
Adamo, George, 134

Affinito, Michael “The Animal,” 166, 180, 193, 194, 269–70, 317–18

Agnew, Spiro, 296, 297, 301

Agricultural and Industrial Management Company of Panama, 251

Airline tickets, credit cards, stolen, 13, 54–55, 131–32, 146, 157, 275, 276–77, 279, 281

Ajzen, Maurice, 196–97, 201–02, 203, 221, 222, 250, 251, 255, 293

discussed on Munich tape, 76–88 passim, 97

testimony by, 286, 294, 296

in Vatican deal, 222, 234–35 passim, 256, 258, 270

Albano, Vincent, 29, 30, 34

Amato, Tomasso, 81, 82, 97, 212, 222, 224, 234–58 passim, 210, 287, 299, 312, 315

American Hospital Supply Corporation, 182, 198

American Telephone and Telegraph Company, 2, 229, 234, 252–53, 258, 260, 261

Americana Hotel (New York City), 149–50

Apostolo del Santo Rosario Institute, 87, 97, 228

Arico, William J., 267

Armstrong, Michael, 311, 315, 316

Aronwald, William, 57, 99–100, 104, 283–84

and decision to pursue Vatican investigation, 289–308 passim

press conference re securities cases, 312–14

prosecutions in Rizzo investigation, 276

and question of investigating Connally, 295, 296

threat to end Coffey’s career, 314, 315–16

Associated Milk Producers, Inc., 297

Bache and Company, 250

Banca Populaire di Foggia, 228

Banca Privata Finanziaria Italiana, 264, 267

Banca Unione of Milan, 264

Banco di Roma, 256–58, 267, 304, 307

Banco Exterior (Panama), 178, 179, 181, 182, 185–86, 189

Bancus Spiritus Sanctus, 240

Bank of Italy, 218, 237, 268

Bank of Sark, 188, 189

Bankers Association (New York), 254

Bankers Trust Company, 3

Banque de Financements de Genève, 264

Barbieri, (Monsignor) Alberto, 215–16, 224, 238, 241–42, 243, 298

defrocked, 315

Barg, Alfred, 71, 72–73, 74, 129, 269, 271

Coffey confronted re stolen securities, 283–86

meeting with Rizzo in Munich, 76–95, 96, 98, 103, 104–06, 151–52, 154–55

securities dealings, 109–10, 198–203, 313

Barone, Mario, 256, 257

Bavarian Mortgage and Drafts Bank, 170–71

Bear Sterns Company, 180, 184

Begni, Remigio, 212, 224, 236–38, 252, 254–55, 257, 270, 287, 312, 315

Beneficial Finance Corporation, 2, 182, 198

Benelli, (Archbishop) Giovanni, 212, 303, 306

Benjamin, William B. “Billy,” 53–54, 73, 105, 115–16, 143, 152, 190, 285

beaten by Affinito, 269–70, 318

discussed on Munich tape, 76–77, 78, 82, 84–85, 97

securities deals, 133, 163–69, 172, 180, 193, 201, 203, 312

sentenced, 314

turned informant, 318

Vatican securities deal, 230–31, 234

Berg, Stephen, 187, 251

Bifani, Ulysses, 259

Bignasca, Francesco, 260–61

Birns, Harold, 52, 66

Black Panthers, 10, 33, 34

Blair and Company, 3

Blue Seas restaurant (New York City), 132–33, 150, 151

Bonanno, Joe, crime family, 48

Bonea Commerciale Italiano, 259

Brocero, Jose, 134–35, 279, 281

Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (BNDD), 152–53, 159

Buzzolino, Lino, 253, 255

Caesar’s Palace (Las Vegas), 56

Calamarus, John, 132–33, 269, 279, 281

Calgano, Joe, 45

California Computer Products Corporation, 2, 182, 198

Calise, Joseph, 147, 157

Calvelle, Jack, 71

Canonico, Carlos, 147–48, 157

Capasso, Frank, 119–20

Capital Holding Corporation, 2, 182, 198

Caravelle Service Company, 209, 210

Carey, John, 8, 9–12

Caruso, Michael, 118

Casey, Fred, 48, 51

Castro, Fidel, 101

Catena, Jerry, 36

Cattaneo, Edoardo, 196, 258–59

Central Intelligence Agency, 69–70, 71, 73, 75

Chrysler Corporation, 2, 229, 234, 253, 258, 260, 261

Cicognani, Amleto Giovanni Cardinal, 216

Cisalpine Overseas Bank of Nassau, 264

Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Los Angeles, 2, 81–82, 85, 97–98, 100, 103, 176–98 passim, 222, 258, 260, 283, 285

