absolute zero:
biophoton experiments anddisorder experiments andZero Point Field andabsorption
Acetabularia acetabulum:
biophoton experiments onIntention Experiment onAcetabularia crenulata
Achterberg, Jeanne
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
Targ’s studies onadenine diphosphate (ADP)
adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
adrenal glands
Albuquerque Faith Initiative
biofeedback andnegative intention experiments andalgae:
biophoton emissions experiments onGroup Intention Experiments andIntention Experiments andorgone accumulators and
Ali, Muhammad
alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
alternative medicine
group consciousness andretroactive intention experiments andAmazonian forest fires
American Heart Association
American Heart Journal
Amiden, Amyr
biophoton experiments andintention exercises andpsychokinesis experiments onretroactive intention experiments andseeking mode ofArizona, University of
Arizona Integrative Outcomes Scale (AIOS)
Armour, Andrew
Aspect, Alain
Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena
athletes, athletics
and actions vs. thoughtscross-training andmental rehearsal andatoms
Bose-Einstein condensates anddisorder experiments andholmium compounds experiments andnonlocality ofin slit experimentZero Point Field andAutogenic Training
Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Backster, Cleve
negative intention experiments andplant experiments ofbacteria
Backster’s experiments onbiophoton emissions experiments onGMFs andnegative intention andin Schwartz’s healing intention experimentsand two-way flow of informationBancel, Peter
Barbara Brennan School of Healing Light
Barry, Jean
Barth, Bob
Basmajian, John
Bastyr University
Bay of Fundy
Be Careful What You Pray For… (Dossey)
Bell, Iris
Bell, John
Bell’s Inequality
Bennett, Charles H.
Benor, Daniel
Benson, Herbert:
on biological effects of meditationprayer studies ofBenveniste, Jacques
Beuys, Joseph
Bierman, Dick
EEGand power of thoughts about othersSchwartz’s work onbiology, biologists, biological processes
GMFs andmeditation andnegative intention andretroactive intention andSchwartz’s magnetism experiments andbiophotons, biophoton emissions
Intention Experiments andLove Study andorgone accumulators andPopp onSchwartz andBlack, Max
black-box experiments
Blasband, Dick
Bleier, Rocky
blood, blood flow, blood pressure
biofeedback andconcentrated focus andDMILS studies andGMFs andhypnosis andand influence of prayer on medical outcomesintention exercises andLove Study andmental rehearsal andnegative intention experiments andretroactive intention experiments andstigmata phenomena andBohr, Niels
Bose, Satyendra Nath
Bose-Einstein condensates
Boundary Institute
Bowling Green University
brain, brains, brain waves
and actions vs. thoughtsbiofeedback andDMILS studies andwith frontal-lobe damageGMFs andof healershypnosis andand influence of prayer on medical outcomesintention exercises andLove Study andduring meditationmental rehearsal andplacebo effect andof psychicsretroactive intention experiments andseeking portion ofin tohate experimentstranscendent experience studies andsee also concentrated focus; electroencephalogramsBraud, William
GMFs andLove Study andnegative intention experiments ofand power of thoughts about othersretroactive intention experiments ofbrine shrimp
British Columbia, University of
British Medical Journal (BMJ)
Brukner, Caslav
Bruyere, Roslyn
Buddhists, Buddhist monks, Buddhism
biological effects of meditation inand influence of prayer on medical outcomesintention exercises andLove Study andBulgarian Academy of Sciences
Bush, George W.
