Chapter 14

Your Personal
Intention Experiments

Now that you have practiced “powering up,” what can you use intention for in your own everyday life? To help you find out, with the help of my scientists I have designed a series of informal, personal experiments.

The following “experiments” are intended to be read in two ways: as a springboard into ways to incorporate intention in your life, and also as a piece of anecdotal research. Whenever you carry out an intention experiment, I would like you to report it on our website.

To carry out these experiments, all you will need in the way of equipment is a notebook and a calendar. When you are first starting, note the date and times of your intentions. Each intention experiment should be carried out after you “power up” in your intention space, using the program outlined in chapter 13 (page 197). Needless to say, if you suffer from a serious illness and are trying to think yourself better, you should augment your own healing intentions with the help of a trained professional healer, whether conventional or alternative.

Make a daily note of any change in the object of your intention, and be specific. If you are trying to heal a condition in yourself or someone else, take a daily “temperature” of change. What does the person feel like, in general? What symptoms have improved? Have any got worse? Have any new ones turned up? (If any situations seriously worsen, immediately consult a professional practitioner, and also examine any subconscious intentions.)

If you are trying to change your relationship with someone who is ordinarily very antagonistic to something more positive, make a daily note of his or her interactions with you, to determine if anything has changed.

To Have Something
Manifest in Your Life

Select a goal that has never happened but that you would like to have happen. Choose something that seldom occurs or is particularly unlikely, so that if it does come to pass it is more likely to be the result of your intention.

Here are some possibilities:

As you begin to manifest, you can try more complicated thoughts. But remember, at first you want one single event to change, something where change can be easily quantified and can probably be attributed to your thoughts.


Report any results by writing in to The Intention Experiment website:

Group Intention Exercises

Assemble a group of your friends who are interested in trying out some group intention exercises. Create an intention space where you will meet each time. Select a group target in your community. Here are a few possibilities:

Depending on the nature of your intention, make one member of the group responsible for researching statistics involving your local accident, weather, or crime statistics. For these types of statistics, it is a good idea to get hold of reports for the last five years in your area and surrounding communities so you have something solid to compare.

Then, when you meet, decide on a group intention statement. When you are “powering up,” visualize yourselves as a single entity (say, a giant bubble or any other unified internal image). Once you are all in a collective meditative state, have one member of the group read out the statement. Meet regularly to send the same intentions. Keep a careful reading of statistics for one month before and several months after you have sent the intentions. Note any changes.

Send the results to The Intention Experiment website: