wasn't long before some bigger islands had a few cities cleverly blending into the land. It was noticed by all that even the fishing boats had domes.

Finally they came full circle back to the main city where the video ended. Lucas said, "We've more but for now we can relax and answer some of your questions, if we can. Please remember, we don't know everything. The High Council tell us what we need to know is my belief."


The High Council was viewing the moon base along with what was occurring. One member said, "At this point in time, I see nothing out of the ordinary occurring. It appears we are advancing according to schedule."

"Yes, I concur. All is well so far. Now, Lucas will broach the subject of transportation to our worlds."

The third member said, "In my opinion these earthlings are not stupid. I see six fine examples just waiting for us to fill up their brains with new ideas."

"We must be cautious and not underestimate the earthlings. The last thing we need is a rebellion on our hands. Let's see what develops. I think the member who is with child will go back to Earth with her mate."

"Be that as it may, we've billions to work with without those two. However, they are recent celebrities and people will seek their advice."




On the moon, James said, while they were taking a break after the video, "I've been taking notes Matt. I'd like for you to review my notes to see if I've left anything important out. I'll send this back to Australia for all to see and read. Our country is excited I'm one of the chosen few."

Matt took the notebook and read the first page. "Make sure no one can see this writing. Cover it the best you can without being obvious. I think I've figured out the eye blinking of the Atlantians. My father was a ham radio nut. I grew up listening to voices and Morse code from around the world. The Atlantians are blinking to us in Morse code. They say we are being watched and listened to at all time. There is little danger, but they want humans from Earth to populate some of their other worlds in the Andromeda system. Earth is headed for environmental disaster if it continues on its present course. Scio beings want to empty the planet of mankind to let nature reclaim the abused planet."

Matt said, "James, this will do very well. You stated it very succinctly giving a nice overview of what we saw and heard today. I'd like a copy to send to the media in America." Matt closed the notebook and slowly passed it to Gwen. His heart was in his throat. What he'd really like to do was take a walk around the block to think about what lay in front of them. At first he saw few options to the plight of humankind on Earth. He wondered what would be the lesser of the two evils? He was interrupted by Gwen.

"I think this is really good James. I'd like to see more of the fishing industry and how it's managed. I'd guess they'd have fantastic accountability on sustained yields from ocean fish farming. Unlike our fishing management where by individual countries set their own standards. Look at whaling, trawler netting and big ships dragging huge nets behind them literally netting any and all species. All I can see is a gross waste of a precious resource."

Chora jumped in saying, "Look at our rainforests in South America. Thousand of hectares are lost every year due to mankind's ways. I tell you it's unacceptable. Earth's primary source of oxygen comes from the rainforests. Soon we'll be in even more trouble than we already are."

"I don’t think now is the time to discuss our dirty underwear, but point well taken," said Matt.

Lucas came in and said, "Are you guys ready for some lunch?"

Once again it was your wish is my command kind of thing. If nothing else, they knew how to deliver fine hospitality. All shook their heads when made aware that ordering roast beef on rye was being served on the moon……..

While they ate lunch together, James slowly acknowledged to Lucas that he'd picked up on the blinking code.

Matt said, "We need to send a message to mission control to ease their minds about our well being. Lucas, may we once again use your communication room?"

"Certainly can. After that if you want we can show you another video of our scientific labs."

"We'd like that," said Alice. "Also it appears I made a mistake thinking Scio had only two moons instead of three."

Mission control was happy to receive a report. Matt spent twenty minutes sending items of interest. Lucas had told him that if they wanted, he could send the video for all of the people to view around the world. Matt could see no harm and readily agreed.

The next video was audio in English. The narrator had a distinct British accent that was most curious to the A team. The female voice said, "What you see here is our scientists working on improving our fish species. We try to keep it as natural as possible for maximum taste, but a little tickle here or there with their DNA doesn't seem to affect the taste. Over the years we've improved the net weight gain of 25%."

The camera swung around to a glass enclosed area where researchers dressed in protective suits huddled around a center table viewing a screen imbedded in a semi-circle table. "Here we have scientists cross breeding similar species of fish. In all we have over a thousand scientists working here. We'd like to expand," the voice said.

Lucas said, "We'd like to invite many of Earth's scientists to our multitude of laboratories. A lot can be learned by any and all who venture forth to seek answers to hidden questions. We've learned from Scio beings that knowledge or learning never ends. There's always room for improvement no matter the subject area. Scio is a vast training ground for literally millions of students. I hope some of you on Planet Earth will take the opportunity offered."