Byrd, Randolph
Caiapo Indian shamans
California, University of, at Berkeley
California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC)
biophoton experiments andLaskow’s experiments onLove Study andmental rehearsal andnegative intention in treatment ofspontaneous cures andcarbon
Case Western Reserve
and influence of prayer on medical outcomestranscendent experience studies andCaulkin, Tracy
in Backster’s plant experimentsBenveniste’s experiments on signaling ofbiophoton experiments andcharging intention spaces andGMFs andIntention Experiments andLaskow’s cancer experiments andnegative intention experiment onTiller’s black-box experiments andCenter for Advanced Wound Care
charge-coupled device (CCD) cameras
Chester College
Chicago, University of
Chiron Foundation
Christians, Christianity
AIDS healing experiments andand influence of prayer on medical outcomesstigmata phenomena andtranscendent experience studies andchronoastrobiology
circadian rhythms
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Cohen, Sophie
coin toss experiments
Colorado, University of
AIDS healing experiments andintention exercises andretroactive intention experiments andcompassion
AIDS healing experiments andand biological effects of meditationDMILS studies andintention exercises andLove Study andconcentrated focus
and biological effects of meditationgroup consciousness andhealers andhypnosis andintention exercises andIntention Experiments andLaskow’s cancer experiments andLove Study andnegative intention andretroactive intention andConnor, Melinda
and biological effects of meditationconnection between biofields andof groups see group consciousness healing andimpact on matter ofintention exercises andLove Study andnature ofnegative intention andremote viewing andresearch onretroactive intention andCooperstein, Allan
Copenhagen Interpretation
copper wall experiment
Cornell, Eric
Cosmic Code, The (Pagels)
Crater, Suzanne
Creath, Kathy
group consciousness andholmium compounds experiments andRosenbaum’s disorder experiments andDalai Lama
dan tien
d’Aquili, Eugene
Davidson, Richard
on biological effects of meditationdelayed luminescence
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
Descartes, René
Diamond, John
Dibble, Walt
dice throw experiments
biophoton emissions experiments onIntention Experiment onDirac, Paul
directed remote mental influence, see psychokinesis
Direct Mental Interaction with Living Systems (DMILS) studies
designs ofintuition andLove Study andphysical foreboding inresonances andtohate experiments anddisease prevention
holmium compounds experiments andRosenbaum’s studies onspin glass studies anddissociation
Dossey, Larry
double-slit experiments
Drosophila melanogaster
Dubrov, Alexander
Duke University Medical Center
Dunne, Brenda
group consciousness andGroup Intention Experiments andretroactive intention experiments ofDurham Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Durr, Annemarie
Durt, Thomas
GMFs andIntention Experiments andecological validity
Edinburgh, University of
Edwards, Harry
Einstein, Albert
Bose-Einstein condensates andon nonlocalityelectricity
in Backster’s plant experimentsand biological effects of meditationDMILS studies andGMFs andgroup consciousness andintention exercises andmental rehearsal andpolygraph machines andin Schwartz’ energy reception experimentsTiller’s black-box experiments andelectrodermal activity (EDA):
Love Study andpolygraph machines andpsychokinesis experiments andretroactive intention experiments andelectroencephalograms (EEGs)
and actions vs. thoughtsbiofeedback andand biological effects of meditationDMILS studies andGMFs andLove Study andin remote healing experimentsremote viewing andin Schwartz’s energy reception experimentsseeking mode andin tohate experimentselectromagnetism
Benveniste’s cellular signaling experiments andbiophotons andDMILS studies andgroup consciousness andand humans as receivers of energyLove Study andpollution andsymmetry andTiller’s black-box experiments andin tohate experimentstranscendent experience studies andelectromyography (EMG)
nonlocality andin remote healing experimentsin slit experimentelectrostatic energy
in remote healing experimentsEmotional Intelligence (Goleman)
