


Gary L. Wade—for providing me with information on healing herbs.

Tara A. McGovern—for technical support and the laughter shared.

Maggie Pierce Secara—for her invaluable research on the Renaissance, available at

Lyssa Keusch—my editor, for her insights, expertise and her support of this book… and all the staff of Avon Books who have contributed to this publication.

Patricia Trowbridge—the inspiration for Edithe and Elthea. I cherish our friendship and am so glad we reconnected. What a hoot to come full circle and realize we know nothing.

Francis Carr, and all those who contributed to the bountiful research available on the Internet concerning the Baconian Evidence for Shakespeare Authorship.

Cristopher Cornell Sterling—for his patience and encouraging me to venture into the Renaissance when I was intimidated by the time period. So glad I listened to his wisdom.

Finally, to all those, too numerous to mention, who have held the light throughout time and questioned the answers… I acknowledge your courage.