The next morning – April 22

The following morning at eight o’clock sharp, Caleb called.

“Are you still at home?”

“Just about to leave.”

“Stay there. I’ll pick you up in twenty minutes. Evans heard from Ramirez this morning. I’ve arranged an impromptu meeting for everyone on our team.”

So that was why Caleb had taken Rob’s cell phone.

Timely as usual, Caleb knocked on her door in almost exactly twenty minutes. He looked tired, but he had to be with the weight of the world and a young boy’s life resting on his shoulders. Interestingly, her personal insomnia had somewhat eased now that Caleb was firmly entrenched in her life.

“Where are we going?” She asked as she climbed into his truck.

“The Criminal Justice Center, also known as the county jail.”

“Can’t say I’ve ever been there before.”

“Hang with me, baby. I’ll show you the world.” Even if he was tired, he still had his sense of humor.

She glanced his way. “I would love that.”

Caleb reached across the console to take her hand in his. “I hope you mean it.”

He pulled into a parking spot marked “official vehicles only” and walked around to open her door.

“Why are we meeting here?”

His expression sobered. “Because we may call Evans into the meeting. Can you handle that?”

“I guess I don’t have a choice.”

His smile reached his eyes, and he helped her out of the truck.

Danni tugged at her jacket as they walked inside the two-story red brick building. This was a different world from the one she had been living. And she had the feeling it had become as much a part of her future as it was her present. She glanced at the handsome man walking beside her.

Caleb opened the front door of the Davidson County sheriff’s administrative offices, which was adjacent to the Hill Building Detention Center. He acknowledged the guard at the front desk and greeted Martin Ridge, who appeared to be waiting for their arrival. It was the first time Danni had seen him since the game of good cop, bad cop at police headquarters three months ago. Hopefully he had a better feeling about her now.

He greeted her. She nodded. And Caleb grabbed her elbow and escorted her down the hallway, through a security door, and into a second corridor. This place made the police headquarters look like a swanky resort. The gymnasium-like acoustics amplified every sound, from the click, click, click of her heels on the tile floor to the rustle of Ridge’s suit.

Caleb, however, appeared to move effortlessly with a confident, deliberate gait. He fit in perfectly here but still rose above his environment. Danni had no doubt that, despite the terrible circumstances that had catapulted him into this life, he had been created for it.

They stopped just short of the end of the hall, and Ridge opened the door to a small conference room on the left.

“Everyone else is already here,” he said, inviting Danni to walk ahead of him.

As she entered the rectangular room, more than a dozen men and women looked in her direction. Caleb steered her to the nearest chair and took the seat to her right. Ridge sat on her left. It was like having her own personal security team.

Jamie Wade, who was sitting directly across the table, greeted Danni with a smile, but there were no other familiar faces. The seat at the head of the table was empty. Was it for Rob?

Within a few seconds, the man sitting next to Jamie called the meeting to order. He introduced himself as Sam Wiley of the FBI. The men to the right of him were also FBI. Two other men worked with the DEA. Another was with ATF—the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Despite a knack for remembering names, Danni couldn’t remember any of them, except Wiley, by the end of the introductions.

Caleb took the floor to introduce her. He praised her for her courage and explained that without her help they might not be this far along. At the end of his monologue, everyone applauded.

“I’m not sure how much I’ve done.” She directed her words to Caleb.

Wiley stood and walked to a white board behind him.

“For those who don’t already know, and I believe all of you do, with the possible exception of Ms. Kemp, Ramirez called Evans this morning, which is exactly what we had hoped would happen.” He made an imaginary mark in the air. “Score one for the good guys.”

Everyone laughed.

“Are we ready with the audio?” He directed the question to the man at the far end of the table. “Let’s roll it. This is the recording of that call.” He signaled the tech to begin.

Robert, I now have the final arrangements.


Rob’s voice wavered. Danni almost felt sorry for him. Almost.

In two days, I want you to meet me on a farm near the Tennessee-Kentucky state line. It’s the vacation home of a country star who is on tour right now, so we’ll have our privacy. Be there at three o’clock in the afternoon, and bring your bus. I will have the merchandise with me, along with two special guests.

Who are the guests? It was Rob speaking.

Do you remember the lovely Cassia Noelle?


I’ve learned that she has been working for both sides. In fact, I’ve had more than one security breach in the past few days. Shortly after your driver delivered product in Atlanta, my facility there was raided. Did you know about that?”

No, sir! Not at all. Breaches aren’t good.

Breaches aren’t good, Evans. And, unfortunately, you’re the common denominator in both.

I know nothing about them, sir.

I will need to talk with your driver.

Yes, sir.

Also on the plane will be a boy by the name of Zachary. He’s a fine young man. His mother will be sending a stipend for his return.

You kidnapped a child?

Robert, I would never do something like that. You need to trust me.

An evil laugh from Ramirez made Danni’s skin crawl. How could Rob have been working with such a wicked man?

I do trust you, sir.

Along with the bus and driver, I need you to bring your lovely bride-to-be.

Yes, sir.

Caleb grimaced and tucked his chin.

Is everything clear?


Robert. I’m going to trust you not to share this with anyone.

Yes, sir.

Especially the authorities.

I would never do that, sir.

Once this delivery is done, you may retire with my blessing. It will be your independence day.

That sounds great, sir.

By now you should have received a text with directions to the property.

Got it now, sir.

I’ll see you in two days, my friend.

The call disconnected, leaving silence in the conference room. Wiley stood and walked back to the white board.

“Here are the bullet points from the call.” He picked up a maker from the tray and made notes as he spoke.

“Ramirez will be on site. He will have two hostages with him. One is an FBI undercover agent. The other, we believe, is our missing boy, Zachary.”

Wiley moved his marker down the board and wrote, a possible exchange of merchandise. He scanned the faces in the room. “This is never going to happen, folks. That’s not what this is about.”

He put down the marker. “Ramirez may have summoned three people and asked that authorities not be notified, but we believe this is about killing as many people as possible. Not just those he’s summoned, and the hostages, but as many law enforcement officers as he can draw into the fight.”

A deathly hush filled the room.

Wiley walked back to the table and took a seat. “I’d say he knows we’re on to him and that we’re taking him down one operation at a time. Or at least he fears that. And he wants retribution.”

When Wiley opened the planning discussion, Caleb took the lead.

“Before we talk details about the best way to fortify the farm and to preempt, or at least limit, a deadly strike from Ramirez, I’d like to suggest a female agent fill in for Danielle on site.”

Jamie Wade raised her hand. “I’d like to do it.”

“You have a baby!” Danni protested. “I can’t let you put your life at risk, again, for me. Besides, you have blond hair.”

Jamie chuckled. “Hair color is subject to change without notice. Have you forgotten that I’m a hairdresser?” She grew serious. “And this is my job. I’m trained to stay safe. You don’t have that kind of training.”

“But I got myself into this. I should be the who takes the risk.” Danni looked to Caleb. “I don’t want anyone taking my place.”

Caleb’s stomach churned. He couldn’t let her do this. “Ramirez is leading you into a trap. You don’t understand.”

“I do understand. And I want to finish this myself.”