If someone from the past has caused you to doubt the validity of your worth in the world and silenced your voice, find ways to reemerge, gain confidence, and speak out. In the greater universe, we may be tiny specks, but in this world, you are just as important as every other person. To empower your authentic voice, join a book club, community forum, or social group where disseminating ideas and expressing personal opinions are encouraged. Work with a therapist or coach or reflect on your voice by doing the following ritual:
1. Wash a blue lapis lazuli chakra stone in a mild saltwater solution and let it dry in the sun (to absorb solar energy).
2. Lie in the Corpse Pose (a yoga position in which you’re flat on your back, palms up at your side) and place the stone over the center of your throat.
3. Meditate on your inner divine nature and that happiness that arises when you use your voice.