The Crispy Quinoa Bars
Preparation time:
30 minutes
1 ½ cups of toasted Quinoa
1 ½ tablespoons of grated coconut
4 tablespoons of dark raisins
2 ½ tablespoons of almonds or walnuts
1 ½ tablespoon of Dulce de leche
Step #1: Add your toasted Quinoa inside a bowl, and get another container to mix your Dulce de Leche, with almonds or walnuts until they create a uniform mix. Empty your mi into different biscuit molds and top up with raisins plus coconut (grated).
Step #2: Flatten your mix until it attains a surface smaller than the biscuit mold. The bars should be crispy when you remove it from the molds inside the oven. Let it dry before serving.