- ABC see Brazilian Culture Association
- Abramo, L. 36
- Academy of Letters (ABL) 2, 9
- Ação! (newsletter) 92, 122
- Ação Nacional (newspaper) 92
- ACCALE see Arcy Lopes Estrella Civic and Cultural Association
- Action Française 3
- AIB see Brazilian Integralist Action
- Aires, L. 8
- Albuquerque, Hermes M. L. e 46, 47
- Alerta (newspaper) 98
- Almeida, J. A. de 37
- Alves, D. 129, 134
- Alves, S. R. 11
- Ameal, J. 80
- Amorim, R. 126
- Anauê! (magazine) 26, 29, 51, 55
- ANL (the National Liberation Alliance, Aliança Nacional Libertadora) 14
- anti-communism 7–8, 54, 56–57, 71, 93, 99, 113, 124, 129
- Anti-fascist Youth 104
- anti-semitic literature 11
- anti-semitism and neointegralism 112–114
- Appolo Sport Club 43
- Aquino, T. de 8
- Aranha, A. E. de S. 2, 4, 44
- Aranha, O. de S. 2, 44
- Arcy Lopes Estrella Civic and Cultural Association (ACCALE) 124–127, 129–132
- Arruda, R. 6, 83
- Association of Graduates of the Superior War School (ADESG) 104
- A bagaceira (Almeida) 37
- Bandeira do Sigma (newsletter) 121
- Baptista, J. 42
- Barbuy, V. E. V. 115, 125, 126–127
- Baron 47
- Barreto, J. C. 108
- Barros, A. de 61, 62
- Barroso, G. 32, 46, 94, 97, 108; amendments in anti-Semitic texts of 113; anti-Semitic text of 116; and anti-Semitism 113–114; during clandestine period of integralism 44; excursions were led by 21; joining the movement 8, 11–12; nomination 36
- Battisti, C. 121
- Battle of Praça da Sé 36
- Benário, O. 7
- Bittencourt, D. de 8, 11
- Bobrow, J. 96
- Bolshevism 26
- Bolsonaro, F. 126
- Bolsonaro, J. 119, 121, 126
- Bolsonaro government: attack on the Porta dos Fundos headquarters 129–132, 134–135; and political violence 127–129
- Braga, N. 84
- Braga, R. 31
- Bragança, D. B. de O. e 99
- Bragança, D. L. de O. e 99, 102
- Bragard 47
- Branco, C. 71
- Brasil Feminino (magazine) 27–28
- Brazilian Agricultural Workers Union (UOCB) 57, 74, 80–81
- Brazilian Black Front (FNB) 11
- Brazilian Communist Party (PCB) 7
- Brazilian Culture Association (ABC) 39; attempts to refound 83–84; and democratic transition 82–85
- Brazilian Democratic Movement 72
- Brazilian Democratic Union (UDB) 37
- Brazilian Imperial Monarchic Movement 95
- Brazilian Institute for Democratic Action 70
- Brazilian Integralist Action (AIB) 1–42; attempts to refound 83–84; and democratic transition 82–85; Estado Novo coup, support for 36–39; expansion and growth 12–14, 16; formation of integralism 1–3; Getúlio Vargas assassination attempt 40–42; Green-shirt propaganda 25–30; Gustavo Barroso 8, 11–12; the integralist family 16–18, 20; integralist uprising of 1938 40–42; Italian fascism 3; Miguel Reale 8, 11–12; neo-Nazism and the ousting of Anésio 94–97; opposition and conflict 30–36; organization 15; Plínio Salgado 1–3; principles 4–8; protocols 20–25; return of 89–91; rituals 20–25; and skinheads 93–94; three leaders and some enemies 8, 11–12
- Brazilian Integralist and Linearist Movement (MIL-B) 111–114