Cody, John Cardinal, 213

Coffey, Joseph, Jr., 13, 32–33, 79, 217, 268, 269

armed service, 25

Aronwald threatened to halt career of, 314, 315–16

background of, 17–26

and decision to pursue Vatican investigation, 288–89, 293, 298, 302–03, 307–08

education in market for stolen securities, 106–10

events recalling inconclusive end of securities investigation, 317–21

family life, 18–19, 309–10

influence of family and church on, 19, 22–24

investigated by FBI, 279

investigation of stolen and counterfeit securities, 283–89, 293–94, 298; see also Coffey, Joseph, Rizzo investigation

personal appearance, characteristics, 10, 34–35

Playboy Club investigation, 9–10, 11, 12–14

professional career, reputation, 12–13, 26–35, 309–12, 315–17

Rizzo investigation, 14–16, 17, 35, 43–61, 231–32

conclusion of, 309–15

indictments, etc., 275, 276–81

Munich, 58–61, 65–110, 117, 142, 151, 152, 153–56, 202

New York City, 43–61, 116–19, 122–23, 124–28, 131–33, 135–39, 142–43, 149–51

press conference, 312–14

undercover operations, 134–41; see also Electronic surveillance

securities racket puzzle parts solved, 175, 176, 195, 207, 222, 228, 287

tried to initiate investigation of Connally, 295–97

turning Grant and Mayo as witnesses, 156–60

Coffey, Joseph, Sr. (father), 18–23, 24–25

Coffey, Kathleen (daughter), 25–26

Coffey, Margaret (mother), 18–19, 21–23

Coffey, Patricia Flynn (wife), 25, 26, 33–34, 43, 61, 190–91, 310

Cohen, Tobias “Teddy,” 134, 165–67, 168

Colombi, Elio, 259

Colombo, Joseph, 44

Colombo, Stefano, 259

Columbia Civic League Club (New York City), 14, 15, 16, 44, 48, 51, 116, 309

Commercial Credit Bank of Muralto (Switzerland), 258

Condotte Dacqua, 264

Connally, John B., Jr., 294–97, 300

Consolidated Intermediate Credit Bank, 165

Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company (Chicago), 3, 264, 301

Belgian branch, 171, 172

Cooke, Terence Cardinal, 299–300

Corruption, 11, 120–21

New York City Police Department, 311, 316

Nixon administration, 295–97

Vatican, 216

Crazy Horse Bar (New York City), 169

Credit cards, see Airline tickets, credit cards, stolen

Credit Suisse, 178, 179

Creekmore, Herbert, 182–83, 187–88, 190

Crespino, Philip, 13–15, 96, 309

Crime families, 3, 15, 57 see also Organized crime; Mafia; Syndicate

Cronin, Henry, 28–29, 31

Crotti, Raul, 150, 151

Cuba, 178

Cuban terrorists, 10, 33

D’Angelo, (Father) Salvatore, 212

Dean, John, 300

De la Pena, John Michael

Devereaux, 193, 194, 259–60

Dellacroce, Aniello, 44

De Lorenzo, Anthony “Hickey,” 40

De Lorenzo, Gerardo “Jerry,” 40, 48, 49, 117

De Lorenzo, Matteo “Marty,” 1–4, 40, 97, 133–34, 166, 202

counterfeit money, 143, 145, 146

sentenced to prison, 281

trip to Munich with Rizzo, 152, 153–56

in Vatican securities deal, 225, 226, 229

Di Carli, Victor, 250, 252

DiCastol, Pete, 126–27

Dinaro, Jack, 120, 121

Dunn, John “Cockeye,” 20–21, 22

Eboli, Tommy, 36, 40

Edilcentro International, 264

Edizione Paoline (publishing house), 215

Ehrlichman, John, 300

Electronic surveillance, 4, 46, 51–61, 66, 115–60

of Rizzo in Munich, 65–104, 313–14

Ense, Winfried, 71, 72, 74, 129, 133, 231, 269

Coffey confronted re stolen securities, 283–86

dealings with Rizzo, 76–95, 96, 98, 103, 104–06, 154–55

securities racket, 108–09, 170–74, 196–97, 202, 318

Vatican securities deal, 224, 234–35, 237–40, 241–43, 244, 255, 270–71

Ervin, Sam, 295

Etablissement Proco, 210

Evans, Mr., see Jacobs, Manuel Richard “Ricky”

