The Room


To this room – it was somewhere at the palace’s

Heart, but no one, not even visiting royalty

Or reigning mistress, ever had been inside it –

To this room he’d retire.

Graciously giving himself to, guarding himself from

Courtier, suppliant, stiff ambassador,

Supple assassin, into this unviewed room

He, with the air of one urgently called from

High affairs to some yet loftier duty,

Dismissing them all, withdrew.

And we imagined it suitably fitted out

For communing with a God, for meditation

On the Just City; or, at the least, a bower of

Superior orgies … He

Alone could know the room as windowless

Though airy, bare yet filled with the junk you find

In any child-loved attic; and how he went there

Simply to taste himself, to be reassured

That under the royal action and abstraction

He lived in, he was real.

1 Seferis (George Seferiades) was Greek Ambassador in London at this time. The conflict between the particularly public career of diplomat with the private one of poet intrigued CDL.