Visualize Friendship

Friends are essential to true happiness. No one can walk through life alone and expect to be happy. Examine your life for the friends who helped you in some way to blossom. Express why you appreciate someone who has touched your life in profound and positive ways in an act of gratitude. Send out joy and appreciation and they will return to bless you.

1. Find a comfortable position in a chair or on a mat. Sit erect with eyes closed.

2. Take several deep, cleansing breaths.

3. Mentally invite in the friends who are walking with you on this journey of life—people who’ve touched you in a special way.

4. Focus on each person, explaining his or her particular gift to you and why you view it as a blessing.

5. Elaborate on how the blessing affects your life today.

6. Visualize the next friend and repeat the process. Do this until you’ve addressed each, in turn.

7. Thank your friends; vow to write a note of appreciation to each during the week (and follow through on that promise).

8. Rest in the warm happy feelings of being valued by your special coterie of friends. As you go forth into your day, do good for others as your friends have done for you.