Evans Import Trading Company (New York), 233, 234, 255

Extortion, 47, 56

in Playboy Club, 8–12

by Rizzo, 66, 281

F. Bobinger (company), 109

Fasco International Holdings Company (Luxembourg), 264, 266, 301

Fayer, Dagobert, 171–73

Federal Bureau of Investigation, 56, 147, 275, 300, 308

approved Tamarro’s trip abroad, 283–84

investigation of Coffey, 278–79

relied on overseas agents, 153

in Rizzo investigation, 104, 106, 115, 119, 120–23, 124

and securities racket, 100, 103

Federal Intermediate Credit Bank, 2

Federal National Mortgage Association, 2

Ferienstadt Bel Air (Company), 110, 198, 202

Finabank of Geneva, 264

Finag Akhiengeselschaft of Rathausgasse/Glarus, 110, 198–99, 201

First Liberty Fund, 188–89

First National City Bank of New York, 250, 252

First Union, 2, 198

Flegenheimer, Arthur (aka Dutch Schultz), 18

Flynn, Patricia, see Coffey, Patricia Flynn

Foligni, Mario, 211–13, 215, 217, 224, 304, 305–06, 312, 315

attempt to investigate, 298, 299

Coffey and Tamarro tried to see, 287–88

Marcinkus’s dealings with, 305–07

in Vatican securities deal, 252–55, 256, 270

Fordham University, 23, 24

Fornasari, (Monsignor) Mario, 213, 253–54, 287

Francis, Connie, 57

Frank, Les, 140–41

Franklin National Bank (Long Island), 250, 266–68

Fraunces Tavern (New York City), 316

Friar’s Club (Beverly Hills), 101, 222

Friedlander, Enrico, 195, 227

Frustachi, Nicholas, 44

Galardi, Sylvaire, 195, 260

Galina, Gino, 49

Gallo, Joseph N., 31, 44

Garelik, Sanford D., 27–28, 31

Geiger, Leonard, 24

Genalis, Kenneth, 65, 68

General Electric Company, 2, 229, 234, 253

General Portland Cement Company, 2, 182, 198

Genovese, Vito, 3

Genovese [crime] family, 13, 15, 36, 40, 45

German police, 68–70, 73, 78–79, 104, 105, 106, 110, 283, 313–14

Germany: laws re electronic surveillance, 65–66, 68–69

Giancana, Sam, 101

Gigante, Vincent “The Chin,” 44

Gittleman, Louis “Potatoes,” 167, 173, 230, 312, 314

Glarner Bank (Switzerland), 199, 201, 202

Goldstock, Ronald, 158, 289, 299, 312

in Rizzo investigation, 48, 51, 52, 57, 99, 135, 152, 276

Gooss and Company, 180, 184

Grant, Hyman “Tony” (aka Hyman Clebanoff), 143–45, 165, 193, 259, 270, 312–13, 315