in Backster’s plant experimentsand biological effects of meditationbiophoton emissions andDMILS studies andgroup consciousness andhealing andand influence of prayer on medical outcomesintention exercises andLove Study andmental rehearsal andnegativenegative intention andpositiveretroactive intention experiments andseeking mode andtranscendent experience studies andEmoto Masaru
amplification and direction ofbiophotons andBose-Einstein condensates andcharging intention spaces andand chemical changes caused by intentionDMILS studies andelectrostaticgroup consciousness andhealing andof intentionintention exercises andIntention Experiments andin Korotkov’s plant experimentsliving organisms as tranmitters and receivers ofLove Study andnegativenegative intention andorgone accumulators andin quantum physicsrelationship between love andretroactive intention andSchwartz’s magnetism experiments andSchwartz’s sound frequency experiments andin spacesubatomic particles andthoughts andTiller’s black-box experiments andZero Point Field andentrainment
DMILS studies andintention exercises andLove Study andin tohate experimentsepilepsy, epileptic seizures
Ernst, Edzard
Escherichia coli:
negative intention experiments andin Schwartz’s healing intention experimentsEscudero, Angel
Estabany, Oscar
Exeter University
extrasensory perception (ESP)
in Backster’s plant experimentsGMFs andIntention Experiments andFaraday cages
Tiller’s black-box experiments andFenwick, Peter
Feynman, Richard
Field, The (McTaggart)
FieldREG devices
fields, field theory
see also Zero Point Field fight-or-flight reactionsfluorinated carbon
Fondation ODIER
Foreman, George
Foundations of Physics Letters
Frantzis, Bruce
Frazier, Joe
Freiburg, University of
Fröhlich, Herbert
fullerene molecules (buckyballs)
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) technique
gauge theory
Geddes, Francis
Geller Uri
gender differences:
DMILS studies andGMFs andgeology
geomagnetic fields (GMFs)
ESP andGroup Intention Experiments andintention exercises andpsychokinesis andtranscendent experience studies andgeranium leaves
Ghosh, Sayantani “Sai,”
holmium compounds experiments andnonlocality andGlobal Consciousness Project
global warming
Goleman, Daniel
Goodheart, George
Goodrich, Joyce
Grad, Bernard:
charging intention spaces andnegative intention experiments ofremote healing experiments ofgravity
Green, Elmer:
biofeedback andcopper wall experiment ofgremlin effect
Grinberg-Zylberbaum, Jacobo
group consciousness
on global levelIntention Experiments andand internal organization of waterTM studies andweather influenced bygroup intention exercises
Group Intention Experiments
intention exercises andPopp andrecruiting participants forresults oftargets ofGruber, Elmar
Guang Yue
DMILS studies andIntention Experiments andin Schwartz’s healing intention experimentssee also intuitionHalberg, Franz
chronobiology ofGMFs andspace research ofhallucinogenic drugs
Hameroff, Stuart
Hammerling, Joachim
Harribance, Sean
Hartmann, Ernest
Hartmann Boundary Questionnaire
Harvard Medical School
Hasted, John
healers, healing, health
of AIDSbiofeedback andbiophotons andbrains ofas channelerscharacteristics ofcharging intention spaces andconcentrated focus andand energetic effects of intentionGreen’s copper wall experiment onGroup Intention Experiments andhypnosis andand influence of prayer on medical outcomesintention exercises andIntention Experiments andLaskow’s cancer experiments andLove Study andmental rehearsal andnegative intention andorgone accumulators andplacebo effect andpsychokinesis experiments andretroactive intention andSchwartz’s experiments onas sourcesspontaneous cures andyour personal intention experiments andHealth Ministry, Russian
heart, heart rates, heart patients
biofeedback andand biological effects of meditationDMILS studies andGMFs andand influence of prayer on medical outcomesintention exercises andKrucoff’s Sri Sathya Sai Institute experience andLove Study andmental rehearsal andin Schwartz’s healing intention experimentsHeerich, Erwin
Heisenberg, Werner
Henson, Bob
High-Risk Model of Threat Perception
Hill, Napoleon
holmium compounds experiments:
nonlocality andof Rosenbaum and GhoshHôpital du Sacré-Coeur
hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
Hubbard, Bryan
biophoton experiments andcreating intention andGMFs andimpact of negative intention onIntention Experiments andpolygraph machines andpsychokinesis experiments onas receivers of energyretroactive intention experiments andand two-way flow of informationHuygens, Christiaan
