Be Grateful for All You Have

Make gratitude a guiding principle of your life. Start by practicing mindfulness in the present moment. Let your senses of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch and your intuition inform you of the great power and blessing inherent in a single moment. Absorbed, you let go of doing and come into being. Joy rises spontaneously in you but because you are so focused you might not realize how happy and satisfied you feel. Even more marvelous is that you lose your sense of individuality and worries fall away. To be able to practice mindfulness is itself a gift. This ancient practice can lead you to appreciate the interconnectedness of all life and a desire to acknowledge all the goodness that exists in every single moment. In turn, such feelings of gratitude for how you are blessed can trigger a desire to help others find happiness.

Try using a small stone with the word gratitude printed on it as a touchstone to remind you to use positive language and say thank you often. Carry it in your pocket so that throughout the day whenever you touch it, you’ll be reminded to sow seeds of gratitude.