arrest, turned as witness, 156–57, 158–60, 174, 190, 275–88 passim

discussed on Munich tape, 78, 79, 88, 97

narcotics dealing, 147–50, 151, 152–53, 156

sentenced, 315

Vatican securities deal, 227–28, 230, 231, 235, 237–40, 243, 244, 258

Gray, Charles, 123, 125

Gray, L. Patrick, 284, 300

Guercia, Mother Superior Remigia, 228

Guschall, Rudolph, 196, 197–99, 201–02, 203, 286, 318

in Vatican securities deal, 224, 233–34, 254, 255, 256–57, 271

Haldeman, H. R., 300

Hambros Bank (London), 264

Hammac, Roy, 178, 179, 182, 183–84

Handels Bank (Zurich), 252–53, 254, 255, 257, 304, 307

Hanseatic Bank (New York City), 253

Hauss, John J., 259

Heimerle, Jimmy (aka James Farrell), 45, 54–55, 131, 146–47, 157

turned informant, 275–77, 279

Hinckley, Gerard, 7–8, 10–11, 12

Hoffa, James R., 24, 40

Hogan, Frank, 7, 17, 49, 96, 309, 316

announced indictments in securities investigation, 276, 277

anticorruption stand, 10, 11, 30–31

Coffey’s appointment to office of, 28–31

Coffey’s relation with, 34–35

and decision to pursue Vatican investigation, 288–89, 293, 299, 302–03

farewell to Coffey, 311

and question of investigating Connally, 295

Rizzo investigation, 48, 59–61, 65, 67, 115

Hollman, Daniel, 57, 99–100, 104

Holmes, John, 251

Hoodlums (New York City), 8, 12, 36

Hoover, J. Edgar, 116, 300

Hotel Columbus (Rome), 216

Hotel Roosevelt (New York City), 29

Houlihan, John E. (aka Joe Morgan), 259

Hubert, Kurt, 201, 271

Institute per Opere Religiosi, see Vatican Bank

Intercommerce Group (Rome), 212, 305

Intercontinental Rami Etablissement, 210

International Brotherhood of Teamsters:

investigation of, 24

Local 804, 19–20, 24, 40

International Business Machines, 2, 40, 182, 193, 196, 199, 250–52

International Telephone and Telegraph, 193, 296, 297, 300

Interpol, 71, 144, 255

Interpromotions Corporation, Ltd., 71, 72, 110

Interterra (company), 210

Investors Bank of Luxembourg, 250–51

Italian authorities:

refusal to cooperate in securities investigation, 287–88, 301

J. Martello Shoe Concession, 166

Jacobs, Evelyn, 101, 102, 192, 314

discussed on Munich tape, 77, 84, 85, 97

Jacobs, Jerry Marc, 101, 103, 181, 190, 201, 221, 255, 269, 281, 285

discussed on Munich tape, 77, 79–80, 88, 90, 97, 98

Rizzo’s attempt to collect money from, 128–30

sentenced, 314

in Vatican securities deal, 224–25, 227, 231,234–45, 270

Jacobs, Manuel Richard “Ricky,” 109, 159, 243, 244, 259, 285

dealing in stolen securities, 100–03, 163–65, 169–74, 312

dealing in stolen securities: Vatican, 219, 220–28, 229, 255, 263

discussed on Munich tape, 76–98 passim, 144–45

in Europe with Ense and Barg, 192–203

and John Connally, 293–97

in Panama swindle, 176, 180–90, 251

prison sentence, 102, 314

relation with Ledl, 220–23, 236

Jimmy’s Lounge (New York City), 44–47, 48, 165, 277, 279, 309

electronic surveillance, 51–61, 66, 121, 122, 135–41, 143–44, 149

undercover operations, 134–41

John Paul I, Pope, 320

John Paul II, Pope, 320–21

Kacso, Karoly, 208, 209

Kalin, Werner, 199

Karminex (company), 195

Karminex-Handels (company), 195

Kassap, Gerald, 187

Kassap Rag Company, 251

Keenan, John, 311, 316

Kennedy, David M., 301

Kennedy, Robert F., 24

Kenney, John, 268

King, Paul, 165, 167, 168, 169

Kissinger, Henry, 300, 303

Kleindienst, Richard, 295, 296, 300

Knapp Commission, 311

Konig, George, 196

L and S Coffee Shop (New York City), 16, 51, 116

Labor unions, 19–20, 24–25

LaGuardia Airport (New York City), 316

La Manna, Tommy, 45

Landolt, Jules, 110

Lansky, Meyer, 18, 178, 190

Leary, Howard, 27

Lebensfeld, Harry “Heshy,” 66, 94, 97, 151, 154

Ledl, Leopold, 159, 203, 207–12, 220–23, 255, 313

arrest of, 249–50, 252, 304

discussed on Munich tape, 78, 79–80, 81, 87, 97, 144, 145

information on securities racket from, 287, 293–94, 296, 298

sentenced, 315

in Vatican securities deal, 215–19, 222–28, 229, 233–36, 263, 266, 271

Levy, Alan Charles, 187, 251

Lindsay, John V., 27

Loansharking, 8, 41, 279

Loeb Rhoades, 260, 261

Loraine (barmaids Jimmy’s Lounge), 47, 139

Lubin, Ely, 229, 230

Lucchetti, Virgilio, 261

Luciano, Charles “Lucky,” 3

Lynch, William, 302–05, 308

McCabe, Stanley Myron, 194

McClellan, John, 24

McDonald Construction Company of Los Angeles, 179

McGoey, Ted, 165, 168, 169

McGrath, Eddie, 18, 19, 22

Mackell, Thomas, 311

Mafia, 9, 15, 224, 265

Coffey’s study of, 22

see also Syndicate

Mafia families, 44–45

Maguire, Robert, 321

Mahler, Giovanni, 260–61

Mantell, Dominic, 102, 163, 176–91, 251, 312, 314

Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company, 3, 168

Marchini, Alfio, 212, 213, 256–57, 258

Marchini, Sandro, 256–57, 258, 263

Marcinkus, (Bishop) Paul, 213–19 passim, 234, 239, 252, 254, 256

attempts to investigate re securities deal, 298–302, 304–07

named cardinal, 321

power and position of, 320–21

relation with Sindona, 263–68, 301, 304, 305, 320

Marino, Pasquale “Patty,” 45, 132, 149, 150, 151, 157, 168, 277, 312, 314

Marion, Isadore “Izzy,” 56–57, 79, 119–30, 131, 281

Martinez, Edward, 303–04

Mayo, Freddy, 45, 54, 131, 146–47, 151

turned informant, 142–43, 156–57, 275–77, 279

Meat Industry (New York City), 11, 16, 17, 43

Mennini, Luigi, 264–65

Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Smith, 3, 182, 193, 203, 259

Metropolitan Import Truckmen’s Association, 40

Meyer, Albert Gregory, 213

Meyer, Richard, 192, 195, 227

Milo, Louis, 229, 318

Mitchell, John, 300

Mizono, William, 147, 157


counterfeit, 98, 133, 143–51, 281

laundered, 265, 267–68

Montello, Lou, 8, 9–12

Montpellier (France) vacation home project, 198, 199, 200, 201

Mullins, Larry, 44, 46, 48, 51, 137–39, 152–53, 157–58

Multi-National Investment (fund), 179

Munich, Germany:

center for trading in hot securities, 107–10

police, 4, 153–154; see also German police

Munich tape recording, 76–97

passim, 202, 222, 231, 244–45, 283

Coffey quoted from, to Ense, 284–85

puzzle parts solved from, 175, 176, 195, 207, 222, 228, 287

see also Electronic surveillance

Nadart and Company, 180, 184

Narcotics trade, 41, 45, 131, 147 48, 150–51, 152–53, 157, 159

cases re, 279, 281

Playboy Club, 8

Natari V, prince of Burundi, 209

National Aviation Corporation, 2, 182, 198

Neal, Ray, 120, 123–28

Neubert, Marina Giurati, 224, 233–57 passim, 270, 287, 299, 313, 315

New People’s Party (Italy), 315

New York City Police Department:

corruption in, 311, 314

rackets bureau, 7, 9

Tactical Patrol Force (TPF), 27–28

see also Organized Crime Homocide Task Force (New York City)

New York Herald Tribune, 80

New York Times, 267, 295

Nicholson, Robert, 127–28, 149, 150

Nixon, Richard, 294, 295–97, 300–01

Nordling, Bertling, 195

Norton Simon, Inc., 2, 180, 184, 186, 192, 198

Nuova Sirce (company), 212–13, 253, 305

Occidental Petroleum Corporation, 2, 180, 184, 186, 192, 198

Offers, Hendrik Jacobus, 195–96

Onassis, Aristotle, 211

Operation Fraulein, 63–111, 308, 319

Organized crime, 3

Coffey’s dream to fight, 18, 22, 26, 27

investigations of, 10, 24

in labor unions, 20

trade in stolen/counterfeit securities, 100, 102–03, 107–08, 164; see also Securities, stolen and counterfeit