identical twins
identity loss:
and characteristics of healersIntention Experiments andimagery see visualization, visualizations immune function, immune systems
inanimate objects
charging them with negative intentionimpact of intent onintention exercises andpsychokinesis experiments onretroactive intention experiments andindeterminacy
influence, remote
DMILS studies andGMFs andGroup Intention Experiments andIntention Experiments andLove Study andnegative intention experiments andretroactive intention andsee also psychokinesisinformation
biofeedback andand biological effects of meditationbiophoton experiments andDMILS studies andGMFs andGroup Intention Experiments andhealing andintention exercises andIntention Experiments andLove Study andmental rehearsal andnonlocality andplant telepathy andremote viewing andretroactive intention andSchwartz’s antenna experiments andsubatomic particles andtwo-way flow ofInstitute for Research on Unlimited Love
Institute of Biophysics Academy of Science
Institute of HeartMath
Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS)
Institute of Transpersonal Psychology
Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene
Institut Métapsychique International
intention, intentionality:
cause and effect assumption inchemical changes caused bycomparisons between stars andconduits ofcreation ofdefinitions ofdose dependency ofimplications oflinger effect ofmechanisms ofnegativepositivepower ofqualities ofvariable effects ofintention exercises
being specific andbelief andconcentrated focus andempathy andfor groupsintention spaces andmeditation andmental rehearsal andand merging with the othermindfulness andmoving aside andpowering up andputting it all togetherstating your intention andtiming andvisualization andIntention Experiments
on Acetabulariaanalyzing data fromdesigns ofon dinoflagellateson Durrof groups see Group Intention Experimentson jade plantsrecruiting volunteers foryour personalintention spaces
charging ofselection ofyour personal intention experiments andinterleukin-6 (IL-6)
International Consciousness Research Laboratory
International Institute of Biophysics (IIB)
and biological effects of meditationand characteristics of healersDMILS studies andintention exercises andion concentrations
jade plants
Jahn, Robert
group consciousness andretroactive intention experiments ofJames Franck Institute
John Radcliffe Hospital
Johnson, Constance
John Templeton Foundation
Johrei practitioners
Kamiya, Joe
Kennedy, Robert
Ketterle, Wolfgang
Kirlian, Semyon Davidovich
Kirlian effects
Klimek, Wolfgang
Kling, Thomas
Klintman, Holger
Kmetz, John
Kohane, Michael
Drosophila experiments ofTiller’s black-box experiments andKoren, Stan
Koren helmet
Korotkov, Konstantin
Krippner, Stanley
ESP studies ofGMFs andon healersstigmata phenomena andKrucoff, Mitch
prayer studies andSri Sathya Sai Institute experience ofKulkosky, Paul
Lancet, The
Laskow, Leonard
Laurentian University, 75
Lazar, Sara
Leeds, University of
Leibovici, Leonard
LeShan, Lawrence
Levine, Ellen
light, light waves
AIDS healing experiments andin Backster’s plant experimentscoherentcreating intention andDMILS studies andintention exercises andKrucoff’s Sri Sathya Sai Institute experience andretroactive intention experiments andin slit experimentspeed ofsee also biophotons, biophoton emissions; photonslight pipes
Lingren/ETS chambers
living organisms
biophotons andBose-Einstein condensates andenergy transmitted and received byGMFs andimpact of negative intention onintention exercises andIntention Experiments andpsychokinesis experiments onretroactive intention andtwo-way flow of information betweensee also Direct Mental Interaction with Living Systems studies; specific living organismsLockheed Martin
London, University of
AIDS healing experiments andbiophoton emissions andand characteristics of healersDMILS studies andgroup consciousness andand influence of prayer on medical outcomesintention exercises andrelationship between energy andLove Study
comparisons between prayer studies andcomparisons between Schwartz’s healing intention experiments anddesign ofDMILS studies andon nature of intentionrecruiting volunteers fortraining volunteers inLutz, Antoine
McCraty, Rollin
McGill University
McMaster University
