Clarify Your Intention

You’ve always wanted to go to Peru, see the Andes, the Amazon rainforest, and Machu Picchu. Peruvian landscapes, colonial cathedrals, and ethnic works of art dot your walls. You can’t explain the attraction since you don’t know any Peruvians, nor have you had any other exposure to the country. Yet when someone asks you where you’d most like to go on vacation, that country pops right up on your lips.

Write out your intention in a clear statement of purpose and then you are ready to break your purpose into smaller, incremental goals. Write down your goals, including a reward for reaching each one. Follow this plan with the following affirmation: I intend to visit Machu Picchu in May next year. Stay focused. Do not doubt and you’ll get there, because every intention must be answered.

Here’s a twice-daily ritual to strengthen your specific intention, whatever it may be. Light a joss stick (of dried perfume paste) or incense to sanctify the space.

1. Sit in your favorite meditation posture with eyes closed and declare your specific intention.

2. Feel worthy. Trust that you’ve been heard.

3. Visualize your desire manifesting and feel the emotional high.

4. Seize opportunity when it comes; give thanks.