see also Mafia; Syndicate

Organized Crime Homicide Task Force (New York City), 317, 318

Organized Crime Strike Force, 99–100, 115, 289, 299

Otto Dierks Bank, 106, 151, 171, 202

Pan American World Airways, Inc., 2, 229, 234, 253, 258, 260, 261

Panama: swindle scheme, 177–91, 287

Patriarca, Raymond, 250

Paul VI, Pope, 214, 298, 300, 306, 320

Pecher, Rudolph, 69–70, 284

Pedroni, Oswald, 259

Pesenti, Carlo, 212, 213, 306

Peter, Klaus, 68–69, 71, 96, 106, 110

Petrosino (policeman), 59

Piermonte, Gabe, 126

Pierre Hotel (New York City), 126

Pietrantoni, Dario, 261

Pinzon, Robert, 185

Playboy Club (New York City), 8–12

Playboy Hotel (Great Gorge, N.J.), 56

Police Academy (New York City), 27

Ponte’s restaurant (New York City), 47–50, 51

Prohibition, 18

Protected witness program, 142, 182, 318

Puchet, Andres, 150, 151

Puerto Rican terrorists (New York City), 316

Radaelli, Adriana, 259

Raia, Peter Joseph (aka Peter Martell, Joe Costanza, etc.), 166–69, 172, 173, 259, 312, 314

ordered Benjamin beaten, 269–70

securities deals, 180–94 passim, 200, 203

Rauber, Carl, 303

Regina Hotel (Munich) securities ring, 107–09, 110

Riccardelli, Michael, 120, 126

Rigali, Justin, 303

Rizzo, George, 45

Rizzo, Vincent, 3–4, 36–42, 267, 285, 289, 309

abandoned Grant in jail, 158–60

background of, 36–40

beat Jose Brocero, 134–35

and Coffey:

early interest in Rizzo, 15–16, 17, 35

investigation, Munich, 58–61, 65–110, 117, 142, 151, 152, 153–56, 202

investigation, New York City, 43–61, 116–19, 121–23, 124–28, 131–33, 135–39, 142–43, 149–51

serving subpoena, 278

dealings in counterfeit money, 143–51

electronic surveillance of, 51–61, 116, 270–71

extortion by, 66, 281

loansharking business, 132–33

Munich trips, 1–4, 65–110, 151–52, 153–56, 173–74, 202; see also Munich tape recording

ordered murder of Affinito, 270, 317–18

narcotics dealing, 147–50

paroled, 323

place in syndicate, 15, 36, 40–41, 45, 48, 269

police record, 39–40

revenge on Coffey, 278–79

securities racket, 2–3, 40, 41, 133–34, 164–75 passim, 184–203 passim, 222, 223–24, 312

sentenced, 314–15

stinginess, 41, 58, 146, 268

in Vatican securities deal, 225–32, 244–45, 255, 263, 268–71

Robertazzi, William, 128, 129, 281

Rockefeller, Nelson, 29

Rodriguez, Jimmy, 134–35, 152–53

Rogers, Frank, 60–61

Rogers, James, 182–83, 188

Roselli, John, 101, 102, 163

Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 195

Rupprecht, 69

Ruthie (neighborhood character), 137–38

St. Agnes Parochial School (New York City), 22–23

Salamero, Jose Antonio Perez, 178–79, 181, 182, 184–87, 189–90

Salli, Sam, 133, 145–46, 148, 281

Saraniero, Anthony, 14, 15–16

Schoppman, Rudolf, 169–70, 172, 194

Scientific Incineration Devices, Inc., 120, 128

Scotti, Alfred, 30, 312

Secret Service, 146, 147

Securities, stolen and counterfeit, 2–3, 40, 41, 78–80, 97–98, 163–65, 280

cases re, 280, 282, 285–86, 304, 312–14

clues re disposition of, 263–71

indictments, prosecution, 275–82

international investigation of, 283–89

international market in, 106–10

Jacobs’s European dealings in, 192–203

Ledl’s dealings in, 211, 249–50

in Panama swindle, 179–91

Shinwell schemes re, 250–52

trade in 100, 103, 106–10, 115–16, 131, 133–34

uses of, 108

Vatican conspiracy re, 176, 218–19, 222–45, 252–71, 283, 285, 288–89, 298–308, 317–21