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Bose-Einstein condensates anddisorder experiments andin healing experimentsholmium compounds experiments andnonlocality andSchwartz’s experiments onsubatomic particles andsymmetry ofTiller andtranscendent experience studies andsee also electromagnetism; geomagnetic fieldsMaharishi Effect
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Maimonides Medical Center
Manning, Matthew
Massachusetts General Hospital
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
mathematics, mathematicians
Bose-Einstein condensates andholmium compounds experiments andIntention Experiments andnonlocality andretroactive intention experiments andZero Point Field andmatter
and chemical changes caused by intentionin classical physicsin definitions of intentionholmium compounds experiments andimpact of consciousness onmind-over-nonlocality andin quantum physicsZero Point Field andMaudsley Hospital
Mayo Clinic
Meares, Ainslie
meditation, meditators
biological effects ofand chemical changes caused by intentionconcentrated focus andDMILS studies andgroup consciousness andintention exercises andIntention Experiments andLove Study andseeking mode andTiller’s black-box experiments andTM andMenninger Institute
mental illness
mental rehearsal
athletics andcross-training andintention exercises andphysical practice vs.physiological changes produced bymeta-analyses
Methodist Hospital
Mid-America Heart Institute
Miller, Neal
Mind/Body Medical Institute
Mind Science Foundation
Minnesota, University of
Benveniste’s cellular signaling experiments andbiophoton experiments andBose-Einstein condensates andand chemical changes caused by intentionnonlocality ofremote healing experiments andin slit experimentMonitor and Actualization of Noetic TRAinings (MANTRA)
Monitor and Actualization of Noetic TRAinings (MANTRA)
Montreal, University of
Moscow State University
Moseley, Bruce
Love Study andmental rehearsal andretroactive intention experiments andMount Sinai School of Medicine
Müller, Karl Heinrich
Murphy, Todd
music, imagery and touch (MIT) therapy
music, musicians
intention exercises andLove Study andthin boundaries ofNash, Carroll
National Academy of Sciences
National Autonomous University of Mexico
National Institute of Radiological Sciences
National Institute of Standards and Technology
National Institutes of Health
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine
National Science Foundation (NSF)
National Yang Ming Medical College
Native Americans
AIDS healing experiments andNature
Nelson, Roger
charging intention spaces andgroup consciousness andnervous system
biofeedback andDMILS studies andGMFs andLove Study andpolygraph machines andretroactive intention experiments andneurotransmitters
Nevada, University of
Newberg, Andrew
New Mexico, University of
New Scientist
Newton, Isaac
New York Times
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD)
Nippon Medical School
biophoton emissions andand characteristics of healersholmium compounds experiments andin large building blocks of matterand power of thoughtretroactive intention andin slit experimentsin spacesubatomic particles andZero Point Field andNortheastern University
Norton, Ken
observer effect:
in everyday worldin quantum physicsretroactive intention andOffice of Prayer Research
Ohio State University
orgone accumulators
Pagels, Heinz
Paivio, Allan
Panksepp, Jaak
Parapsychology Association
Parkinson’s disease
pattern reversals
Pauli, Wolfgang
Pavia, University of
peak attention see concentrated focus
Peniston, Eugene
Pennsylvania, University of
Penrose, Roger
Peoch, René
Persinger, Michael
ESP andGMFs andremote viewing andtranscendent experience studies ofphotographs, photography
biophoton emissions andDMILS studies andphotons
Bose-Einstein condensates andnonlocality ofin slit experimentsee also biophotons, biophoton emissionsphysical foreboding
Physical Review Letters
Piedilato, Janet
Pittsburgh Steelers
placebo effect
and influence of prayer on medical outcomesas intention trickerySchwartz’s healing intention experiments andplanets
Backster’s experiments onbiophoton experiments andGMFs andGroup Intention Experiments andintention exercises andIntention Experiments andKorotkov’s experiments onnegative intention experiments andand two-way flow of informationyour personal intention experiments andplasma
electromagneticintention exercises andpolygraph machines
