From the moment you awaken your mind begins chattering with a steady stream of thoughts. Establish a positive mental state by counting a cycle of deep and slow breaths for five minutes or more. Make the count of your exhalation twice as long as the inhalation. Mindful breath work is a surefire way to calm the noise in your mind, slow the mental babble, and center your thoughts. Deep breathing can be done anytime during the day when you have a free minute or two. Before an early-morning ritual of breath work, note the following:
• Avoid eating for several hours (easy when you do your practice upon awakening).
• Drink only water one half-hour before practice.
• Wear loose clothes.
• Align your head and spine for correct posture.
Eating and drinking can cause stomach upset and you don’t want your clothes to bind you as you practice deep breathing. Deep breathing detoxifies your body and oxygenates your cells while easing away stress and tension. It strengthens the lungs, heart, and immune system and also elevates mood, boosts stamina, and generates mental acuity.