- Brazilian Integralist Front (FIB) 114–118, 131; and ACCALE 127, 129; and the Brazilian Labor Renovation Party (PRTB) 127
- Brazilian Integralist Movement (MIB) 107
- Brazilian Labor Renovation Party (PRTB) 123, 124–127, 130
- Brazilian Literacy Movement 74
- Brazilian Patriotic Imperial Action 4
- Brazilian Social Action (national fascist party) 4
- Brizola, L. 67
- Bueno, A. H. C. 78, 80, 86
- Buzaid, A. 74, 77, 90
- Cabocla (Couto) 2
- Café Filho 58
- Câmara, D. H. 7, 8, 36
- Camargo, A. 86
- Campos, F. de 38
- Campos Júnior, A. L. 89–92, 94, 96, 100, 105, 107; ousting of 94–97
- Cândido, J. 11
- Candu, L. 14, 16
- Carecas 93
- Carlos, J. 2
- Carmo, L. G. do 49
- Carneiro, E. 100, 118–119, 125
- Carvalho, J. B. de 86, 104
- Carvalho, L. G. de 41
- Carvalho, O. de 132
- Carvalho, P. B. 86
- Casa Plínio Salgado 85–87, 102, 125
- Cascudo, L. da C. 26
- Castan, S. E. 94
- Castro Jr, J. C. P. de 39
- Catholic Electoral League (LEC, Liga Eleitoral Católica) 8
- Catholicism 8
- Cavalcante, S. 91
- Cavalcanti, N. 37, 39
- Cearense Labor Legion (Legião Cearense do Trabalho) 4
- Cedade (magazine) 97
- Chateaubriand, A. 35
- Chrispim, A. 81
- Christian Democratic Party (PDC) 90
- Ciano, G. 3
- Coelho, J. 92
- Constitutionalist Revolution 4
- Corbisier, R. 3
- Correio da Manhã (newspaper) 41
- Costa, H. R. da 130
- Costa, P. F. M. da 105, 117, 119, 127, 129–130, 134
- Cotrim Neto, A. B. 77
- Couto, R. 2, 47
- Crusade for National Renewal 74
- Cuba, diplomatic relations with 69
- cultural Marxism 105, 126
- Cunha, F. da 39
- Cunha, H. da 78, 82–83
- Damasceno, E. M. 49, 105, 119, 127, 132
- Democratic Movement against Nazism 96
- Dezembrada (music festival) 123
- Dicionário do folclore brasileiro (“Brazilian Folklore Dictionary”) (Cascudo) 26
- Dilma Rousseff, fall of 120–124
- Dorea, G. R. 56, 82–83, 125
- Dutra, E. G. 40, 44, 51, 56
- Faria, O. de 26
- fascism 3, 4, 7, 11, 32, 35, 44, 49, 51–54, 58, 63, 67–68, 91, 95, 105, 123, 126, 129
- Fauzi, E. 126, 132
- FIB see Brazilian Integralist Front
- Fidelix, L. 123, 127, 134
- Figueira, G. J. 121
- Figueiredo, E. 39, 40
- Figueiredo, J. 90
- First Temptation of Christ, The (film) 130
- Folha de S. Paulo (newspaper) 31, 96
- Fonte, C. da 42
- Fontes, R. A. R. 87, 92
- Fora Battisti 121
- Fournier, S. 39, 40–41
- Franco, F. 97
- Franco, M. 126
- Frank, W. 26
- freemasonry 113
- Freitas, M. de 9–10, 13
- Genro, T. 121
- Girl from Ipanema (Moraes) 26
- Globo and Folha de São Paulo (media outlet) 77
- Gomes, C. 130
- Gomes, E. 51, 54
- Good Press Youth Crusade (Cruzada Juvenil da Boa Imprensa) 43–44
- Goulart, J. (Jango) 68, 70–72
- Gracie, H. 17
- Gramsci, A. 105
- GRD publishing house 70, 125–126
- Green Help (Socorro Verde) 43
- Green-shirt Protestants 8
- Grünewald, A. R. 74
- Guimarães, J. B. 35
- Guimarães, U. 77
- Gullo, D. 80
- Idade Nova (newspaper) 98
- Informativo CEDI (newsletter) 102
- Institute for Economic and Social Research 70