Backster’s expertise within Backster’s plant experimentsnegative intention andPopp, Fritz-Albert:
on biophoton emissionsGroup Intention Experiments andIntention Experiments andorgone accumulators andpositron emission tomography (PET)
powering up
intention exercises andyour personal intention experiments andprayer, prayers
concentrated focus andgroup consciousness andinfluence on medical outcomes ofintention exercises andnegative intention andretroactive intention andvoodoo doll experiment andyour personal intention experiments andprecognition
primary perception
Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) laboratory
group consciousness andretroactive intention andPrinceton University
Principia (Newton)
protein, proteins
psychics, psychic ability, psychic experiences
brains ofand characteristics of healerscharging intention spaces andGroup Intention Experiments andIntention Experiments andnegative intention andretroactive intention experiments andSchwartz’s magnetism experiments andpsychokinesis
experiments onGMFs andgroup consciousness andon inanimate objectsintention exercises andon living organismsmicro-retroactive intention experiments andSchwartz’s magnetism experiments andpsychophysiology
P300 waves
Puthoff, Hal
Qigong Database
Qigong masters
Qigong practitioners
AIDS healing experiments andbiophoton emissions andconcentrated focus andnegative intention experiments andand testing energetic effects of intentionin tohate experimentsquantum entanglement, see nonlocality
quantum physics, quantum theory
Bell’s Inequality andbiophotons andcharging intention spaces andcreating intention anddifferences between classical andDMILS studies andand energetic effects of intentionfield theory andGMFs andgroup consciousness andIntention Experiments andLove Study andmagnetic symmetry andnonlocality andobserver effect inplant telepathy andretroactive intention andRosenbaum’s spin glass studies andslit experiments andsubatomic particles inTiller’s black-box experiments andand two-way flow of information between organismsquartz
Radin, Dean
charging intention spaces andDMILS studies andGMFs andgroup consciousness andLove Study andretroactive intention experiments ofvoodoo doll experiment ofradios
Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment
random-event generators (REGs)
charging intention spaces andgroup consciousness andobserver effect andpsychokinesis experiments andretroactive intention andrandomness, randomizing, randomizers:
Backster’s plant experiments andand influence of prayer on medical outcomesLove Study andretroactive intention experiments andRaynaud’s disease
reality, real life
and characteristics of healersintention exercises andintention in alteration ofLove Study andquantum physics andretroactive intention andReich, Wilhelm
Reiki, Reiki practitioners
Rein, Glen
Research Ministry, German
resonance, resonances
DMILS studies andgroup consciousness andrespiration
and biological effects of meditationconcentrated focus andintention exercises andLove Study andretroactive intention experiments andretroactive intention
in coin toss experimentson emotionsexplanations forliving organisms andnervous system andon output of machinesprayer andto prevent diseaseyour personal intention experiments andReznik, Benni
Rhizoctonia solani
Rinpoche, Sogyal
Roney-Dougal, Serena
Rosenbaum, Tom
disorder studies ofholmium compounds experiments andnonlocality andspin glass studies ofRubik, Beverly
Russian Academy of Sciences
Ruth, Bernhard
Sai Baba, Sri Sathya
St. Joseph’s University
St. Petersburg State Technical University
Sakharov, Andrei
Saybrook Graduate School
scalar waves
Schlitz, Marilyn
DMILS studies andLove Study andnegative intention experiments ofSchmidt, Helmut:
on observer effectretroactive intention experiments andSchrödinger, Erwin
Schultz, Johannes
Schwartz, Gary
biophoton emissions experiments andenergy reception experiments ofGroup Intention Experiments andhealing intention experiments ofIntention Experiments andmagnetism experiments oftelevision antenna experiments ofSchwartz, Ignatz
Secret Life of Plants, The (Dubrov)
seeking mode shamans
AIDS healing experiments andconcentrated focus andgroup consciousness andShoup, Richard
Sicher, Fred
Siegel, Bernie
Simonton, Carl
single-photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT)
slit, double-slit experiments
Smith, David
Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)