Security Pacific Bank (Los Angeles), 3, 180, 184–85, 186, 203

Separate Tables restaurant (New York City), 124, 125

Shaw, Edward, 312

Shearson, Hammill, 3

Sheen, Fulton J., 22–24

Shinwell, Lord Emanuel, 177

Shinwell, Ernest, 159, 203, 250–51, 313, 315

Panama swindle, 177–90, 192

Sindona, Michele, 214–15, 256, 301, 322

and Marcinkus, 263–68, 301, 304, 305, 320

Slater, David W., 178, 179, 183–84

Slater, Sidney, 31–32

Soboski, Adolf, 147, 148, 151, 153, 157, 159

turned informant, 279, 280

Società Generale Immobiliare, 264

Società Italiana per le Strade Ferrante Meridionali (Bastogi), 265–66

Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 23, 216

“Son of Sam” murderer, 316

Spadaro (Deputy Attorney General, Italy), 233

Stans, Maurice, 300, 301

Stern magazine, 215, 315, 318

Stritch, Samuel Cardinal, 213

Suesans, Jacques, 82, 97, 194–95, 196, 221, 227

Swiss Israel Trading Bank (Zurich), 196

Swiss People’s Bank of Lugano, 261

Syndicate, 9, 14

reaction to indictments, 277

relation with law officers, 120–21

Rizzo’s place in, 15, 36, 40–42, 45, 48, 269

travel agency, 54–55, 131–32, 275; see also Airline tickets, credit cards, stolen

Tamarro, Richard, 131; 133, 143–44, 150, 153, 217, 275, 299, 312, 318

international securities investigation, 116, 283–89, 293–94, 298

investigated Coffey, 279

and investigation of Vatican, 302–03, 307–08

tried to initiate investigation of Connally, 295, 296

Tartaglia, Phil, 44, 48, 49, 117

Teamsters Union, see International Brotherhood of Teamsters

Time magazine, 295

Tisserant, Eugene Cardinal, 216–19, 229, 236, 239, 244, 298

Tootsie (barmaid, Jimmy’s Lounge), 47, 139

Torrijos, Omar, 177

Tortora, Vincent “Popo,” 45, 46, 47, 54, 117, 123, 124, 131, 132, 281

evidence of crimes by, 119–23

Trafficante, Santo, 176

Trapani, Mario, 48, 49, 51, 53, 153, 156

Tresch, Italo, 250–52

Tullio, Torchiana, 265–66

Union Bank of Lugano, 196, 258

Union Trust Company (St. Louis), 182, 203

Unishops, Inc., 2, 182, 193, 198

United Parcel Service (New York City), 18, 19

United States:

protected witness program, 142, 182, 318

treasury bills, notes, 2, 109, 129, 165, 168–69, 174–75, 176, 220, 285

U.S. Department of Justice, 276

and securities racket, 100, 103, 115

see also Organized Crime Strike Force

Vagnozzi, Edigio Cardinal, 216

Vatican, the, 78–80, 97–98, 100, 133, 159

Coffey ordered not to mention at press conference, 312–13

Marcinkus’s career at, 214

Pontifical Relief Organization, 216

Sacre Congregazione Dei Religiosi, 225, 304

securities conspiracy, 176, 218–19, 222–45, 252–71, 283, 285, 288–89, 298–308, 317–21

Vatican Bank, 214, 218, 256, 258, 304, 305, 306, 320

Sindona and, 263–65, 268

Vatican treasury, 217

Verrone, Joe, 134

Vesco, Robert, 250

Vetrano, Joseph, 213

Viggiano, Donald, 12–14, 16, 53

Villot, Jean Cardinal, 267, 300, 302

Visney, Franz, 196

Vitrano, Paul, 8, 10, 12, 309, 316

and Coffey’s appointment to Hogan’s office, 29, 30–31

and decision to pursue Vatican investigation, 289, 299

press conference re Rizzo investigation, 312

in Rizzo investigation, 14, 16, 17, 32, 43, 48, 51, 52, 57, 58–61, 65–67, 98–99, 151, 152, 155–56

Wall Street Journal, 313

Walsh, Matthew, 29–30, 31

Wammi, King of Burundi, 209

Washington Post, 295, 300

Watergate investigation, 295–97, 300

Wescott, John, 181, 187–88

Westdeutsche Landesbank Gerozentral, 265

Western Electric, 25–26

Westropa Construction Company (Vienna), 210

Wilson, Phillip Morrel, 188–89

Winfried Ense House of Confections, 109

Wollner, Jacques, 250–51

Xavier High School (New York City), 23

Xerox, 193

Zerilli, Joe, 57, 102

Zurich International Holding Company, 251

Zurich International Investment Corporation, 178, 189