- Instituto Carioca de Estudos Brasileiros 41
- integralism: and Catholicism 8; expansion and growth 12–14, 16; formation and principles 4–8; Getúlio Vargas assassination attempt 40–42; green-shirt propaganda 25–30; integralist family 16–18, 20; opposition and conflict 30–36; protocols 20–25; rituals 20–25; Salgado, rise of 1–3; support for the Estado Novo coup 36–39; and symbology 5–6, 23; three leaders and some enemies 8–9, 10, 11–12; and uniforms 5, 20; uprising of 1938 40–42
- integralism between democracy and dictatorship 43–76; alliances and the integralist symbology 63–71; dictatorship 71–76; 1955 elections 58–59, 61–63; end of integralism 71–76; Plínio Salgado, death of 71–76; Plínio Salgado, return of 50–52; PRP, formation of 50–52; PRP and Plínio Salgado 52–58
- Integralist Action Party (PAI) 89
- integralist greeting 6
- integralist groups (from 1975 to 2001) 79
- Integralist Militia 31–32
- Integralist Studies and Debate Center (CEDI) 98, 99–100
- The International Jew 11
- Irving, D. 97
- Italian fascism 3
- Jefferson, R. 134
- Jordy, C. 125, 126
- Jornal do Brasil (newspaper) 7
- Jornal do Povo (newspaper) 36
- Kaminski, E. O. 53–54
- Kozel Filho, Mário 119
- Kubitschek, J. 62, 67, 69
- Lacerda, C. 62, 68
- Lacerda, R. 84
- Leite, A. 77
- Leo XIII 7
- Lima, A. A. 8, 51, 73
- Lima, M. 114, 134
- Lima, N. de 77–78
- Lima, R. B. 40, 70
- Lisboa, C. 38
- Livraria Clássica Brasileira publishing house 57
- Lott, M. H. T. 69
- Loureiro Júnior, José 14, 38–39, 42, 46, 63, 75
- Luís, W. 3
- Luiz, I. 90
- Lula 121
- Lusitanian integralism 3
- Luz, I. 71
- Machado, O. 8
- Maçonaria, judaísmo e comunismo 11
- Macron, E. 129
- Maestri, M. 53
- Magalhães, A. 13
- Majority Parliamentary Block (Bloco Parlamentar da Maioria) 62
- Maluf, P. 86, 96
- Mangabeira, O. 39, 40
- A Manhã (newspaper) 30
- Manifesto de Outubro 4–5
- A Marcha (newspaper) 55–56, 70, 81
- Martino, D. Di 118
- Maya, R. 95
- Mazzilli, R. 72
- Medeiros, J. 43, 77, 80–82, 89, 108
- Médici, E. G. 73, 90
- Médici, S. 90
- Meirelles, A. C. 87–88, 93
- Melo, M. de S. e 74
- Melo, M. N. de 44
- Melo, O. de 7, 13
- Mendez, M. 98, 99–101, 118; death and impact on neointegralism 102
- MIL-B (Brazilian Integralist and Linearist Movement) 111–114
- Military Junta 73, 74
- Mondin, G. 53, 63, 66–67, 72, 77, 78, 88
- Monitor Integralista (official AIB news outlet) 20–21
- Monsaraz, A. de 49
- Monteiro, G. 37–38
- Montoro, F. 77
- Moraes, V. de 26
- Mota, J. 7, 8, 13
- Motta Filho, C. 4
- Mourão Filho, O. 6, 32, 37, 71
- Mourão, G. M. 119
- Müller, F. 39, 40
- multipartisanship 84–85
- Mussolini, B. 1–2
- Nascimento, A. do 11
- Nascimento, J. 40
- Nassenstein, A. 48
- National Democratic Union (UND) 103–104
- National Housing Bank (BNH) 74
- National Institute of Immigration and Colonization 62
- Nationalist Action Party (PAN) 87–89, 93
- Nationalist People Insurgency Command (CIPN) 127–128
- National Liberation Alliance (ANL) 7
- National Order Reconstruction Party (Prona) 100, 118
