


This wasn’t how I wanted my sister to find out about me dating her best friend.  I stepped protectively in front of Alice and felt her stiffen behind me.  My sister’s eyes were fixed over my shoulder, staring at Alice in shock.

“Hey sis,” I said lightly, trying to break the tension.  “Remember how I told you I was dating someone?  Surprise.”

Maya gave me a wry look, then turned her gaze back to Alice.  “Alice?  You’re fucking around with my little sister?  She’s a baby!”

Alice cleared her throat. “Maya, I’m sorry you found out this way, but Jewel is an adult and has been for a while now.   And we’re not fucking around.  Our relationship is new, but it’s already pretty serious.”

Maya scoffed.  “I can’t believe you’re so desperate that you’d take advantage of my little sister.”

“Hey!” I raised my voice and waited for Maya to look my way again.  “I don’t appreciate the implication there Maya.  And not that it’s any of your business, but I’m the one who pursued Alice.  Dating was my idea.  Mine, not hers.  I won’t have you insulting the woman I love damn it.”

“You love her?” Maya asked in surprise.

“You love me?” Alice asked at the same time.

I turned around and wrapped my arms around Alice’s waist, then met her beautiful eyes.  “I know it’s probably too fast and I certainly didn’t mean to blurt that out in front of my sister, but yes, I love you Alice.”

Alice’s eyes filled with tears.  “I love you too Jewel.”

I raised my eyebrow at her, and she continued, “I thought it would freak you out if I said it too soon, but I love you and I want us to be together for the rest of our lives.”

She gave me the sweetest smile and, completely ignoring my sister, lowered her head and gave me a passionate kiss, full of promise. My sister cleared her throat behind us, and we broke apart reluctantly.

“OK well this is weird as shit, but if you guys are happy, you know I’ll support you,” Maya said.  That’s what I loved about my sister, she really just rolled with the punches no matter what happened. 

“Thanks, that means a lot to me, Maya.  And I’m sorry you had to find out like this.  What are you doing here anyway?” Alice asked.

“I came to see if my best friend wanted to get brunch,” she explained.  “I sent you a text but apparently you didn’t get it, so I figured you had your phone off.”

Alice shook her head, her face turning pink. “No, I haven’t checked my phone.  We’ve been kind of, um, busy here.”

Maya cringed and put her hand up in a “stop” motion.  “Please, for the love of god, don’t give me any details.”

We both laughed.

“So...brunch?” she asked.  “The three of us could go.

“I’m supposed to go for a run with my friends,” I reminded her, grabbing my phone.  “Let me just text them that I’m not going to make it, then we can all go hang out.”

Alice and I wound up spending the rest of the day with my sister, having brunch, and then going to catch a movie they both had been wanting to see. I had been out of the country for so long that I had no idea what any movies were.  Alice sat between us, and I held her hand the whole movie. Afterwards we waked around the mall for a while, then headed to a local pub near Alice’s house for a couple of drinks.

It was a good day.  Our feelings were out in the open now, my sister was on board with our relationship, and the three of us had gotten along well all day, having a lot of fun.  I knew that today had taken a lot of pressure off of Alice too. 

By the time Maya was on her way back to my parents’ house, darkness was falling, and I was dying to be alone with my girlfriend. The minute we got back into Alice’s house I grabbed her by the waist and pushed her against the wall.  I grabbed her hands, threaded her fingers through mine, and pressed the back of her hands against the wall on either side of her head.

“Say it again,” I ordered, making my voice commanding as I stared into her eyes.

Her eyes darked as she replied.  “I love you Jewel.”

“How long?” I asked.

“Since our first date,” she responded without hesitation.

I leaned forward and caught one of her nipples between my teeth, biting down hard enough that she felt it through the fabric of her bra and shirt. 

“I should spank you for not telling me earlier.”

She groaned as I bit her other nipple, and her hips rolled against mine suggestively.  “I hope you do Jewel, I hope you do.”