Think of loving-kindness as a feel-good tonic for all the little irritations during the day that disturb your peace. The easiest way to practice loving-kindness of self is through breath work and mantras. By stirring your feelings of happiness toward yourself, you become empowered to radiate that feeling toward others. It’s as though you are wrapping them in the warm blanket of joy you’ve created through your generosity of spirit.
The first step in creating a loving-kindness ritual for peace directed toward yourself might be to come up with a phrase that you can recite mentally or aloud repeatedly throughout your day. The Peace be with you phrase used in some religious services is succinct and powerful. Or you might say on the inhaled breath, May I live in peace. On the exhaled breath, you might say, May peace permeate my being. Use myrrh aromatherapy in a diffuser or warmed wax burner to link your chosen phrase with a scent that will always remind you to recite those words.