- National Renewal Alliance 72
- National-Syndicalist Movement 49
- National Syndicalist Party (Partido Nacional Sindicalista) 4
- Navarro, S. 71
- Nazism 11, 47, 94, 95, 96, 100, 127
- neofascism 95, 123
- neointegralism, origins of 78; AIB, neo-Nazism and the ousting of Anésio 94–97; the AIB, the ABC, and the democratic transition 82–85; AIB and skinheads 93–94; Casa Plínio Salgado and the lasting presence of integralism 85–87; Integralist studies and debate center 98–101; national renewal crusade 80–82; new conflict in Praça da Sé 92–93; Plínio Salgado Culture Center 97–98; and political parties 87–89; return of the Brazilian Integralist Action 89–91
- neointegralism in the 21st Century 102–135; attack on the Porta dos Fundos headquarters 129–132, 134–135; Bolsonarism and political violence 127–129; Brazilian Integralist and Linearist Movement 111–114; Brazilian Integralist Front (FIB) 114–118; demonstrations and the fall of Dilma Rousseff 120–124; First Congress of the 21st century 103–105, 107; introduction 102–103; Neointegralism and Prona 118–119; neointegralists and the escalation of authoritarianism 124–127; Revolutionary Integralist Action 108–109, 111
- Neo-nazism 94, 95, 100
- Neves, R. 90
- Neves, T. 70, 90
- Nicholas II 11
- Nogueira, A. 58
- A Noite (newspaper) 41
- Nosso Brasil (Salgado) 86
- Nova Offensiva (media outlet) 116
- O Dia (newspaper) 66
- O Estadão (newspaper) 129–130
- O Estado de S. Paulo (newspaper) 7
- O estrangeiro 3
- O imbecil coletivo (Carvalho) 132
- O integralismo revolucionário de Plínio Salgado (Dorea) 132
- O Integralista (newspaper) 27, 89
- Oliveira, A. S. de 34
- Oliveira, D. P. de 35
- Oliveira, de S. A. 36–37
- O nazismo breve história ilustrada (Schiling) 97
- Padilha, R. 43, 46, 51, 59, 77
- Paiva, A. J. R. 103–104
- Panorama (magazine) 28
- Pasqualini, A. 54
- Patriotic Brazilian Women Action 57
- Patriots 129, 130
- Pedro II, C. 91
- Pedrosa, M. 35
- Pen, M. Le 125
- People Representation Party (PRP) 44, 84; see also Salgado, P.
- Pereira Filho, G. 46, 80
- Pessoa, J. 2
- Picchia, M. del 77, 80
- Pinto, A. R. 68, 71, 88
- Pinto, F. J. 37
- Pizzotti, J. 108–109, 111, 115
- Plínio Salgado Culture Center (CCPS) 97–98
- political violence 127–129
- Pope Leo XIII 3
- Porta dos Fundos 129–132
- Porta dos Fundos (Video production company) 130
- Portela, P. 77
- Portuguese Legion (political police) 46
- Povoleri, W. 82–83
- Praça da Sé, conflict in 92–93
- Prestes, J. 3
- Prestes, L. C. 7, 92
- Prona 130; and neointegralism 118–119
- The Protocols of the Elders of Zion 11
- PRP (People Representation Party) 44
- PRTB see Brazilian Labor Renovation Party
- PVDE (Polícia de Vigilância e Defesa do Estado) (political police) 46
- Rademaker, A. 73
- Ramos, A. G. 11
- A Razão (newspaper) 4
- Reale, M. 8–9, 11–12, 36, 56, 77, 89, 90; during clandestine period of integralism 44; joining the movement 8, 11–12; led the first AIB march 20–21; nomination 36