sound, sound frequencies
biofeedback andGMFs andHalberg’s research onnonlocality in weather inZero Point Field andspecial relativity theory
Spiegel, David
spin glasses
spiritual healers, spiritual healing
and characteristics of healerscharging intention spaces andGMFs andKrucoff’s Sri Sathya Sai Institute experience andSchwartz’s healing intention experiments andstigmata phenomena andtranscendent experience studies andsee also prayer, prayers; specific religionsspontaneous cures
spoon bending
spray effect
Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medicine
Stanford University
Stapp, Henry
staring, remote
startle reflex
Sterman, Barry
stigmata phenomena
Stone, Jerome
string beans
Stroop, John Ridley
Stroop test
Study of Therapeutic Effects of Intercessory Prayer (STEP)
subatomic particles
Bell’s Inequality andBose-Einstein condensates andin field theoryinterrelationships ofnonlocality andobserver effect andin quantum physicsretroactive intention andin slit experimentin spaceZero Point Field andsee also specific subatomic particlessubconscious
sudden cardiac death
SU(2)-gauge symmetry
GMFs andsuperconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs)
Swack, Judith
Swann, Ingo
symmetry, electromagnetic
synchronicity, synchrony
and biological effects of meditationbiophoton emissions experiments andconcentrated focus andDMILS studies andLove Study andin tohate experimentsTalbot Lau interferometers
Targ, Elisabeth:
AIDS studies ofLove Study andTart, Charles
T-cell counts
Tel Aviv University
biophoton emissions andGMFs andIntention Experiments andbetween living organisms and environmentnonlocality andtelevisions
biofeedback andand biological effects of meditationbiophoton experiments andBose-Einstein condensates anddisorder experiments andholmium compounds experiments andIntention Experiments andnonlocality andin Schwartz’s healing intention experimentsin slit experimentsTiller’s black-box experiments andZero Point Field andsee also absolute zeroTemple University
Tennessee, University of
Terminator, The
thermodynamics thin boundaries
Think and Grow Rich (Hill)
thought, thoughts
actions vs.in altering our brainsin Backster’s plant experimentsbiophoton emissions andin definitions of intentionDMILS studies and energy andas frequenciesGroup Intention Experiments andgroups andhealing andhominghypnosis andintention exercises andIntention Experiments andLove Study andmental rehearsal and negativeabout ourselves vs. othersplacebo effect andpositivepower ofpsychokinesis experiments andquality ofretroactive intention experiments andTiller’s black-box experiments andyour personal intention experiments andTibetan Book of Living and Dying, The (Rinpoche)
Tiller, Jean
Tiller, William
black-box experiments ofBose-Einstein condensates andcharging intention spaces andremote healing experiments oftime travel
tohate experiments
Toronto, University of
traditional healers
Transcendental Meditation (TM)
group consciousness andtranscendent experiences
brain inepilepsy andgeophysical explanations ofTufts University
U(1)-gauge symmetry
and biological effects of meditationcollectiveDMILS studies andnegative intention andUnity Church
Van Wijk, Eduard:
biophoton emissions experiments ofIntention Experiments andVaughan, Alan
Vedral, Vlatko:
nonlocality andretroactive intention andvibrations
AIDS healing experiments andBose-Einstein condensates andVienna, University of
viewers, remote
brains ofGMFs andvisualization, visualizations
healing andhypnosis andintention exercises andLaskow’s cancer experiments andmental rehearsal andnegativevoodoo, voodoo dolls
Vrije University
Vuvan, Nicolette
Walach, Harald
Walker, Scott
Washington, University of
Backster’s experiments withBenveniste’s cellular signaling experiments andand chemical changes caused by intentionGMFs andgroup consciousness andintention exercises andremote healing experiments andTiller’s black-box experiments andWatkins, Anita
Watkins, Graham
group consciousness andin spaceWestern Illinois State University
Western Ontario, University of
Wickramasekera, Ian
Wieman, Carl
Wiggins, David
Williams, Bryan J.
Wisconsin, University of
Worrell, Olga
Yale University
Yamamoto, Mikio
Young, Thomas
Yu Yan
Zeilinger, Anton
nonlocality andslit experiment ofZero Point Field
charging intention spaces andnonlocality andTiller’s black-box experiments and