Apart from extensive original research and interviews with sources on both sides of the law, the authors have drawn on published sources listed below. We wish particularly to acknowledge the work of the late Richard Hall and of Keith Moor, Bob Bottom, Tom Noble and gun-for-hire John Kerr.


Booth, Pat: The Mr Asia File.

Bottom, Bob: Connections.

Bottom, Bob: Connections 2.

Bottom, Bob: Shadow of Shame.

Bottom, Bob: Without Fear or Favour.

Freeman, George: An Autobiography.

Goodsir, Darren: In the Line of Fire.

Hall, Richard: Greed.

Hickie, David: The Prince and the Premier.

McCoy, Alfred: Drug Traffic.

Moor, Keith: Crims in Grass Castles.

Noble, Tom and Smith, Arthur: Neddy.

Reeves, Tony: Mr Big.

Reeves, Tony: Mr Sin.

Silvester, John and Rule, Andrew: Tough: 101 Gangsters.

Silvester, John and Rule, Andrew: Underbelly series, 1-11.

Whitton, Evan: Can Of Worms.

Wilson, David and Murdoch, Lindsay: Big Shots.

Wilson, David and Robinson, Paul: Big Shots 2.

Government Reports

Victorian Coronial reports into the deaths of Ray Bennett, Les Kane, Brian Kane, Norman McLeod, Laurie Prendergast and Roger Wilson.

NSW Coronial report into the presumed murder of Christopher Dale Flannery.

Final report of the NSW Drug/Murder Taskforce.

Nagle, John: Special Commission of Inquiry into police investigations into the Donald Mackay murder.

Royal Commission reports from:

Costigan, Frank.

Stewart, Donald.

Williams, Edward.

Woodward, Philip.

Supreme Court transcripts (various).