- “Renovação Nacional” (newspaper) 81, 108
- Rerum Novarum 3
- Revisão (publishing house) 94
- Revolutionary Integralist Action (AIR) 107–109, 111
- Revolution of 1930 2
- Ricardo, C. 119
- Rodrigues, I. 11
- Rosica, N. 33–34
- Rousseff, D. 126
- Rummert Júnior, Fritz 30
- Salazar, A. de O. 44, 45
- Salgado, C. P. 16, 41, 45, 52, 78, 80, 84, 85, 86, 108–109; death of 89; organizing the second Brazilian Culture Association (ABC) 83–84; originating the Plínio Salgado Fund 108
- Salgado, H. 42
- Salgado, M. A. 16, 78, 85
- Salgado, P. 1–3, 75–78; alliances and the integralist symbology in the parliament 63–71; during the clandestine period of integralism 43–44; death 75–78; dictatorship 71–72; 1955 elections 58–59, 61–63; 1966 elections 72–74; formation of the PRP 50–52; and Mussolini 1–3; Plínio Salgado Brazilian Studies Association 78, 80; Portugal, exile in 47–50; projects for the PRP 52–58; retirement from public life 74–75; returned to Brazil 52; return to Brazil 50–52
- Sanches, J. C. 92
- Santos, P. S. dos 8
- Santos, S. 95
- Sarney, J. 90
- SBT (TV channel) 95
- Schellenberg, W. 47–48
- Schröder, E. E. 47
- Serra, J. 121
- Setúbal, O. 77
- Sigma: return of the 63–64; see also Brazilian Integralist Action
- Sigma-Film 30
- Sigma-Jornais Reunidos (“Compiled Sigma Newspapers”) 26, 29
- Silva, C. e 73
- Silva, D. L. e 8
- Silva, J. F. da 8, 41, 81
- Silveira, C. G. R. 104, 111–115, 123
- Silveira, M. B. da 102, 105, 115
- Silver Bell (symbol of the PRP) 55
- skinheads 93–94
- Soares, V. 2
- Social Democratic Party (PSD) 51
- Socialism and Freedom Party (PSOL) 123
- social media 124–125
- social networks 116–117
- Social Security Institute for Public Servants 62
- Social Service of Industry (SESI) 55–56
- Sociedade de Estudos Políticos (SEP) 4
- Souza, M. de M. e 73
- Spinelli, C. 35
- Spiritualist Nationalism Study Society (Sene) 112
- Suplicy, E. 96
- Tavares, J. 63
- Tavares, R. 126–127
- Távora, J. 61, 62
- Teixeira, A. 71, 90
- Telles, G. S. 51
- Thomaz, E. 122
- Torelly, A. F. de B. 30, 36
- Torres, A. 125
- Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) 99
- A tragédia burguesa (Moraes) 26
- Tribuna da Imprensa (newspaper) 62, 65
- Trotsky, L. 114
- Tupã Rooster (symbology of MIL-B) 113–114
- UFRJ 132
- Ultra Defesa (neo-fascist group) 122
- Unified Workers Central (CUT) 92
- UNIRIO 128, 131
- United States Information Agency (Usia) 70
- Valverde, B. 39, 40
- Vargas 37, 38; and Estado Novo Coup 38; supported Dutra 51
- Vargas, G. 2, 3, 21, 32, 36, 134; assassination attempt 40–42; suicide 61; victory of 54
- Vasconcellos, S. de 116, 126
- Vasconcelos, W. 126
- Veloso, J. P. dos R. 74
- verde-amarelismo 2, 4
- Vida de Jesus (Salgado) 48
- Vieira, L. 77
- Voz do Oeste Publishing House 85–86
- Wagner, A. 16
- Winter, S. 134
- women in integralist movement 16–17, 18
- Workers’ Party (PT, Partido dos Trabalhadores) 35
- Youth Cultural Centers Confederation (CCCJ) 74, 75