The video continued without anyone from the A team to respond to what was just said by Lucas. Lucas said, "Now the video will leave Scio to visit a nearby planet where minerals are mined." The same voice resumed saying, "Here a specific iron ore is mined for any and all metal fabrication. This planet has an abundant supply of what is known as Ferrum. The steel tube and box you discovered on Earth is made from this mineral."

The video showed well lighted tunnels with smooth flooring. Bubble cars were transporting people back and forth. The camera continued from such a car as it entered an area where robots were operating strange looking machinery removing the ore. Only a few humans were seen. The voice said, "The mining operation is supervised by geologists. A rotation system is in place whereby each geologist spends one-third of year on three different planets overseeing quality control. Future exploration of other planets is always on going for any who would like some adventure."

James noticed the ore removal was unique in it was transported by conveyor above the bubble cars. He noted the fact there was no dust anywhere. He made a note to ask someone about that phenomenon.

A pause in the video with Lucas saying, "Let's take a break for refreshments with a question and answer period."

Matt looked around the table as robots fetched some snacks and drinks. All gave him the nod to speak and ask the question all were curious about. That question pertained to the 'why' contact was made and 'what' specifically did they want of earthlings. Matt said, "Lucas, forgive us earthlings for being blunt and to the point, but 'what' really are you suggesting here and of course 'why' needs to be addressed?"

Lucas realized exactly what Matt was asking. It was time to speak up and reveal what the High Council had to say. "Matt and to all of you, let me say this, Scio wants millions if not billions of earth people to move to Scio and other planets within their system. The main reason is, human kind on Earth has almost destroyed a very livable planet. If left to human devices, Earth will be unfit for habitation in less than one hundred years. Time is running out for mankind. You know this very well as educated scientists. The exploitation of the planets resources will soon expire and then what? Scio is offering an alternative. People of your world had better give this some serious thought."

Chora said, "Let me get this straight if I may interrupt here. You're saying Scio beings will transport almost seven billion people off our world to one of Scio's worlds?"

"Essentially that is about right Chora," said Mia. "Scio has spaceships of enormous size. Facilities have already been put in place to accept the inflow of people. It would take about two years to transport all to Scio's system of planets."

"If I'm reading this correctly," said Bernie. "We have no choice in the matter."

"Zorian said, "Of course you have a choice. Those that chose to stay will not be forced to leave. However, we think most will see the benefits in relocation. In the beginning only the well educated and trained professionals will leave. Once the outflow of the planets leaders so to speak, others will follow."

"That's taking a lot for granted Lucas," said Gwen. "I can't disagree man has ravaged the world where life lives in abundance; or once did. Scientists know the planet take a beating and keeps on repairing itself. Mother Nature is resilient. Global warming is still an issue not established that man has created a disaster waiting to happen. Recently we've had some major weather anomalies that have strained the resources of even the wealthiest of countries. On the other hand, some scientists argue that earth is slowly moving into another ice age. Lucas, what does your crystal tell us about the weather and its effects on mankind?"

"Let me take that," said Jovan. "My name means 'father of the sky' in Old Latin. When Atlantis was about to be destroyed, Scio beings told us what was going to happen. Most all believed them. Some didn't. If we had remained, I wouldn't be talking to you. I'd really hate to see all of Earth's people become extinct. In answer to your question Gwen, the High Council tells us that indeed life on your planet will cease to exist within the next hundred years or so. Major weather changes will occur; earthquakes of horrendous size will be common place; wars will continue at even a more rapid pace with chemicals being a common weapon; and with the oceans levels rising, cities like New York will disappear."

All of the A team sat in silence wondering about what they just heard was fact or fiction. Regardless, all had a sinking feeling life as they used to know it was over. James wanted to go with them to Scio. Chora was on the fence, but seeing another culture socially was too good to be true. Bernie was packed and ready to go. Alice was more than ready to go and leave all behind. Gwen had her baby to think about and also JB. She knew Matt would be with her regardless of where they would go.

Matt said, as the six members of the former Atlantians sat across from them wondering what the reaction might be, "We need time Lucas. Suffice to say the offer is enticing. My future wife and child need attention regardless of the outcome. Although, having the first earth baby born off planet would be a milestone." That broke the ice and all had a good laugh.

Lucas said, "Inside our space ship we have a shuttle that can easily transport you back to Earth much safer and much more comfortable that that transportation system sitting outside. We'll leave you know to discuss what has transpired so far. We'll be available at any time."