Self-love is compassion and caring for the self; it’s not “all about me.” Self-love is any action that includes behaviors and attitudes that help you better appreciate yourself and your own happiness. Society is always screaming messages that you have to do more, be more, give more. Forget about the accomplishments you haven’t achieved yet. Instead, focus on the lovely, unique being that you are. Give attention to what nourishes your spiritual, psychological, and emotional growth. Nurture yourself through daily care of your body-mind-spirit needs. That means caring for your body through good nutrition and hydration, adequate sleep, exercise, and healthy intimacies and relationships with others.
Self-love demands that you protect yourself from harmful energies of those who do not respect your boundaries. To cultivate caring toward yourself, forgive and let go of guilt. You don’t benefit from having guilt in your life, and being hard on yourself won’t further your happiness or success. Love yourself and live an intentional life on purpose with your deepest dreams and desires. Make it a ritual to rise each day and affirm that this is a new day, full of possibilities. Claim it as yours.