Enjoy a Five-Minute Renewal

You try to eat well, exercise, and get enough sleep—at least a few hours every night—but sometimes the daily grind doesn’t leave much time for self-care. Before hectic, demanding, and tiring becomes the three-word mantra for your life, take a few minutes of each day to rest, relax, and recharge. Listen to your body; it tells you when to stop pushing.

No one can stay at the top of his or her game without some much-needed downtime. Throughout the day, reset your body’s batteries by reconnecting with your own source of happiness. Break the busy-busy cycle of work to create breathing space.

1. Sit with a straight spine, palms facing upward on your thighs.

2. Inhale, softly making the sound of So.

3. Exhale, making the sound of Hum. Do the So Hum breathing for one minute. (This mantra, from the Sanskrit, translates as “I am that I am.”)

4. Rest your consciousness in the silence for four minutes as your thoughts gravitate toward contact with the Divine.

5. Feel your life-force energy being recharged and reinvigorated and reconnect with your happy place.